krister said:
In this regard, I would like to ask you (and other WDs) what the solution is. Would it be riding alone or far apart from fellow riders? Also, does this not become an issue at off-road training courses like Countrytrax or ADA?
At Country Trax, the rider goes through the sand under the watchful eye of the instructor. The next rider is waved through as soon as the previous one is through the sand pit and it is safe.
At most courses, they teach you the basic techniques to master the obstacle. There is just not enough time to allow enough practice during the course to enable the rider to master the techniques and obstacle. The idea is that you ride away with more knowledge and skill, and that YOU go PRACTICE what you've learned.
Personally, in sand/mud/technical terrain I prefer to allow a big gap between me and the rider in front, sometimes out of sight is better, so that I can ride my own speed, focus on my own line and to ensure no one takes pictures of the unavoidable :biggrin:.
There is a saying: "If you ride alone, you die alone." Thus, I prefer to ride with a buddy or two. But still apply the "rule" above. :thumleft: