Itchy Boots - New Season

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That Tenere seems nicely sorted/prepped now, in her latest Episode.
Luggage frames, HD clutch plates, en so aan.
And she kicks that 1VJ into life, easy peasy.
I've NEVER watched her before, but now can't wait for some new stuff from her.😁
That Tenere seems nicely sorted/prepped now, in her latest Episode.
Luggage frames, HD clutch plates, en so aan.
And she kicks that 1VJ into life, easy peasy.
I've NEVER watched her before, but now can't wait for some new stuff from her.😁
Party episodes is intersant met die paaie en area wat sy ry, ander episodes het "geological" informasie as daarso iets intresant is weens haar agter grond en opleiding, maar daai is eposides wat bietjie boring is of "fake drama" gevoel het. Daai titles se clickbait is iets verskriklik. Maar statistieke wys dit werk so kan dit seker nie teen haar hou nie.
Haar SA en Skandinawiê trips was vir my goed. Ek dink 'n groot gedeelte daarvan is juis oor waar sy gery het.
Ek het so hier en daar 'n episode gekyk van die ander maar van daai goed is net te lank en uitgerek.

Party episodes is intersant met die paaie en area wat sy ry, ander episodes het "geological" informasie as daarso iets intresant is weens haar agter grond en opleiding, maar daai is eposides wat bietjie boring is of "fake drama" gevoel het. Daai titles se clickbait is iets verskriklik. Maar statistieke wys dit werk so kan dit seker nie teen haar hou nie.
Nee jy kan dit verseker teen haar hou. Dit maak sommer dat ek nie weer sal kyk nie.
Well, wouldn't you wonder about that after growing up in a chokeless era and you 2nd ride on a bike with a choke?
Took me a little time to adjust the KTM 950 with the choke and also getting her started up first time and when to kill the choke compared to the luxury of riding a fuel injected bike like the Harley.