Leo and mates in Mozambique ''08

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Brakpan, South Africa
BMW had decided to up the entry fee for this yearâ??s challenge even more than last year, and seeing that they have made enough money from me when I bough the bike, I decided that we would rather do another trip to Mozambique. Five of us took the road on Wednesday to meet up with Nino and Sibhon who had already travelled down on Sunday.

Fun was had by all, lotsa laughter, so Iâ??ll let the pictures do the talking.

Meeting the guys at 6:15am at Ultra City just past Witbank, I was late â?? had to pull the ear a bit


Meeting at Shell Ultra City early morning. Was rather chilly for this time of year, but bearable


A few twisties as we enter the Komatipoort area on the eastern side of Nelspruit.


Beautiful part of the world, although a bit dry and burnt now


Passing the borderpost at Ressano Garcia (Komatipoort). 33 degrees and climbing, hell we were cooking


First thing to do to cool down once past all the formalities and bastards trying to steal your money - grab a 2M


After lunch at Mundoâ??s in Maputo to we took a quick ride along the beach front, wind was pumping.


We met our mates at Complexa Palmeiras, started a braai, and as always when you party after a hard days riding, we were soon in a very festive mood.
Next morning we hade to fix Basilâ??s chair, he somehow missed his chair and sat on the arm rest, chair was stuffed. Ask no questions and hear no lies  :biggrin:

Our bat man was Las Vegas, once again, and we soon were back into our routine of buying everything through him. If you haggle the vendorâ??s yourself, they often shaft you with their prices.
Excalibur adding some fish sauce to his R&C. Lunch was ready to be cooked

The view from Complexa Palmeiras on a reasonable day

Bike Mice and Excalibur putting the boat through itâ??s paces.

Very little instrumentation on the boat

How to settle a land dispute in Bilene? Build the wall and remove part of the offending house

Relaxing in front of the pub after the beach visit. A 500 ml 2M will set you back 15 Meticals = R5

Dirt Dog preparing our supper â?? lovely prawns. Hell this man can cook prawns  :ricky:


Miserable day in Patradise, what can one do?

Take out some cards, open a few cold ones and enjoy! We pulled in for breakfast at 8 am  and left around 3.30pm. Fun was had by all.


So many choices. This fcuker charged us 200 Mets for a bottle of  Paradiso Rum. At the market we got it for 70 Mets

Haggling the vendors in the market place, but Excalibur was already shafted for the bottle of rum at the bottle store. Needles to say we never shopped there again


Dirt Dog after a few too many R&Râ??s

The view of the complex from a distance

Our beach party group

Welcoming party on the beach

Bike Mice testing his fishing skills

Case of mix, ice,  enough hard tack, drinking buddies, what more do you need

Coming back through Swaziland, freezing cold and it started raining to add the cheery on top.


During our visit to Bilene on â??07 we rode some serious sand roads, but this year we opted to concentrate on drinking and eating, so no picks of us battling with the sand!

Sorry for so few pictures - the photographer was sort of pissed most of the time  :3some:

Thanks to all who joined, I had some serious fun.  :thumleft:

Nice one there all of you.....looks like a lot of fun again in Moz... :D

So this was one of those laid back weekends hey you guys, I see you opted to leave out the sand riding.... >:D

and as usual DD making those seeeriously awsome prawns...... :)
Leo again a nice report keep up the good work. I know its hard job traveling and camping etc................ :drif: :drif: :drif: :drif:
nice report Leo. yip, better than Challenge. Love u'r ride reports.
Leo nice to see Nino and Sibhon again and the mates again in Moz....must diarise this next time.... ;)
As always, you certainly know how to have a good trip  :thumleft:

Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to heading that way one day!  :biggrin:
Sorry I missed it Leo, but I was socialising with another bunch of drunkerds in the Eastern Cape

That really looks like a decent festive ride

Btw.. Go Girl - I see you did well back from Thomas River - good going there
Yes looks a nice trip you guys had (again) and, hey Bmad I agree thats another place to visit.
Hi Leo

Good report, I now have a better idea of where to go next, will call for some pointers...
I wish I could have gone with! Dit lyk lekker
Thanx for a lekker trip. A great time was had by all. If ever anyone gets a chance to play cards with Leo, WATCH CAREFULLY 8)