LEO @ WARR 2022

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Brakpan, South Africa
So our usual motley crew decided it would be great to visit that neck of the woods as very few have been there on a bike. Distance was a challenge and as with most of the HP2 owners I know, we want to keep the mileage down or as low as possible, so the decision was made that we would Stoetie till Pofadder and from there take the Namaqua 4x4 route which would spit us out close to Vioolsdrif, around the corner from Growcherry. It was going to be myself, Excalibur, Cublondie, Basil, Jean and Transporter. In the end Basil and Tranesported had to bail due to work commitments, but Basil's SIL agreed that he would ride the HP in order to bring up the numbers.
We met at Basils house on Tuesday evening, loaded all the bikes and gear and had a braai.
Wednesday 4am we were all up and showering, some of us needed extra spearmints after the previous nights "Aankoms Agressie".
We left Pta around 04h30 and restricted our stops to fuel and simultaneous food and smoke.
In Keimoes we bought meat for our meals till we got to the bash, so around 16h00 we parked at Joeys house in Pofadder and starte dto pack. Half an hour later saw us all filled up, tanked up and ready to hit the road, all with some or other container filled with extra fuel, as none of the bikes had the range to reach Vioolsdrif/Growcherry. It was still daylight when we pulled into our overnight spot - a riverbed somewhere along the route. We were all in a very festive mood and the party continued where it stopped the night before.


The next morning sleeping carcasses were scattered all over the riverbed, but fun was had by all.


Soon we were back into our rhythm, enjoying the splendor that this beautiful countryside had to offer.

Ain't she a beauty :love:


As one would say in afrikaans "Vêr verlate vlaktes"


Excalibur and his reliable, albeit not fast, machine.


The trip to Growcherry went fairly smooth and by 2pm I was braaiing a "Flip se Boud' curtesy of the Kalahari Vleishuis op Keimoes.


That night was a big one yet again and the lads did not disappoint. Supper was served - a massive potjie, delicious.


Friday morning our plan was to ride the "difficult" route to Port Nolloth so we set about filling the bikes , camel backs, etc and by 08:30 we were ready to rumble.


The route did not disappoint and we had our fair share of rocks, sand etc.


Just look at that view


Later rocks turned to sand and the HP was in its element.


Of course the farking KTM had to puncture, but more than enough help was around.



Groupie in Port Nolloth


This young lad, Adriaan, was hungry and the food did not dissappoint.


Friday night was another bender and some of us "Ooms" (ok me) took a bit of strain on Saturday morning and sweating in 40+ degrees didn't seem too attractive.
I convinced all we should do the "row" route, so we promptly rowed to the opposite side of the riverbank and settled down to finish whatever brand and rum we had left.


Kuiering in Namibie


When we were down to our last drop, we returned back to SA and kuiered with the rest of the riders who had returned form the days outing


Growcherry have quite a few of these Australian Cattle dogs, although not thoroughbred. This one was the most beautiful as he almost had a beard around his mouth


Mr Looker showing us the way.


A few random pictures




Sunday morning saw us heading for Springbok, in what must have been close to zero degrees. The Wimpy in Springbok was packed with very chilly WIlddogs and the coffee/tea was most welcome.


These two bliksempies has no respect for brandy and wil kuier the "ooms" till death do us part.


Just Bend It, you and you team did a splendid job. Thanks for all your hard work. We had lots of fun.

Hopefully we can repeat this next year.

Once again thanks
Lekker report!

Speit ek was te laat om die HP2's in aksie te sien op dag een se sand.
Aaah Rob & Ri.

Yes @RobC , was a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. I think Ri got a skrik on Friday night as the rest of the weekend she was avoiding us like the plague 🤣

@Leo I kuiered with the two "bliksempies" and Carla the barmaid till about 2am on Saturday morning... I think I slept the rest of the weekend 🤣

It was great to meet everyone (^^,)
Thanks Leo and the rest of the motley crew, it was a weekend where everything was lekker; the riding, the heat, the sceneries, the vuil coke, the bang babelas, the memories, the stories
Wow, awesome trip with awesome photos! I wouldn't say "it looks" like you had a blast, you obviously did! Lekker man, thanks for sharing!