KZN Bash

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They even provide a burnout ring


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To Butch and all those behind the scenes - thanks for a bakgat weekend. The venue was great and the food likewise. Always sweet to meet fellow members.
ButchH, huge thanks for all the effort to organise the KZN Bash.  It is now officially my favourite Bash!  :biggrin:
The grass was so lekker green, my peeg decided to take a nap while we were at the bar. That's bacon for you....


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Some peekchars...


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I was able to only go through to the bash for the Saturday and made sure I left Toti just after 04.00 to be in time for Gunda Gundas ride, they are always spectacular.

Managed to get on the road around 04.40 after sorting a half flat front tire and hit the R603 to join up with the N3 - stopped at Vans and checked the tire - all good. On the Pmb and pitstop at Engen before the Greytown turn off.

Then it was onto Greytown, refuelled and to the site.

Everyone was waking up or up already, unpacked ant pitched tent by 06.30

Had some liquid breakfast  ;D and was ready for GG ride just after 07.00 am.

Brilliant ride, visiting 4 waterfall, some amazing views, riding in forest, winding dirt passes, crumbling concrete strips. Breathtaking views and ever changing weather.

From one stop to the next it would change from hot to cool, to cold and misty to hot again.

The Versys handled itself brilliantly and managed the dirt roads and occasional no roads better than expected

And then back at campsite some delicious lunch packs and an scrumptious dinner with good company from the other bashers.

I had a early night and Sunday morning was pack up, breakfast and a fast ride home with some serious cold spots on the road.


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around Sterkfontein Dam on way down Thursday.  The wind was something to experience...


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Thursday night at the famous Nottingham Road Hotel was a continuous blur of meeting new folks, catching up with old friends, and rehydrating on an industrial scale.  The food was excellent, the bed blissful. Trains rumble by during the night, just outside the window, waking one up to only appreciate the luxury of the bed before dropping off again.

The next morning Draad offered "room service" at 06:45.  I politely declined (with some expletives).  Breakfast was also good. Room and brekkie costs the princely sum of R350.

Eventually we motored out towards Rosetta, where Tommy's mansion (looking good!) was the rendezvous point for the day's ride to Greytown (via a wide loop of good quality dirt roads, through lovely country).


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Friday night was quite festive around the bonfire.  The amenities at the Beehive were perfect for a free-flowing kinda get-together such as the Bashes are.  Lovely green lawns for pitching a tent.  Clean ablutions that coped quite easily with us (OK, we weren't that many). The hosts were always friendly and helpful, the catering excellent.  Ten :thumleft: for ButchH calling this one!

Saturday's ride was by Gunda-Gunda, who took us on a leisurely stroll through some very pretty landscapes, loosely structured around a waterfall theme.  His knowledge and experience allowed us to go on private farmland to visit sights most folks will never enjoy.  GG even supplied cappuccinos when a cold wet mist rolled in.  Temperature dropped from 32deg to 19deg in a matter of seconds.  The last part of the ride followed the Umvoti River Valley, and was particularly pleasant to ride: smooth dirt and never a straight stretch as the road meanders with the river. And plenty of pretty.


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Last photos from Saturday's ride below.

The good folk at Beehive realised that Saturday evening was going to be cold and wet, and changed the catering from braai packs to cooked meal. Again delicious!

I rode home in the company of Dieseldawie and evansv.  Thanks Dave & Vincent, it was lekker riding with you!

Already looking forward to next year.  Go Camperdown!


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Well, what has been said by Rox and the rest is all true! There were no fights or any other misbehavior! Everyone was on their best behavior and even rode well! No-one crashed, although the was an exhibition of how Not- to- Wheelie in front of your maats by EvansV, which led to much mirth and merriment! He is certainly the Divot-master! :3some:
Draad was on his best behavior, and entertained the bunch till late on Friday night. He even offered to do hand-stands and mow the lawn in front of his missus! The "sluip-moordenaar" was eventually subdued and sent to bed.... :snorting:
pics to follow....... :thumleft:

Very nice pics guys, and well done to butchH for organizing a very succesful KZN Bash.    :thumleft:

Sorry I couldn't stay longer
Just to add a few pics to Roxens's  :3some:

Took some pics of pics at Notties of the old days and what it looks like today  :thumleft:


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All arived at Notties ( The manne so to speak ) and we met up for a serious discussion regarding the next day arrangements ...there will be a back up vehicle.......load extra kit on trailer....lets meet at Transaap 's place.......all perfect and causing one moerewe headache for me ..........then we still get left behind ......vaaark who needs friends ........but in the end it turned out a joll  :thumleft:



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After asking Transaap 3 times to open the gate to his castle I still had 3 bikes outside but at least I was offered a Zama and all was forgotten  :patch:


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Oh did I mention that Mev Draad thought these were so cute  :xxbah: and we RUNNING LATE  :ricky:

This one for Mev Visarend  :thumleft:


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