Klomp kuier at the Oasis Sat 2 Feb 2013

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Wie is die supermodel oppie super enduro ? Met daai lyf moet hy die meisies lekker jags maak ....

"Vat jou broekies af !"


  • Oasis jFeb 2013 009.jpg
    Oasis jFeb 2013 009.jpg
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Lyk asof ek 'n mooi kuier gemis het  :thumleft: En dit lyk asof julle 'n padfiets of twee gekort het daar  ;)
Jagsding said:
Wie is die supermodel oppie super enduro ? Met daai lyf moet hy die meisies lekker jags maak ....

"Vat jou broekies af !"

:imaposer:  :imaposer:  :imaposer:  :imaposer:  :imaposer:  :imaposer:

"Vat julle broekies af"
whitedelight said:
And I take it you bumped into some Harley club members there as well??
Jip, there were one Harley, a Triump, a 1200ADV and 990ADV who took up the permanent tents, they came in very late and did a round-trip (old post I think) and some of the guys ran out of petrol..
Jip, aan al die manne dankie vir lekker naweek. Slag net bike gery en niks foto's geneem. Roelie jy moet weer een of ander tyd so uit die bloute n naweek reel, was befok.
Dewald, dink nie die Harley groep het postal gery nie, hulle het van n ander roete gepraat wat op R355 naby Calvinia uit gekom het.
VaalBaas said:
whitedelight said:
I did see one very kak ugly XR1200 with knobblies on

:pot: :pot: :pot: is ook al wat die SE manne kan doen.  :imaposer:

You check now.. The time I leave to alone to spread your wings and not have to wait for the old fart and you cause KAK for the "SE okes" GWAR!!
Nou ja - vir die wat lus het vir lees: Hier is my Cederberg Ride Report

Hando said:
Nou ja - vir die wat lus het vir lees: Hier is my Cederberg Ride Report


:thumleft: Heading over there right away, to check it out. ;)
Hope you are still awake enough. Quite a long read.
Hando said:
Hope you are still awake enough. Quite a long read.

Quite a lond read it is,.....BUT as always....well worth the time spent reading it. ;) :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
weskus said:
Hando said:
Jagsding said:
This morning there were some sore heads - especially the Teazer's stripper and her crew.

Weskus, Legadema and I kitted up and rode through Eselbank to Wupperthal and then on to Clanwilliam - definitely the quickest I have ever ridden through here - with my sore arse and all

Some of the others took the Algeria road and we all met up again at the Clanwilliam Hotel for a late but lekker breakfast.

We said cheers, parted company and I rode back to Cape Town alone - Weskus moet kelder toe gaan om te check dat die etters nie te veel opgefok het nie en Legadema moet haastig by die apteek kom voor hulle vandag sluit vir meer van sy spesiale pille.

Aha - so it was one of you faarkers who roosted me on the way to Eselbank and gave poor David the fright of his life.  :peepwall: :pot:

Nice to meet you guys and put faces to names. Even of we did not get to chatting much.
Hando, ja, dis daai Ingelsman met die hoë bike, die etter my ook met klippe gegooi.. :deal:
Ek verneem daai eich pee two is die grootste klipgooier (sal glo vir Tony Ehrenreich trots maak). Hy het annerpad as ek gery - so vertel maar!
Oh ja , just by the way for those who did not see it yet. I posted my Cederberg Ride Report here.https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=117048.0

Was a bit long to add to this one.