jupiter's travels - the story of a journey ( Index Post 1)

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Grahamstown? Sounds like an excuse for another trip!
Looking forward to this.
Fascinating thread G-man, I guess being a lawyer you know whether it's ok to plagiarise some other oke's story title?
jupiter said:
Lyk ons sal nou bietjie langer moet wag vir Episode 1. Die albums is op 'n hard-drive wat in Grahamstad lê  ???

vat gou moreoggend die XT660Z en gaan haal dit gou :deal:
                                                                THE SOLO TRIP - DECEMBER 2008

As an interlude, while I'm waiting to hear about, and get my albums, let me tell you about my first solo trip after all the years of non-biking. Earlier in the year, in October, Lyn and I did our first trip and we were ready to tour. Late October I did my first Countrytrax Weekend Off-road course, and two months later it would save me from potential disaster. Why I went on this trip without her, I can't remember, but it turned out a ride of great significance.

Because I would ride on my own I chose roads I had been on before and knew well, but I have this thing of straying off the chosen path, as I have to always know where THAT road goes, and it almost cost me dearly.

I took fotos on this trip and they were stored on a computer that is now destroyed. I had forgotten about them as it was a story I never really intended telling. It took almost two and a half years after the trip before I could even talk to someone else about it, and then it was with two fellow dogs, whom I knew would understand.

So I will tell it to you now in any case, without the foto's , as it had an important bearing on my future riding with Lyn on the back of the bike,... and when alone.

The nightmare occured on day three, and you may sense I'm exaggeratting... it was worse than what you may think, but I doubt think I have the writing skill to really tell it. I'll try.
jaybiker said:
Fascinating thread G-man, I guess being a lawyer you know whether it's ok to plagiarise some other oke's story title?

Rather, a lawyer never allows the facts to interfere with a good story  :imaposer:
buzzlightyear said:
>>Thump°C said:
i did a trip with Bakkies dec 2008, was also scary

Where does he come into the story?

He does actually, now that I remember Thump mentioning it  :imaposer: Do you remeber Jack, on the morning of 31st December, I bumped into you guys at Angies G-Spot, after you had camped at Dieprivier the night before  :eek7:
C'mon man write already, I am getting older and the suspense it ain't helping, 8) I am trying to work and read at the same time, would help if you kept the story flowing  :peepwall: >:D
                                                                   Day 1 - 29/12/08

It would be an easy day. I had prepped and packed and unpacked and packed for this ride for weeks. The anticipation of the trip was electric. I was ready for my first RIDE.

I took some easy gravel towards Humansdorp and beyond, ending up at Oudebosh Padstal on the N2 for brunch. Then over the mountain to Kareedow for biltong and off to Assegaaibosch, where I entered the Onder Kouga, which would take me on a loop around the mountains to Patensie.

The roads were good and the riding easy. I practiced my standing and my MX boots started hurting like hell around my ankles. I was dressed in ATGATT to the hilt. By that evening I had really nasty bruises around my ankles and the rest of the trip had to ride with socks rapped around them.

The day was not of much significance, except for a most enjoyable ride. Late afternoon I got to Heroncliff, at the start of the Baviaans, where I met up with Torque Curve, his brother, Johan, and their families. The two of them would ride through Baviaans with me the next day on Johan's 1100GS.

We kuiered a bit and then I set off to Komdomo where I would camp the night. There were some other bikers as well (touring with their families in cages) and it did not take long before greetings were exchanged and a pleasant evening was had.

I like riding on my own, but its always nice to have company in the evenings. This is something that always facinated me over the years. people would often walk over and start chatting, amazed and interested in what we do, always saying " one day I want to do that" Just do it.

I went to sleep that evening completely at ease with the world.
Ok G-man you have my attention. Oh and while I still remember you also have opportunity of a euro /Scottish highlands tour.
Tiger8 said:
C'mon man write already, I am getting older and the suspense it ain't helping, 8) I am trying to work and read at the same time, would help if you kept the story flowing  :peepwall: >:D

Boet, I'm writing from memory. You have to excuse if it takes a bit of time to dig deep  :imaposer:
bungycool said:
Ok G-man you have my attention. Oh and while I still remember you also have opportunity of a euro /Scottish highlands tour.

How so ?