I was able to only go through to the bash for the Saturday and made sure I left Toti just after 04.00 to be in time for Gunda Gundas ride, they are always spectacular.
Managed to get on the road around 04.40 after sorting a half flat front tire and hit the R603 to join up with the N3 - stopped at Vans and checked the tire - all good. On the Pmb and pitstop at Engen before the Greytown turn off.
Then it was onto Greytown, refuelled and to the site.
Everyone was waking up or up already, unpacked ant pitched tent by 06.30
Had some liquid breakfast ;D and was ready for GG ride just after 07.00 am.
Brilliant ride, visiting 4 waterfall, some amazing views, riding in forest, winding dirt passes, crumbling concrete strips. Breathtaking views and ever changing weather.
From one stop to the next it would change from hot to cool, to cold and misty to hot again.
The Versys handled itself brilliantly and managed the dirt roads and occasional no roads better than expected
And then back at campsite some delicious lunch packs and an scrumptious dinner with good company from the other bashers.
I had a early night and Sunday morning was pack up, breakfast and a fast ride home with some serious cold spots on the road.