Living the Dream Solo Around the World Trip

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hedleyj said:

I have refrained from commenting on your thread because it has been such an awesome and inspiring  read. I found no words would do justice to your adventure. However at this stage all I want is a copy of your book ASAP so I can read the full story from start to finish. Please make haste with the publication. I realise it is a mammoth task but with a good editor and your story telling skills, the script will fly..

You are a legend in my eyes..

Ps I don't care what the book costs, and I hope it has everyone of your photos in it as well.
Hi hedleyj thanks for all the kind words. Yes I want to bring the book out as soon as possible. I am busy rewriting and my wife and I will fix all spelling, grammar and tenses over December. There after it will go to the editor. The book should be out by March 2016 and I am going to market it myself at all the bike shows and bike gatherings around the country until I have sold the required amount of books. There after I will be on the road again for the 2nd part of Living the Dream around the world trip and some more WD RR's.
schalk vd merwe said:
hedleyj said:

I have refrained from commenting on your thread because it has been such an awesome and inspiring  read. I found no words would do justice to your adventure. However at this stage all I want is a copy of your book ASAP so I can read the full story from start to finish. Please make haste with the publication. I realise it is a mammoth task but with a good editor and your story telling skills, the script will fly..

You are a legend in my eyes..

Ps I don't care what the book costs, and I hope it has everyone of your photos in it as well.
Hi hedleyj thanks for all the kind words. Yes I want to bring the book out as soon as possible. I am busy rewriting and my wife and I will fix all spelling, grammar and tenses over December. There after it will go to the editor. The book should be out by March 2016 and I am going to market it myself at all the bike shows and bike gatherings around the country until I have sold the required amount of books. There after I will be on the road again for the 2nd part of Living the Dream around the world trip and some more WD RR's.

Can I reserve one for delivery NOW???  Ill even pay for it now...

I would love to get an early copy (I realise there will be others in front of me) with autograph

I would like to suggest a serial number for each copy of the first edition, it will make them far more valuable and meaningful.

(can I have number one of first edition) haha
hedleyj said:
schalk vd merwe said:
hedleyj said:

I have refrained from commenting on your thread because it has been such an awesome and inspiring  read. I found no words would do justice to your adventure. However at this stage all I want is a copy of your book ASAP so I can read the full story from start to finish. Please make haste with the publication. I realise it is a mammoth task but with a good editor and your story telling skills, the script will fly..

You are a legend in my eyes..

Ps I don't care what the book costs, and I hope it has everyone of your photos in it as well.
Hi hedleyj thanks for all the kind words. Yes I want to bring the book out as soon as possible. I am busy rewriting and my wife and I will fix all spelling, grammar and tenses over December. There after it will go to the editor. The book should be out by March 2016 and I am going to market it myself at all the bike shows and bike gatherings around the country until I have sold the required amount of books. There after I will be on the road again for the 2nd part of Living the Dream around the world trip and some more WD RR's.

Can I reserve one for delivery NOW???  Ill even pay for it now...

I would love to get an early copy (I realise there will be others in front of me) with autograph

I would like to suggest a serial number for each copy of the first edition, it will make them far more valuable and meaningful.

(can I have number one of first edition) haha
Hi hedleyj I will reserve no 0001 for you. I do not like to take money before delivery. I should know by end of January of the exact date of delivery. I would like to meet as many people as possible that I am going to sell my book to. Ideally I would like to autograph the books in the presence of the buyers and that is why I am doing the road show through the country. I love people and would like to meet even more of the WD guys.
schalk vd merwe said:
hedleyj said:
schalk vd merwe said:
hedleyj said:

I have refrained from commenting on your thread because it has been such an awesome and inspiring  read. I found no words would do justice to your adventure. However at this stage all I want is a copy of your book ASAP so I can read the full story from start to finish. Please make haste with the publication. I realise it is a mammoth task but with a good editor and your story telling skills, the script will fly..

You are a legend in my eyes..

Ps I don't care what the book costs, and I hope it has everyone of your photos in it as well.
Hi hedleyj thanks for all the kind words. Yes I want to bring the book out as soon as possible. I am busy rewriting and my wife and I will fix all spelling, grammar and tenses over December. There after it will go to the editor. The book should be out by March 2016 and I am going to market it myself at all the bike shows and bike gatherings around the country until I have sold the required amount of books. There after I will be on the road again for the 2nd part of Living the Dream around the world trip and some more WD RR's.

Can I reserve one for delivery NOW???  Ill even pay for it now...

I would love to get an early copy (I realise there will be others in front of me) with autograph

I would like to suggest a serial number for each copy of the first edition, it will make them far more valuable and meaningful.

(can I have number one of first edition) haha
Hi hedleyj I will reserve no 0001 for you. I do not like to take money before delivery. I should know by end of January of the exact date of delivery. I would like to meet as many people as possible that I am going to sell my book to. Ideally I would like to autograph the books in the presence of the buyers and that is why I am doing the road show through the country. I love people and would like to meet even more of the WD guys.

Schalk I would be honured to get 0001 and will make the effort to see you wherever to colllect in person.

