Ladybrand Mission - incl damage & repairs

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Ganjora said:
here's the 'KLR Special'


loverly 'aint she
farking hell

it's my bike beore the KLR became 'Special'
looks kinda special in this (dated) pic

her number has changed, 
and i don't have the new one
must have been a bad shag

That looks like a KTM farkle. KLR farkles have bigger airbags, or that is what I recall from another thread..........
Great report Ganjora, respect!  :hello2:

Why is it that everything looks so smooth and easy on Google earth?
Jou bliksem Rone - daai seker die sexy-ste foto wat ek nog op die forum gesien het - jou bliksem, nou moet ek weer toilet toe gaan by die werk en dan neem die christene my kwalik op die R&P board ;D ;D ;D ;D >:D O0 :drif:
Wheres that rear bag come from?looks really cool!
Great Ride & Report. Respect. And oh shit she's a nice ride.....
the bag:
i got it from krazy-eyes
an old forum member,  who
once married
musta got busy making babies,  'cause we aint seen 'im for long
he checks in from time to time
he had a couple made up for forum members a while back

the smiley girly:
a belter, eh????

None so farking Aaiirree
Aiirree Rasta!!!!