KDX200 - Kanniedood Plastic

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Race Dog
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Bloemfontein, Vrystaat
Kawasaki KLR 650
I never thought I'd even look at the option but as they say, never say never...

Since parting with my trusty old KLR and taking up life with HPN 663 something was just not the same anymore.
Somehow the fun was dampened. Sure 663 takes the adrenalin levels to the extreme but the fun factor is not what
I'd hope it be. During December I fooled around Atlantis on 663 and although she performed better than my old KLR
I did't have quite as much fun. I suspect it is because she is so expensive and even though I try not to make that spoil
the fun it will always stick in the back of your head.

A while ago I fooled around on the farm on my 1981 Suzuki DR500. I thought I'd push the limits way beyond what I was
used to. Ended up flipping and rolling the bike down into a sloot. The bike was still in an beautiful original condition. Now
the tail light is broken, crash bar broken the mirrors gone and the handlebar bent.

Long story short... I am thinking of getting a cheapish plastic to go balistic on and not worry about destroying an 30 year
old antique nor damaging costly HPN bits.

Lately I have been watching more and more Romaniacs and Ertzberg videos and feel like trying some of that sort of riding.

My question: If I was to look out for an old cheapish plastic, what bikes are known to be good survivors?
What make and model of plastic bike or bikes will still keep on going when the others have already died?

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