How to fall in love with your bike again ...

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Bachelor Dog
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
Ok - just to restore some balance to the force...
:D ;D :p

I picked up the TTR on Tuesdsay morning and rode straight to work with it.
Since then I haven't touched Sauerkraut. :(
Just didn't have time to do anything but commuting.

So last night while Vicky's out at the theatre I decide to get us some pizza.
So the option is either my wife's 1964 (little sick at the moment) Anglia or the GS (its got a topbox).

Naturaly I chose the GS.

Holy mackeral, Batman!

It is amazing how you don't think about a bike's character or how it rides up to where you got used to something else.

Sheez - what a pleasure!

It is unfair to compare top of the range (at the time, albeit 7 years old) german technology/build quality of a big GS to mid range 10 year old 250cc small class touring machine, but that's not the point here...

The GS is just rock solid (yes, its heavy) and amazingly stable, smooth. The seat is like a sofa compared to the TTR offraod biased one. No vibes or rattles - nothing!

I was grinning like a small child that just got a Tyco Trucker set.

The power is also something you cannot compare without being unfair, but the way the delivery is done in a thumper and the boxer twin is also radically different.

I've noticed also the sharp difference in a chain final drive and the shaft.
Chain 'lag' is very easy to get used to and not really a problem, but the shaft is just so much smoother.

And the GS is fast! Geez its fast.

And did I mention powerfull ? :D ;D

No,TR, I'm not slagging the small bikes.
I'm just saying that I fell in love with the GS as if the 1st time.

I will still come and show the TTR to you in George, but from then on I'll keep the TTR for commuting, getting Vicky on her way with two wheels and ocasionally do the real off-your-rocker-'WTF'-type of technical and the odd 'go-play-in-the-bush' rides...

The TTR is a DIY hand job - gets the job done (quite efficiantly and with little fuss).

But the GS is that lady you're married to:
A good healty mix of safe and comfortable familiarity on the one side and a lusty need and excitement on the other.

She's the one that moves you in more ways than what you can explain.

She is, after all, the one you chose - chosen in not only desire but also a healthy but powerful attraction on so many different levels.

The 1st love.


And yes, I do feel that way about Vicky - 9 years married and sometimes it still feels like we've just met each other and fell in love...

I'm lucky that way.
