Ek kom nogal met hulle altyd reg. Dit is seker maar soos in Egipte, jy moet altyd maar so 'n bietjie onderhandel.woody1 said:Quote : 10 The hooter sounds a bit horse and Bike Hospital in Johannesburg would be a good place to go and source a 2nd hand one from.
Ek koop NIKS van daai skelms nie. Hulle wil altyd retail prys vra vir al hulle ou kak.
Ek koop liewer 'n nuwe een Schalk.
Dis maar hoe ek voel oor hulle.
Hi Tom In Egipte moes ek in 'n konfooi ry ens. maar het nooit vuurwerke gesien nie. In Sudan het hulle my soos 'n koning behandel. GroeteTom van Brits said:Schalk het jy ooit enige vuurwerke bo in Afrika gesien? Ek het nooit maar ek was nooit bo in Egipte nie.....Ek weet die Arabier lief vuurwerke. In Meeste Afrika lande in my ondervinding is die enigste vuurwerke regte geskiet van weermag of rebelle.
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Hi Clockwork Orange I am going to market the book myself but I am going to contact Amazon to see if I can market it through them as well. As I understand the way Amazon work is that they get the order in and then the different supplier mail the book direct, in other words they do not keep stock them self. I can also maybe mail it to you direct. Just let me know. I want the book to be out asap. Thanks for the reading.Clockwork Orange said:Great...no, Brilliant RR Schalk. I love your approach to your trips and your easy going demeanour. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Will your book be available on Amazon? Certainly want to buy a few copies over here on the mud island.
Thanks again.
schalk vd merwe said:Hi Clockwork Orange I am going to market the book myself but I am going to contact Amazon to see if I can market it through them as well. As I understand the way Amazon work is that they get the order in and then the different supplier mail the book direct, in other words they do not keep stock them self. I can also maybe mail it to you direct. Just let me know. I want the book to be out asap. Thanks for the reading.Clockwork Orange said:Great...no, Brilliant RR Schalk. I love your approach to your trips and your easy going demeanour. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Will your book be available on Amazon? Certainly want to buy a few copies over here on the mud island.
Thanks again.
I have family flying to and from London a couple of times a year as well, so we will make a plan to get it to you.Clockwork Orange said:schalk vd merwe said:Hi Clockwork Orange I am going to market the book myself but I am going to contact Amazon to see if I can market it through them as well. As I understand the way Amazon work is that they get the order in and then the different supplier mail the book direct, in other words they do not keep stock them self. I can also maybe mail it to you direct. Just let me know. I want the book to be out asap. Thanks for the reading.Clockwork Orange said:Great...no, Brilliant RR Schalk. I love your approach to your trips and your easy going demeanour. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Will your book be available on Amazon? Certainly want to buy a few copies over here on the mud island.
Thanks again.
As soon as its out there please let me know. My wife will be visiting SA in Feb next year. If any copies are available at that stage that would be perfect. If not I will make another plan.
Yes you must be missing SA over Christmas there on the other side of the world.Ian in Great Brak River said:No place like home, well said.