Leg 7 - Hondeklip Baai to Augrabies - 438 km
Hondeklip Baai was a key milestone on the trip as the point at which we turned our bikes round back north for the three return legs. Again we were up early and set off after a breakfast made up of an eclectic mix of Garies sourced rations...
We headed out early via Koiingnaas along the Spoegrivier towards Springbok... I was really looking forward to this section as well in that it included 3 mountain passes..
The section along the Spoegrivier got more and more interesting as we got closer to the mountains and included a number of short but very steep uphills.. after passing a herd of Gemsbok enroute we soon arrived at the base of the Wildeperdehoek Pass.. this was to turn into another stunning section to ride through...
The first viewing opportunity on the ascent provided a great view back over the sections of Namqualand National Park we had just ridden through..
The pass became more and more interesting and easy on the eye with a number of corners, combined with descents and switchbacks that required some concentration... I stopped at every opportunity to take pics while Dave went ahead to give his Mitas E07's a proper workout...
This pass soon connected up with the Messelpad Pass creating an experience of riding through what felt like a non-stop pass that bikers dream of...
At one point I stopped of at one point to look down on what turned out to be the ruins of the prison that used to house the convicts that built pass.
After really enjoying the passes we connected up with a short section of the N7 for the run into Springbok for refuel and leg stretch, just outside Springbok, Dave was happy find his Guest House's advert was still in good nick...
After our Springbok pitstop,
Daisy Dave and I headed out on the road towards VanZyl's Rus via Okiep... again we were back into the flatlands with pretty decent gravel highway towards the Richtersveldt/ Poffadder turn off..
After this junction we turned east and into some Kalahari Sandveldt... the initial sandy sections had us very busy including some stop-starts to open and close gates... however we were soon taking it in our stride until later when the sand simply got thicker and thicker while the road narrowed with a hectic berm...
Soon after passing through a desolate farm yard and closing yet another gate, Dave had another slow off in thick sand on the verge and I thought to myself that this is going to get real interesting going forward...
Once Dave was back upright, I accelerated past and started building up speed with a view to "plane" on the sand as done so many times before... all to soon I had a tankslapper of note that sent me from berm to berm before having a pretty decent off.. I can clearly recall feeling something break on impact and was properly freaked out to see my arm flapping about and thinking now you are in deep shite and have compromised the ride properly.
The farm that I bought...
The rest is all confused and busy.. after Dave got me out from under my bike which had landed on me and was leaking fuel everywhere, I started off on a long walk back to the farm buildings while Dave recovered the bikes.
I then settled into a long wait in this ruin while Dave set off to look for help...
This was to be my view for the next 3 hours or so before Dave returned with a local Farmer and his bakkie... the local Ambulance service had simply laughed Dave off... I felt like of those "Americian Pickers" after a while.
Man was I ever happy to see them arrive and they soon had my bike loaded and we headed back to Springbok... an unbelievable storm overtook us and the bakkie made one or two unintended departures from the now very snotty road that scared me silly... I sat thinking that this would be hell for Dave to ride through and trusted that he would take it slow.
After getting no joy from the local clinic it was off to a session with the Cubans at the State hospital who did Xrays etc and remorsefully pointed out that my shoulder was fractured but that the dislocation had relocated itself while removing my jacket for the Xrays... after dispensing a few pain killers it was off to a local B&B to wait for my son JP and my b.i.l Peter Karner who had set off from Joburg to come and pick me up on the morning of the 9th.
We bade Dave farewell and set off for Joburg... my leg was now in a sorry and swollen state... and Dave was left as the last man standing!