Is riding an adventure bike safer?

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Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
KTM 990 Adventure
The other day my dad asked me if cars are more aware of bikes nowdays or if they still dont notice them.

Now being new to riding, and only ever having ridden adventure bikes, I cant comment on drivers more than 5 years ago, but my logic and answer to him was this:

Being on an adventure bike means you sit high up. You can see over most cars and therefore get a better view of the up and coming intersection, and especially cars waiting for a gap to turn right across the intersection. So while you slowing down before you cross the intersection, (well, I do) you can judge what the oncoming traffic is doing.  Secondly, being higher up you are also more visible to the cars wanting to cross the intersection (not that I ever take that for granted).
If you are on a low bike, and hidden by other cars when moving through the traffic, your visibility I would guess is alot less than on an adventure bike, and the same goes for on coming traffic. They might not see you till you past any cars travellng in your direction.

Am I wrong?
This logic does have one fundamental flaw tho....... Toyota bloody Fortuners. They are everywhere, and you cant see a bloody thing past them. 

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