Minxy said:
Another important thing is water. We each have 3L in hydration pack, with HSK carrying an additional Hydration pack as backup.
His bike carries an additional 3L in special tanks (as per Dakar regulation). So we have 12L total, hopefully this will suffice.
12 L should do taking in consideration your fitness level and the time of the year, July, it should not be as hot as in April.
April / May we experienced temperatures in the high 40's. The wife and I did the part from Henties, Rhino camp, Gai-Ais to Palmwag/Aba Hoab with 16l of water and ran out of water around midday. I would suggest an additional 2L of water in a container that you can get rid of just for in case and for those very remote areas.
We in the mean time purchased a small water purifier. It is a tad bulky, damn expensive, but very light weight and works like a bomb.
Looking forward to the your trip, enjoy. :thumleft: