I need a new buff

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the_Wes, I have your buff that i promised you ;D ;D
Where can we meet, I work at the Waterfront.
Nice one Wes and Celeste, and yep very few people stop nowadays :) :) and somewhere on your travels it will come back to you....!!
Hi Wes.  Well done you and Celeste.

When reading the event, a storyI read more than once, came to mind.  Two guys, that you thought would help the guy that was attacked, passed the poor bloke, and another who was not of the same colour or class, who was detested by many others, stopped and helped.  

Well done for being the Good Samarithan.  I know you did not post this to be patted on the back, but never the less, this a good example of how to show the heart of the One who created us.  Keep on Loving thy Neighbour, Wes.
My brother inlaw ( who is not a small Oke ) a had two guys coloured riding like idiots on bicycles in front of him ( in a bakkie ) He hooted and they just carried on, next thing on of them is holding on kicking the side of his bakkie ( or something along those lines ) he stops because he does not want to drag the guy under the car. Next thing they both  him pull him out of the car and KICK the sh*t out of him...  The police arrive  as does his father AND a witness..  Police also both coloured tell him he got a nice hiding and that there is nothing they can do.. they then walk over to the two chaps that cause the sh*t and drive off... I mean WTF !!!!! , they then phone the station commander who said there was no report of any of his guys attending anything like that ???  Again WTF !!!!!

He has now taken it up with some independent agency but as the report was never filed and the names never put into a report how are they ever going to find the guys that did it ????

Strength and honor, dude. Your next beer at Kriges - on me.

Gulp, where in the hell did you get a WD buff ??? Been only looking for one for 4 months now.
Well done, honestly, me, I would not have turned back with wife and without side arm here in Gauteng in a case like that, chances would be 70% it's an ambush and yes, sadly another would have perished at the hand of his bro.  You have balls and compassion, respect.
BigEd said:
Strength and honor, dude. Your next beer at Kriges - on me.

Gulp, where in the hell did you get a WD buff ??? Been only looking for one for 4 months now.

He swindled Adventurer out of his last one at Doodles the other night ...


Yep! BigEd, Eisbein hit it right on the head! ;D
Adv's last on at Doodle, come to think of it i was not sure if he wanted to sell it or not? ::)
I said i would get "the _Wes" one and i did, hey i don't even  :( have one .What was i thing ??? ???
So I am now looking for my OWN BUFF, can any one help?? ;D
OK two things,

First forgot to say well done to Wes.. Total respect to you man, this world really needs a lot more people like yourself. A little compassion does go a long long way.. Top man Wes total respect to you man... 

The other thing... what the hell is a Buff ???  I know about the Buff ( as in the rally ) I've been but what are you guys talking about ???


Buff - is a tubular piece of material, in this case with paw prints on which can be worn manily as a scarf, head gear etc....

The Survivor series on TV made them very popular, check out a camping shop or do a search on Buff.
Gulp my good friend, as I have 3 "Buff's"  I will send you one with the wifes folks when they return home in April  ;)

