laurika &Malawi Jones in Swaziland (mostly)

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Again : - Beautiful Laurika  :thumleft:
Nice RR and Pics Laurika

The mud on your number plate wasnt by any chance stratigically placed there was it ? Not that Im suggesting you would have done that.  >:D
fantastic trip both of you and photos. :thumleft:
Glad to have met both of you a Vanderkloof.
Shweet!!! You are indeed haveing some fantastic saddle time... :ricky: :thumleft: 8)
So cool... Swaziland is such a lovely place.  And Hlane game Park is so peaceful... we were there for a weekend last year, friends of ours run it.  Must go back there again one of these days!  :thumleft:
Billbob said:
Very nice RR. :thumleft: Those waterbuk? look just like Nyala :pot: :peepwall:
Ngaa.......a buck is a buck..unless its a bigger brown thing, then i normally guess its a kudu or such....
i like my wildlife in the shape of biltong...any other shape confuses me..
Thanks to everyones feedback....Malawi went on to ride lake Malawi from north to south on a bicycle for "malawian children in medical need' they did a stunning job...perhaps he will send some photos that he took of Swaziland in this tred..when the old man can move his arms and legs again..
ThunderBearer said:
Nice report and photo's !!!    :thumleft:
thanks thunda...and i just received Malawi Jones's photos of the trip, i caught him as he was going to Moz for a shoot....
perhaps the north of Moz will be our next journey , there is a fantastic route that runs from the coast inland and through to Malawi...all beautiful dirt....will see.
My goodness La, don't know how I missed this one! Glad Thys revived it. Excellent trip, well illustrated with your "photojournalist" style. I used to do some exploration in Swaziland (gold) in the Forbes Reef area (80s). Beautiful, beautiful scenery, early morning meetings with mambas, and the cleanest mountain streams I've ever seen.  Thanks for reminding me of how lovely it all is, and that it is still so!
roxenz said:
My goodness La, don't know how I missed this one! Glad Thys revived it. Excellent trip, well illustrated with your "photojournalist" style. I used to do some exploration in Swaziland (gold) in the Forbes Reef area (80s). Beautiful, beautiful scenery, early morning meetings with mambas, and the cleanest mountain streams I've ever seen.  Thanks for reminding me of how lovely it all is, and that it is still so!
yes, the country could bear some more looking at....i also wrote a solo report from swaziland back, as Malawi had to leave was a lovely trip...short, but worth doing again perhaps for me...

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