How did the South America trip start for the 4 Amigos?

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Pack Dog
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
Rally raid 2010
So Henry booked us for the rally and we started to plan for this. We had a new leader and were later named the General.
The idea were to go throw Lesotho. Thirst night at oxbow then at I don't know and then at the venue Barkley.

The day we left for Lesotho. 3 x BMW's 650 GS Dakar , 1 x ktm 660 rally, 1 x ktm 690 and 4 x ktm 990. And lots of luggage.



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:lamer: i struggle with computer and pics that to big sorry. ill tell the howl story eventually.
Looks like a good one :thumleft:, ps love your avatar pic  :thumleft:
NOW the next morning after a lot of beers, 3 ships and captains, of we went from Oxbow loge.
Youwill see on pic.1 the road. GS stands for good sand roads not that
Gs brakes failed Henry went down.pic 2
We wanted to trade but he did not want to for a BM.pic 5
Before long we ran out of day light, and the one ktm gave problems after a R5000 service from ktm dealer.pic 4
We the BMW oaks had to go so long as we were the slowest in technical terrain.
You will not believe this NOW
It gets dark and f!@%$ quick as well. After 30 or so km going down the mountain and lots of fall over pick up bike fall again and again, we got to this man at about 20h30pm. His name, Peterus an angel in disguise. He took us BM okays to his fathers kraal .This is now about 21h00  .We BM oaks had no tents .We do have tents its gust left  at home we book hotel rooms we do not camp we had every thing ells ,…(  to be continued)


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So the old man gave us 3 his “rondavel” to sleep in. The rest of the ktm oaks arrived about an hour later and had to camp outside as they had tents.
It was cold that night but we 3 slept like kings.
The KTM oaks well they don't talk about that night.
That morning we woke up in the amassing VIEW .That morning we discovered that its not possible to do the last stretch. We had to turn back and go around on tar road. Why hadn't we done that the night before? Ask the @#$% General he wanted to show us “n mooi paatjies”.
EINA!!! pic  After rolling down the berg at night.Wanted to sell every thing, At that stage BMW with extras 50 bucks. I had an enough

( to be continued)


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awesome pics (esp the last one) Looking forward to more!
After 2 plus hours we got to the top for fuel. Beer, fish and bread.
It’s like a wimpy breakfast.


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On the road- tar again Sanni pass to Maseru. Then to lady grey.
It rained was cold and slippery
Henry was the lucky one as a sheep ran right in front of him killing the sheep. Luckily, not too much damage to him or the bike.


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Never leaf with out one.
At Maseru the guys boughs some blankets for the cold nights that lay a head
We got to the ktm rally venue late that night…… again, went to chow and then to the big tent.
We staid up till “vroeg” that morning as it were to cold in the tent. Better to stay by the fire.( with a beer)
That Saturday we didn't move a mussel. Sunday we went out for a ride. One of our mates went down and broke his collar bone so it was time to pack and go home.
We had the best ride ever. The general did not disappoint.


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Sad news BMW (tool) not suited for Lesotho.
BMW statistics : 3 x BMW only 3 mirrors left,  only  4 indicators left  2 x tail lights with number plats missing, 2 x dummy Stealth exhaust canisters missing. Total cost to repair bikes R 12000.

I sold mine.
Had to repaint Henry bike.
Roelfie still BMW fan.

next the olifants rivier trip


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Awesome guys! I like the pic of the tents.

So you didn't get to ride the Rallye Raid after all that?  :-\
Next the elephant's river trip with the general
Same story. We met at a spot on 28 October 2010.
this time we packed our tents.

This time we were only 2 x BMW GS 650, 1 x ktm 660 rally, 1 x ktm 640, 5 x ktm 9n’s
Accommodation booked in advance. For the first night, by the General.
The plan for the next day was to get to the elephants river before dark ( ha,ha) to cross it.
The General had some interesting “ paatjies” he wanted to show us so …well!!


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