Just the two of us, Kaokoland Edition

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Vis Arend said:
We in the mean time purchased a small water purifier.  It is a tad bulky, damn expensive,  but very light weight and works like a bomb. 

Hi-Jack on: can you post a pic off the purifier, curious to see it? Hi-Jack off.
Today, last bit of packing. I am SO glad we started packing nearly one month ago... We wouldn't have made it otherwise, wow there's a lot of things to take with...

Also, doctors visit for Tetanus (this is vital). According to the doctor it's good to go for at least 5 years + and Vitamin/Sport Booster shots. Feeling like a 100$'s right now 8)




Another extremely exciting announcement! :D

Scrat (on the forum) with the help of his lovely wife Marique, have approached me and offered to make me my own custom rally jacket to wear for this trip. They have started their own active wear brand, Mira, inspired by their daughter.
The jackets are tailor made to fit you perfectly and they can do any design you want from scratch.
I am honoured to be a part of their brand and cannot wait to test their jacket in the adventure riding conditions we are going to face on our trip :)



The magical design process in action. Marique is a wizard :D


A very special message.


A work of art <3


RobLH said:
Shit, you must be excited. I wouldn't be able to sleep, have fun.


Trailer is packed, 3am we are off. I will try update when I have signal again, alternatively I will catch up with this RR at a later stage :ricky:
This makes me think back to our trip just a few months ago, with Xpat and Justbendid. Some magic memories are waiting to be made, you guys must enjoy, it looks like you prepared really well. It will make all the difference.
Following with interest. Drive safely.
Be safe and enjoy!

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I am so excited, it feels like I am going on my own trip already!
Nice jacket, travel safely and ENJOY!
Lot of very jealous people here!
Safe travels you 2!

magical trip!!  :thumleft: :thumleft:
A RR involving Namibia always grabs my attention, looking forward to this one.
Will be following you guys on FB from here on. Good luck, give it horns, and above all else enjoy!
[member=2149]Scrat[/member] where can we get more info/website on the Mira riding gear?..