KZN - "Newbie" ride to Mqeku gorge and falls.

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
A while ago I posted a planning thread asking the KZN riders if we should organize regular Newbie / Social rides in KZN, and the response was very positive, so yesterday was planned to put a foot in the water.

Although I marketed the ride as a "newbie" ride I soon noticed from the responses that there were as many "non-newbie" names on the list than "newbies", so we had the idea that we should plan two tracks - one for the real newbies, and one a little more challenging.  The idea was that both tracks would meet up some where nice where we could chill for a while before heading home.

MadDog very kindly offered to lead the "non-newbie" track, and I took the newbie group.

The turnout took me by surprise - I counted 16 bikes at the meeting spot - Let's see if can remember them  ::)

Katoom: 2*990; 1*950; 2*690 BMW 1*F800gs 1*Dakar 1*650GS Honda 1*TransAlp 1*XR650 Yamaha  4*660Z Kawa 2*KLR650

Oops that comes to 14  ::) but you get the idea - a good mix of bikes  ;D Fixed !!

What was bad was the gender mix - only one lady - Haplo - who did extremely well and soldiered on bravely through a couple of minor "side stand incidents"  and may be nursing a bruised toe today. Hope the toe is okay  :(

Where are all our other lady riders?

In retrospect there are two tricky turns on the way through the forest up at the gorge.  Both tight, and on slopes - the one covered in pine needles and the other quite badly rutted. I will see if I can find alternative tracks around them next time we take newbies there.
From my side, and waiting for feedback from the pack, I think the concept of a split pack worked well with 6 bikes on the newbie ride.

The destination for the ride was the falls on the Mqeku river at the Eagle View campsite and caravan park - always a good spot to visit.

Thanks are due. At the rider briefing I asked the guys to please take it easy with speed and noise on Ron's farm, and everyone did. It's quite funny to see normally hooliganish bikes (like 690s) just crawling along through the forests  ;D

The tracks were as planned - in the header post of this thread :-

After the visit to the Mqeku falls most of us headed off to the Wartburger Hof for a well needed drink, and then split of home in different directions - a couple of us stopped off at Msilili falls on the way home.  

So I don't know about you guys but I am more than happy to organize rides of this type again.

Let's see your pics - I am filtering through a couple from the helmet cam .  

Thanks for organizing!!! I had a really fantastic time :) Thanks to the guys on the newbie route for watching out for me, even after we joined back up with the others.

Foot is still a little puffy and it's promising to be an interesting bruise pattern but other than that it's all good :)

Looking forward to seeing the photos! Can't believe I forgot my camera at home...... although that may have been a fortunate event considering what the muffins turned into :)
Come guys, can't wait for the foto's !!
Hi Gunda & Maddog, was a lekker ride, hats off to Maddog for setting a lekker pace, was great to meet all the Pinetown Dogs eventually, and all the rest of the crew, really enjoyed the ride. As you saw us guys on the 690's can be civilised! >:D
Well done to all , very nice ride . Peter I will have to mail some camera footage to you as I have not worked out how to post , PM your adress pls
A few pics from my helmet. I only switched it on when we got to Eagle’s view. I have enough pics of gravel valley roads.

On the track from the Caraven Park to the view site on the edge of the gorge. 

The indigenous bush part.




Into the pine plantations:-


Haplo after a little offie.  A tricky corner. Almost a hairpin on an incline with pine-needles under the tyres. Difficult to get the speed right. Too slow and you can stall on the slope – too fast is hard to turn on the needles.




Helping Haplo over a log. It looks quite small in this view, but the lowered 650GS sat like a rocking horse stranded on the log. It needed a bit of a hand.


Approaching the view site . . 


Plenty of bikes – but no wolves


Heading back from the Msilili falls.




These guys can catch you coming around a corner too fast. Goats are normally smart.  Cows are doff, and donkeys just don’t give a damn about what’s coming.


Is it legal to load 56 in a Nissan 1400 bakkie?


Dave's famous fuse incident.....i'll let him explain it....but it involved alot of disconnecting aftermarket devices, removing plug, one dog getting a shock....and eventually replacement of a fuse  :imaposer:




Taking no chances at the edge :)


View from the top of the falls


It was mildly warm

From the view point



could swear i saw a wolf??



Big thanks to Pete and Dave for leading  :thumleft:. Great bunch of riders and a nice variety of bikes - always nice!!
Just for the record - let it be known that not one comment was made by any KTM riders that could-in any way be thought to be insultive....... when the only bike to "break" was a yamaha ...... maybe it was cause there were so many Yammies there we feared for our lives  :3some: BTW - was there some kind of special on 660's at some point? did i miss something?  ;)
Special mention of the 2 'side-stand' incidents......right next to each other while turning the 2 most pimped out bikes on the ride....... maybe all the pimping damaged the sidestands?  :biggrin: no names mentioned

Shot dudes :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Thanks once again to GG for fantastically well organized ride. the numbers took me by surprise as well as the willingness of most of the riders to tackle the unknown alternate route.

A lot of the alternate route was also new to me which resulted in 1 or 2 missed turns and a couple of side stand incidents trying to turn the beasts around on tight passes. One of those being my own incident and a 690 that fell over in sympathy :)

All in all an event free ride with only a few vehicles hogging the tight passes and gravel roads whilst descending but everyone managed to get out of their way in time. Our only complication was my own bike dying on me in the only area without a tree to be seen. we had to rely on a Honda XR650 to provide us with some shade ;) After half stripping the 660Z and unwiring the entire power commander like all IT mechanics, and finding nothing, a real mechanic piped up from his shade under the Honda that we should check the fuses and didn't I feel like a fool when it turned out to be a blown 10A fuse  :mad:

A quick replacement with a spare and we were back on our way to the meet up point. As it tuns out we arrived less than 5 minutes after the smaller group so the timing worked out perfectly :)

A big thanks to all the riders for following all the usual etiquette. As a result all the locals were very friendly and many a wave and greeting were had on the route. I have marked one particular location for further investigation when a missed turn resulted in a interesting looking track.

I'm now looking forward to next weekends Renegade ride very much and to seeing some of the same riders there too :)

Thanks again to all who joined for making it a really enjoyable outing. it was great to have a lady rider along for once and hopefully more of the bigger beemers will join in the future as i believe the routes were easily manageable by the 1200's with Gunda's route for the gravel weary and the alternate for those with an adventurous spirit ;)

No photos from me this time, I was too busy trying to save face in front of all the seasoned riders behind me. I almost pulled it off too, but a few wide turns and shaky ascents revealed my inexperience ;)

Gunda, what happened to the coffee and muffins this time ? did I miss out at the meet up point or did the frightening temperatures keep the coffee in the flask ?
MadDog said:
. . . .

Gunda, what happened to the coffee and muffins this time ? did I miss out at the meet up point or did the frightening temperatures keep the coffee in the flask ?
. . . .

Oops - I am so bust.

I had but six cups in my bag, and about that amount of hot water an cappu sachets, and I counted our group - after we lost Gear-Up Attie (who needed to go work for baas John at Gear-Up, so he gapped it to wek via Horny Bull Hill and Ndwedwe ) we were 5, and by the time the packs merged the Cappu was no more, and the muffin stock was severely depleted.

We had a bit of help from a cell-tower technician as well.

And Haplo brought along some really nice muffins, but a few corrugations and a bumpy top-box kinda broke them up a bit.  :( 
Yup - dere be wolves and aliens in dem dere forests.

I just managed to ride away from one while watching an alien in the road ahead of me.


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Hey Gunda

Thanx for taking us.It was very nice and I wish I could finish.It looks like it realy got nice later.
Mad dog,I told you stay on the bike and things will work.Sorry to hear about your tech problem.Hope all is fine.How did your foot gear behave?
Hi there, this is your Sweeper Speaking.

Thanks GG and MD for another good one. Always great to be out and about with the Wild Dogs.

Just got a few pics I wanted to add..enjoy. :thumleft:



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Your welcome.....should have seen my air filter box.....took as long to clean that as it did the bike, further more I could have played claylites with the mudballs I coughed up this morning  :peepwall: :laughing4:
rider28 said:
Mad dog,I told you stay on the bike and things will work.Sorry to hear about your tech problem.Hope all is fine.How did your foot gear behave?

All is well now thanks. Just need to restock my supply of spare fuses :)

Foot gear was fantastic and more comfortable than expected.

It was good to have you along, sorry you couldn't bring that beemer of yours on the alternate route :(
MadDog said:
. ,. . .

It was good to have you along, sorry you couldn't bring that beemer of yours on the alternate route :(
. . . .

Yup - always good to have our esteemed purveyors of motorcycle blings and fings along  ;D 
Sent a thanks to Ron on behalf of the pack - - - -


Good Day Ron,

On behalf of the “pack” yesterday thank you so much for permission to visit yesterday – The guys (and one girl) had a great visit.

The number of bikes took me a little by surprise. I was expecting no more than about five bikes, and at the meeting point there were 16 !

It seems the word  of the beauty of the place has got out!

I made the deposit in your account for the day visitor fee.

At the rider briefing I did make a request that the riders be especially slow and quiet on the farm, and I believe they heeded the request – It was amusing to see bikes and riders more at home on the Dakar rally tiptoeing through your forests.

There is a report and a few pictures at :-

Thanks again.

Peter - - - - - 


He responded:-

Thanks, well that sounds good, lots of guys appreciating nature  . . .


I think we do . . . hard not to at a place like that.

The turnout took me by surprise - I counted 16 bikes at the meeting spot - Let's see if can remember them  ::)

Katoom: 2*990; 1*950; 2*690 BMW 1*F800gs 1*Dakar 1*650GS Honda 1*TransAlp 1*XR650 Yamaha  4*660Z  2* KLR
Oops that comes to 14 16 ;D ::) but you get the idea - a good mix of bikes  ;D

Just a big thanks to GG and MD for holding/planning the days ride , was good to meet some new guys and the route and scenery was 100%
salvage said:
. . . .

Katoom: 2*990; 1*950; 2*690 BMW 1*F800gs 1*Dakar 1*650GS Honda 1*TransAlp 1*XR650 Yamaha  4*660Z   2* KLR
Oops that comes to 14 16 ;D ::) but you get the idea - a good mix of bikes  ;D

. . .

How can I be so dof as to forget the Kawas? - I had one !!  ???

Pleasure . . . good to have you along .