J-dog's Winterberg Race! *Now the Blue Horizon Enduro!!

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Wow Mr J-Dog. You got some big kahunas. Looking forward to your RR.  :ricky:

Subscribed.  :thumleft:
ChinaPete said:
:happy1: lots of pictures please
Sorry boet! Its not racing if he is stopping to take pictures!

Any one else going to be there for the pics?
Kenisis said:
ChinaPete said:
:happy1: lots of pictures please
Sorry boet! Its not racing if he is stopping to take pictures!

Any one else going to be there for the pics?

from one of JD's previous RR I noticed he has a helmet cam, some new fangled invention they have down there in the republic

ChinaPete said:
Kenisis said:
ChinaPete said:
:happy1: lots of pictures please
Sorry boet! Its not racing if he is stopping to take pictures!

Any one else going to be there for the pics?

from one of JD's previous RR I noticed he has a helmet cam, some new fangled invention they have down there in the republic

True! Sadly a Helmet cam generally doesnt give much exciting footage unless
1. You overtake
2. get overtaken
3. You Fall.

So I wait!
Jdog!! Do not attempt it. You will not make a race!! You cannot do it!!

Just a Jdog style stirring post. Enjoy and good luck.
2StrokeDan said:
Jdog!! Do not attempt it. You will not make a race!! You cannot do it!!


Ek wou net se... dit is nou presies die verkeerde ding om vir hom te se.
Hmm. I see a pack of Peter Stuyvesant in the pic! Are you gonna give them up for the Enduro?
If you do it - RESPECT !!!!!. I'm not sure if i'm up to something like that, but I enjoy the odd weekend fun on the plastic.  :thumleft:

Your first aim must be to just finish in one piece, by doing that you'll beat a lot of the fast warriors who never complete due to fall's and blown engines  :thumleft:
A journey into your weight loss regime..... again.

Remind us how did it go last year, round about this time.


:pot: :pot:
On Saturday a few members of the Rover Club were roped into clearing out some of the track for the race on the 13th. KTMJedi kindly asked me to join them for the day’s cutting and a braai and sleepover on Saturday night. We spent the day chain-sawing and panga’ing some of the tracks which were overgrown, and I got a chance to view some of the riding terrain and tracks:

The hill climb out of “Crankcase Alley” Many riders are going to struggle here. Even a Landrover bailed out of this climb a while back.


Panorama looking down into the alley


One of the river tracks. Tough to pass here.


Clearing out a small stream


Chain saw guy. Lots of step ups and downs in this stream


Thorns the size of a kudu horn and prickly pears. We tried to clean out as much as we could


KTMJedi with the panga


Our camp and braai spot for the night


The Jedi himself. His wrist was so sore from chopping, he admitted it would have to be TOTAL sex abstinence for a few days.


We didn’t do any riding as we basically chopped the whole day, and Sunday was raining.

Jedi is hopefully taking me for some training rides in the area next weekend. The route looks manageable, with some particularly tricky sections, but the main problem will be riding fast for 75 km, and trying to maintain form.
What is the loop distance? You say riding fast for 75km. The first sighter loop is not flat out  and you should have anough time to finish within the cut off. So this should be used to get familiar with the loop and see where you can go fast and where you will loose time if you get stuck. I would advise looking for sneak lines as well. The second loop is the flat out run, the fitness and concentration comes into play here. ( I got to comfortable at pace and ended up going THROUGH a orange tree, ripped my shirt with oranges flying everywhere with juice all over me.)

Is what you have in the picture going to be on the club route?

Last year was about a 35kn loop for which you had 2 hours to do the first loop. For the second loop you had 1 hour then penalty points in line with seconds lost.
Ja, doing the club class, which I believe is two loops of 35km or so.

The terrain looks like it will be slowish and tiring, particularly after the regionals etc have chowed it up a bit. With some rain, it will be muddy.
J-Dog before you will be allowed to race you will have to cut your hair and get rid of that gay alice band you wear !  >:D
The club loop will be ok if you just wanna finish and have fun, ask the man in the picture with the smoke in his mouth, his better half did it last year and will probably also be doing it this year.

Problem is you will wanna post a good time on the second loop. I did last years first loop at about 1 h 35min. I though I would be able to improve on the second by about 10 min. Ended up doing a 1h 06 minute loop. Which thinking back for my first enduro was a bit stupid and I had some close calls. Like I said the orange tree, I rode over my own foot at pace, the cactus trees (ooohh hell) and the water crossings were deep and long. Had someone ride into me from behind at pace! I dropped the bike once and when I got it back up I got hooked on another guys KTM (my side stand into his bike somewhere when he came past) that took a while to untangle.

I had great fun doing it and think you will be ok. Fitness does help though. Post your race number up here so we can support and say hi on the day. ( and take pictures >:D)
Try and pit with someone you know who can talk you through the procedure of the day but more importantly help calm the nerves with chit chat. Follow the first gear pit straight rules, get to the start a few minutes ahead of time and make sure your card is signed well before you set off.

You might already know all of this :biggrin:
This years route is going to be tougher than last years route ! about the last standard of 4- 5 years ago.
SeanW said:

You are aware of the various classes I take it.

Suggest riding the Club Class seeing as this is your first race. This should not prove too arduous as in the regs it is described as "Club /Novice/ Social/Ladies"

Whatever you do, do not enter the National/Seniors or silver classes.

Good luck. I will see you down there !

Mah man - take this advice seriaasly!! :deal: