KTM Rallye Raid 2009 - The Mud Monster nearly won.....

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Nice report , a whole new meaning to mud surfing

Awesome report SGB  :thumleft:

Note t self: Must borrow KTM for next year :biggrin:
Hoe lyk volgende jaar se Rallye Raid? Kan julle al inligting stuur, ons is 2/3 man wat moet begin dink... of eerder ons vrouens!  :biggrin:
They should make entrance free, then we drop a bomb there and get rid of all the KTM'S that exist :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

:pot: :pot:

Looked like fun, could not have been to easy with that mud, I would have cried on the GSA
seems like you okes had a cool time
the new KTM 990 SM - assume SM stands for super-motard - looks like a stunning piece of machinery
Excellent report SGB!!  :thumleft:

Must say it was great riding!

This seems familiar.....
<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/baqn2oGkAWHGaXiDoLihxQ?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh5.ggpht.com/_4Cb511wocj0/SgsXF4OW0cI/AAAAAAAAFBI/uPQQZjl1ai4/s400/img-20090508-095654-000008.jpg" /></a>

It does doesn't it. When I got there I chugged up a tyre groove on the left and noted signs of battle; bootmarks, skid marks (outside of the trousers), spilt petrol and the like. At the top of the hill I took a left line in the grass for traction but it was 50mm of slippery mud so I promptly did some mud snorkelling. No mudfish spotted and I had to be helped to lift the bike in the snot by a 4x4 driver. Fortuitous.
Nice report.Seems I might have to go dark now that the GS Challenge has gone soft.
charlw said:
seems like you okes had a cool time
the new KTM 990 SM - assume SM stands for super-motard - looks like a stunning piece of machinery

This was the SM T. Super Motard Touring. 19L tank, pannier facility, more comfortable sadde and some wind protection.
Can't wait to get one to test.... :drif: :drif:
chicco said:
two wheels is testing it this week. Should be on the show next week. Price 131 999.

So the tyres will be stuffed by the time I get it....
Thanks for a very accurate report SGB -the mud monster was everywhere on day 1!!!!Knobblies became slicks and i have never seen or experienced such slippery mud -it was like skating on ice!!! We ended up on RR1 and literally had to carry our bikes down a really steep hill-there were about 10 of us and it took about 2hours!!  The gps co-ordinates were a little bit out i think. Anyway it was a great adventure and we had some awesome war stories to tell over quite a few beers !!        Mike organised another great event and it reminded me a lot of what the Roof Of Africa used to be like in the 70s and 80s-a lot of comaraderie and just helpng each other out.  A special mention must go to Jaco from the Nelspruit KTM dealership who helped a lot of us through the 2nd never ending mud monster!!!I WILL BE BACK###