KZN - 500Km+ to find a pile of rocks - but I found one !!

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Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kymco (all models)
Today I rode 530Km to spit on a rock and put it on a pile for future bike riders in the Weenen area.

Well that is stretching the truth a little, but effectively how the day turned out. In truth I just felt like riding.

This morning I woke far too early and set out for no more than a breakfast burn up to Balito and back. All the places in Balito were still closed when my ride addiction kicked in, so I turned the front wheel inland through the cane fields and headed for the Wartburger Hof instead.

At the hotel I picked up a tourist map of the vicinity and was eyeballing it over breakfast when I realized that I was not all that far from Muden and Weenen, and somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered reading that there were a few Isivivane up that way and, on the spur of the moment decided to see if I could find one.

"What the hell is a Isivivane?", I hear you ask. I must explain.

My late father grew up in Zululand, was a fluent siZulu speaker, and was extremely knowledgeable about Zulu ways and customs.  In the past in Zululand you would often find a pile of rocks, called isivivane, next to an intersection between two footpaths. Custom required that you find a rock, spit on it, hold it to your forehead and request the ancestors to please take care of future travelers passing along the way, before adding it to the pile. As a child growing up I remember my father stopping our old 190D merc at isivivane - even though he did not have a religious or superstitious bone in his body.

After a few blank faces from locals who had no idea what I was talking about, I finally met an older man in Muden who said that there was one marked with a plaque on the Weenen road, and kindly explained to  me where it was.

This one is big, and it gave me a weird feeling to realize how many travelers must have stopped there over the last few hundred years to make it the size it is, one stone at a time.

It’s at S28 52.051 E30 09.244  

On the way I found a nice view to watch for a while – Where ? I can’t remember.


The Isivivane


I think this is only half the story.


Placing my rock.


And another just to make certain future riders in the area are safe !


Nice one Gunda, looks like a great view too. do you have a saved track for some of us other addicts with early rise syndrome ?
Nice Gunda... I look forward to riding with you one day. ( Howz the Tenere behaving?)
Nice one Gunda. Thanks for the insights. I have come across some small ones and never new the true significance.

See you soon.
Sorry we mist you to day.We where on your route from winterton to Greytown and back.Your Isivivane is on the route we did today.Next time we might run in to each other.My TEN stil going strong.
Hey plaasbrak. Ek en vroulief was afgelope 3 dae da in jou omgewing. Het vandag trug gekom. Ongelooflike mooi deel van ons land da by winterton
MadDog said:
Nice one Gunda, looks like a great view too. do you have a saved track for some of us other addicts with early rise syndrome ?

I saved the route, but it was nothing spectacular, and, apart from a few detours and short-cuts, was almost all tar.

The route was M4/p387/R614/P154/R33/R74(out and back)/R622/R103/N3/M19 - 520Km

That view was from a short sidetrack to a microwave tower on top a mountain called Noodsberg at about S29 24.224 E30 50.889

philgil said:
Nice Gunda... I look forward to riding with you one day. ( Howz the Tenere behaving?)

Tenere is behaving great thanx. One reason I took the ride was just to make sure the battery was charging and all was okay. Bike passes the test with flying colours. Yes !! Where we riding to ?  

The Badger said:
Nice one Gunda. Thanks for the insights. I have come across some small ones and never new the true significance.

Y'Know I was thinking, fisoloffically that is, how many things we just walk/ride/drive/fly past with no idea what they are. Here a pile of rocks is not just a pile of rocks, but each rock was placed there by a human hand just to ask the ancestors to look after people still to travel on that route. I know I am mad in the head, but it makes me feel just a little better to have contributed a to the pile.  

plaasbrak said:
Sorry we mist you to day.We where on your route from winterton to Greytown and back.
Your Isivivane is on the route we did today.Next time we might run in to each other.My TEN stil going strong.

Not sure what time you were there but I saw not other bikes. I had a few issues on the road.

I have seldom had problems with goats. Normally they are smart and keep out of the way, but yesterday I nearly smacked two !!

And then a kid chucked a stone at me (S28 57.926 E30 20.489). He missed, but I did a U-turn and chased him and his mate into their hut. I only noticed when I checked the map that the house they ran into was less that 100m from the cop station.  

I have a list of waypoints somewhere of places where stones have been chucked at me, so this must go on the list.