Itchy Boots - New Season

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Danie weet seker Yamaha en Destroyed kan nooit saamgaan nie

A Yamaha destroyes one's chance of sleeping with your girlfriends sister.

In fact, it destroys your chances of having a girlfriend in the first place.

Ek hoor hul is goed om ander ouens op te tel. Kyk maar hoeveel manne hier wil Pol se tol rol
A Yamaha destroyes one's chance of sleeping with your girlfriends sister.

In fact, it destroys your chances of having a girlfriend in the first place.

Ek hoor hul is goed om ander ouens op te tel. Kyk maar hoeveel manne hier wil Pol se tol rol
Wel gelukkig is dit n girl wat daai XT ry so sy sal nie gepla wees nie
Is jy seker jy't Dirt's pos heeltemaal gelees?
Ja en hoe kan jy met n meme stry

I used to not mind watching a bit of her travels and experiences, but this last lot of publicity is just plain annoying man. Show me the places I wanna see, show me the cultures and terrain, let me know how the bike manages/struggles etc. And yes, throw in a little bit of your mood.. Seriously this has now degraded into a Kardashian type expose. Fokkkkkittttttttttt :rolleyes: