Lady 2-Wheeler to join the "Drinks on the Breede"

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Well it's settled then.

Thanks a moerse lot to old Freakonaleash, who's now with Biketique... for making such a helluva generous offer of a scoot and "extra's"  for me to use to transport Ilse to the Breede early Saturday morning!

We owe you one matey - but more on that story later!!!

Will be leaving town area around 7am to pickup Ilse at her home for the trip. Mrs. Goose will most probably join us, but will drive in the cage with Ilse's hubby and to take the required pics and also carry the wheelchair. (let me know if cages are ok on those "washed-away" roads....)

Have decided to take the tar via Worcester (stopoff for some meat for the grill) towards Nuy (to refill wif some Muskadel) and then backtrack towards Rivierplaas.

Seriously hope we'll be running into some WD's on the way... but would really appreciate some cell numbers that we could use in case we get stuck or lost? (please PM if any kind souls available..)

Would also like to notify WD's that we've had interest from some journalists who seem interested in doing an article for the papers, and obviously pics and WD's will be included as part of the article. Hopefully no objections - it's for a good cause and we'd also like to "slip" in some punting for the "PAW" project.

See you there soon!  :thumleft:


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