J-dog's Winterberg Race! *Now the Blue Horizon Enduro!!

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shall I take off the Maxxis on the 300 and put the Mitas on - will it make a diff? I need all the help I can get  :ricky:
J-dog™ said:
shall I take off the Maxxis on the 300 and put the Mitas on - will it make a diff? I need all the help I can get  :ricky:
chalk and cheese !
KTMjedi said:
J-dog™ said:
shall I take off the Maxxis on the 300 and put the Mitas on - will it make a diff? I need all the help I can get  :ricky:
chalk and cheese !

thanks for the phone chat. Getting one today  :laughing4:
subscribed......Jdog jy is awsome!!!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Lekker J-Dog  :thumleft:  Pissies will never be heroes!  :biggrin:

How was your pratice riding this weekend? :mwink:
OK, went for a hard and fast training ride at Rover on Saturday. Unfortunately, Reece had a fall and broke his clutch bracket and had to turn back. I continued with my other Winterberg rider.

We sought out a variety of terrain, including dunes, fast flat sections, some water/mud and some real bundu bashing sections with obstacles.

We covered about 30 km's in an 90 minutes, which is on track for a single lap of the Winterberg. It's interesting how the ride affected me and Gerhard. He had no problem with the cardio fitness, but got very sore hands and wrists. I was moeg and sweat soaked, but had no muscle fatigue.

Today I am a little stiff.

It's amazing how riding hard and racing takes it out of one. I have ridden that same route at 80% of the pace with little fatigue. The extra 20% of speed seems to double the cardio requirements.

We have to get Reeces clutch bracket replaced today, and we'll tackles some more rocky terrain tomorrow. Winterberg is all about rocks and mud, and sand riding, whilst good for fitness, isn't suffiecient prep.
Go Big said:
Which thinking back for my first enduro was a bit stupid and I had some close calls. Like I said the orange tree, I rode over my own foot at pace... Had someone ride into me from behind at pace! I dropped the bike once and when I got it back up I got hooked on another guys KTM...

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Just fitted my new rubber for the race - Mitas EF-07 (140 wide!) for the 300 and Mitas C18 for the KDX. They look the business! Going to do another training ride today and I'll be able to compare the MITAS to the Maxxis which was on from new.


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You make it sound like the rubber's going to make any difference to the way in which you are going to kak off... it's not china, your fate is booked  :imaposer:
Buff said:
You make it sound like the rubber's going to make any difference to the way in which you are going to kak off... it's not china, your fate is booked  :imaposer:

:imaposer: I know, but its all in the mind. Like a power bracelet  :ricky:
J-dog™ said:
Buff said:
You make it sound like the rubber's going to make any difference to the way in which you are going to kak off... it's not china, your fate is booked  :imaposer:

:imaposer: I know, but its all in the mind. Like a power bracelet  :ricky:
Want one, Ive got one spare for you! :eek7:
J-Dog What is your Race number

If you fast we want to cheer you and if you are slow we gonna pelt you with beer cans  :biggrin:
Wolweseun said:
J-Dog What is your Race number

If you fast we want to cheer you and if you are slow we gonna pelt you with beer cans  :biggrin:

Aint got my Rover membership details yet. Paid 8 days ago. Not been a good week.  :-\
KTMjedi said:
body prep 101:
hydrate for 3-4 day prior to the event
this one is going to be tough for you.....don't drink for at least 1 week prior to the event
start taking cramp stop3-4 days prior to the event.
try getting a drink like Cytomax HOWEVER try it prior as it can give you gippo guts if you not use to it...cytomax makes me sick but it works like a charm for other okes.
I tried V02max as well and it really seemed to help!
Crabo load a few days in advance (pasta is good)
also eat a good breakfast and no not bacon and eggs
I like to eat bananas just before and during the race (refuel)

If you want to start using cytomax or any of these drink start using it in training. I have seen so many ppl try a new drink just before a race and it can really make things horrible. VO2max you need to get used to may make you vomit if you are not use to it. I would say dont change to much of your habits as your body will not be use to it. You must fase it in slowly. So before training rides start using it and you will quickly know which is best for you. Rather have grainy solid foods before the race and stick to bananas during se race. Go buy some energy gells as sy are also awsum for a quick refill if you are feeling realy broken.

Just my 2 cents

Good luck
RAce number, race number, race number.

All my best photos came from people I dont know. Got them off random people on edirt :ricky:
Go Big said:
RAce number, race number, race number.

All my best photos came from people I dont know. Got them off random people on edirt :ricky:

:thumleft: still awaiting all the paperwork to be completed. Rover still hasn't sent my membership letter 9 days after I paid  :eek7:
MDT said:
KTMjedi said:
body prep 101:
hydrate for 3-4 day prior to the event
this one is going to be tough for you.....don't drink for at least 1 week prior to the event
start taking cramp stop3-4 days prior to the event.
try getting a drink like Cytomax HOWEVER try it prior as it can give you gippo guts if you not use to it...cytomax makes me sick but it works like a charm for other okes.
I tried V02max as well and it really seemed to help!
Crabo load a few days in advance (pasta is good)
also eat a good breakfast and no not bacon and eggs
I like to eat bananas just before and during the race (refuel)

If you want to start using cytomax or any of these drink start using it in training. I have seen so many ppl try a new drink just before a race and it can really make things horrible. VO2max you need to get used to may make you vomit if you are not use to it. I would say dont change to much of your habits as your body will not be use to it. You must fase it in slowly. So before training rides start using it and you will quickly know which is best for you. Rather have grainy solid foods before the race and stick to bananas during se race. Go buy some energy gells as sy are also awsum for a quick refill if you are feeling realy broken.

Just my 2 cents

Good luck
Agree about trying the stuff before as I tried Cytomax during a race once and it made me sick! However I had no problem with V02 max? I stopped using energy gels as they give you a high of about 30mins then drops you like a stone....I found just eating well prior and during the event worked the best as you had a more constant energy supply. I do however keep a energy bar and gel in my pack as if you are really really stuffed and just want something to “get you home” then that will help. BIG thing is hydrate well before!!
practising near 24/7 on Hondas  :thumleft:


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where did you take those pics was this recient...because that looks like the old ford test track and as far as I know its closed??
If you guys are planning on riding this weekend, I wish you well. Its pissing down at the moment. Quite a bit of water in all the rivers.

I'm waiting for your Nr.