Just two friends quick weekend ride.

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Dr Dirt

Race Dog
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
KTM 990 Adventure
Scrat and I (Dr Dirt) started planning a quick weekend away after hearing that Scrats Fiancé will be away for the weekend. Unfortunately the 3rd friend of the “3 kakbakers “(Loki) could not make the weekend because of a wedding he had to go to.

The plan for the weekend was to meet at Bredasdorp.
Friday the 4th of September
I had 2 go to the office and Scrat had a few meetings and lunches to go to before he can leave from Cape Town.


Left from the office in George at 10:00

I started from George and took the scenic route along the coast towards Bredasdorp.
On the way to Stillbaai

Found allot of tortoise along the road the first one I stopped and like a good person I helped it out the road, little did I know that there will be one of them around every turn

“Mr T” no 1


“Mr T” no2


“Mr T “no 3


And this went on for the rest of the ride to Bredasdorp so after the 3rd one I moved out of the oncoming traffic &*#@@$#  I thought the hell with it let nature take its course.

Stopped at Stillbaai for some petrol and just got all the petrol attendants exited for the weekend rugby and off to Vermaaklikheid.


No wild dogs in site and I know there are a few in Stillbaai

Had to first go to a place called Puntjie took a few pictures and left for Vermaaklikheid.




(And then the” MR T’s “started appearing again)
I already stopped counting........ I was not even going to stop for a photo  maybe it is the same one following me.

Stopped at Vermaaklikheid.........  Ok lets rephrase that, drove past Vermaaklikheid first and had to turn back to stop at Vermaaklikheid.
There are only 2 girls working in this town one in post office and the other in the Cafe and then they take turns to run the restaurant.
Friendly people here in Vermaaklikheid


Vermaaklikheid Mall


Big Rugby supporters

I found this add on the window


Apparently the locals believe when you see all the “Mr T” in the road that big rain is on the way and they are moving to higher ground. Good to hear we definitely need some rain in the Garden Route.
Had something to drink and were off to Swellendam

On the way saw this farm it looks like they are farming with rocks and lots of them.




Swellendam it was time for a beer.

Imagine that there is a LOFTUS VERSVELD in Swellendam


Now let me tell you “Hie kan jy lekka vas sit hoor” met some locals had more than 1 beer and was off to Bredasdorp.
Some pictures of the farms on the way.


Reached Bredasdorp and had to wait for “Scrat” to arrive.
I had a look at my phone and I received a sms from ‘Scrat that he is stuck in Viliersdorp and needs mineral oil for his clutch. He will not be able to continue. Great here I am in Bredasdorp and had to look for mineral oil and it was after 17:00. No shops are open in this town after 17:00 except bars.

Got back to the bar and phoned “Scrat” to give him the news. He sounded happy and explained that he got oil at the Chemist in town for the KTM clutch great so he was on his way.
Wait oil at the Chemist WTF?

And yes people you can apparently use this as clutch oil.


It smells lekka too!!!!!!

“Scrat” arrived and we left for Struisbaai.
Here we booked into the local backpackers for the knight.
Cape Agulhas Backpackers





We had a quiet evening with the owner Malan


“Scrat” thought he will try this drink made locally called “black snake”
Man this stuff is bad it tastes like old red wine left on the table with a cigarette in it. Not good at all.


After allot of drinks.

Can you say “Jagermeister?”


We went to bed for a good rest for the next day’s ride to Witsand for the rugby at 12:00


Day2 to follow....

O0 O0 O0

lekke - kopm nou wat vat jy so lank!!
Lekker roete wat julle ry !!! Het dit 10 jaar terug op my ou DR 600 gedoen.
Day 2
After waking up Saturday morning and having a cup of coffee and paying the bill that seemed to be a lot longer than what I can recall from the previous night :deal: ready for the days ride to Witsand.
Scrat and I decided to make a turn in Agulhas just to see the Lighthouse before we leave for the Malgas pond and Witsand.


Old Ship wreck.
According to an old Oom we met at the wreck you get pretty big storms and waves this side of the world. Did not look like it that day because the sea was at its lowest tide and there was not even a breeze in the air.


We had to get going as Scrat was hungry for a good breakfast and we still had some distance to cover to get to Malgas for the Rugby.
Stopped at the “Mees suidelike punt” but still had to walk 50m to get there. Scrat was ready to pass out from hunger so guess this was as far South as we will be going.

Took a quick photo of the Light House and we were on our way.


In Bredasdorp we filled up with petrol and Scrat at last could have his breakfast.
After breakfast our time was seriously running out and we made the decision to watch the Bokke play in Bredasdorp so off we went to the same bar we were in when we arrived in town the day before.


The plan was to watch the bokke play en then ride thru to Witsand for the 17:00 game Blou Bulle against WP (It is hard to just even think about the rugby while I am writing this.  %$$#$^$$@ ) :mad:
At the end of the stressful Boks game we were already friends with a few local farmers and the owner of the sports bar.
And I feel this was the point of no return. I had to play rock, paper, and scissors with Scrat to leave for Witsand or stay in Bredasdorp.

I lost !!!!!!!!!!!
He wanted to stay and have a “kuier “with the friendly locals. For those who don’t know me I have two rubber arms.




This turned out to be an enjoyable night with the locals.


We got in to bed around 4:30am ( Katjie van die baan )
Sunday morning ( Mak Bobbejaan )

We decided to at least ride thru to Malgas have breakfast at the hotel en the Scrat can ride back to Cape Town and I will carry on to George.


Breakfast again.

Malgas Hotel
There was no people booked into the hotel and Scrat just had to ask if they will please make us breakfast because he will not make it to Swellendam.
For some reason the receptionist just laughed when she saw us in the door and showed us to our seats outside.
And to our surprise brought us something from Management.

Now that is what I call service.
We had one of the biggest full continental breakfasts I have ever seen and immediately felt better.
But now we started getting small puppy syndrome and had to leave to go over the pont.
At the Malgas pont you don’t wait too long for the pont to arrive even though it is powered by hand.






To go over took us approximately 10 min.
We came to a fork in the road and that was it......
The Ride for the weekend was over and we had to go our separate ways home.
We did not get to visit Witsand but enjoyed the weekend not knowing where we might end up even though it was just in the sports bar in Bredasdorp.
But I think that is what makes riding fun.
Will have to visit Witsand again another weekend with LOki the 3rd "kakbakker"

:thumleft: :thumleft:

Nee wat ons sal ma weer moet gat kyk hoe lyk Malgas.... ek het al weer vergeet hoe dit da lyk - en wil nogsteeds weet hoe proe die bier in Witsand!!!!  :mwink: :mwink: :mwink:

Ek dink dis n goeie ding jy was nie daar nie. Dit sou baie erger gewees het as jy was Loki  :imaposer:
Maar soos ouder gewoonte reel die 2 soos hulle  :bootyshake:
Nice report, the  2 katooms make for a stunning pictures. What's with the clutch and baby oil? ;)