I have a sentimental question for you though, would your wife not be deserving of 0001 rather. I would be happy with 0002 is you decide that way. She is after all most deserving of all.
hedleyj said:
schalk vd merwe said:
hedleyj said:
schalk vd merwe said:
hedleyj said:

I have refrained from commenting on your thread because it has been such an awesome and inspiring  read. I found no words would do justice to your adventure. However at this stage all I want is a copy of your book ASAP so I can read the full story from start to finish. Please make haste with the publication. I realise it is a mammoth task but with a good editor and your story telling skills, the script will fly..

You are a legend in my eyes..

Ps I don't care what the book costs, and I hope it has everyone of your photos in it as well.
Hi hedleyj thanks for all the kind words. Yes I want to bring the book out as soon as possible. I am busy rewriting and my wife and I will fix all spelling, grammar and tenses over December. There after it will go to the editor. The book should be out by March 2016 and I am going to market it myself at all the bike shows and bike gatherings around the country until I have sold the required amount of books. There after I will be on the road again for the 2nd part of Living the Dream around the world trip and some more WD RR's.

Can I reserve one for delivery NOW???  Ill even pay for it now...

I would love to get an early copy (I realise there will be others in front of me) with autograph

I would like to suggest a serial number for each copy of the first edition, it will make them far more valuable and meaningful.

(can I have number one of first edition) haha
Hi hedleyj I will reserve no 0001 for you. I do not like to take money before delivery. I should know by end of January of the exact date of delivery. I would like to meet as many people as possible that I am going to sell my book to. Ideally I would like to autograph the books in the presence of the buyers and that is why I am doing the road show through the country. I love people and would like to meet even more of the WD guys.

Schalk I would be honured to get 0001 and will make the effort to see you wherever to colllect in person.

I have a sentimental question for you though, would your wife not be deserving of 0001 rather. I would be happy with 0002 is you decide that way. She is after all most deserving of all.
Hi hedleyj no my wife is a sweetie and would not mined you having no. 0001. Enjoy.

At the Zambian border I took the ferry across the Zambezi to Botswana. I love ferries and this one was just one of many before. In Egypt I went across the Nile River twice between the desert and Abu Simbel. At Port Said I crossed it four times without my bike. So this one was ferry number seven of the trip. I also had many boat trips on the way. Two at Aswan in Egypt, one at the White Nile at Bahir Dar in Ethiopia.

The ferry ride went smooth and entering Botswana also went smooth. No more need for the Carnet du Passage. Just a stamp of the passport and some Pula to help the government to survive. Botswana has always been one of my favorites and I know quite a few words of Setswana.

I started to look for accommodation on the GPS and picked up a camp site called Elephant’s about 50 km before Nata. I was still about 150 km away but I thought that sounds like an interesting place.

Next to the road was beautiful bush and I was hoping to see some elephant as this is where they normally grace and give you a mock charge as you would come to close. I saw no elephants but as I turned into the two spoor road off the main tar road towards Elephant Camp I immediately saw some fresh elephant spoor. I saw on the GPS that the camp was 1,1km away and the sand was thick thick stuff. If the elephants get hold of me here they would just flatten me and my little bike as it was impossible to stand and ride with my load. I had to ride it while sitting on the bike and then walk it wheel spinning all the time. Most of the time the sand would be right up to the bash plate with a nice roost forming behind my back wheel all the way. I never thought that 1,1 km could feel that long but eventually I made it to camp. A big herd of elephant was rite at the centre of the camp in an almost dry water hole. As fast as the water gets pump in the elephants would drink it and quite often they were fighting over the last drop.

The camp was really beautiful and I turned right up to some permanent tents on timber decks which are raised about 2 meter above the ground or shall I say sand. I could not put the bike on the side stand as it would just sink into the sand. On top of one of the decks an auntie was standing and I ask her to please help me to find a flat stone to put under my side stand. She came down the stairs and found one and the problem was solved.

We started to chat and seeing all the stickers on the bike she wanted to know where I have travelled to and so on. Then she said I must wait as she was going to call her son in the tent next door. Slade Venter and his wife Krissy were introduced to me and he was highly impressed with my trip and said to me. “A 65 year old that has ridden to Egypt and back should at least have free accommodation and food and drink for the night”. He then took me to reception and paid for my camping and food for the night and then we went and sat on the patio to have a few cold one’s while looking at the elephants who was still fighting over the trickling water coming through the pipe from a borehole somewhere. As the sun was setting it was still very hot.

After the cold ones I went to pitch my tent and off load the bike. Another tour operator with two overseas guests was camping next to me and upon seeing all the stickers on the bike he in turn invited me for some cold ones on the patio. Remember what I said last time how the stickers opened doors for me almost immediately.  

A while later Slade and his extended family came back and we had a beautiful dinner, the best in quite a while and all the elephants were still pushing each other to try and get a bit of moisture as the dining area was overlooking the water hole.

After dinner I was off to bed. Now elephants walk very softly but I am sure I heard them going right past my tent. I while latter I could hear them break open an old drain about 3 metre from my tent. I eventually fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up I could see the elephant spoor going right past my tent and their stomachs must have almost touched my tent. A guy in in a 4x4 came  past my tent and ask me if I slept well the previous night as he could see the elephants walking past my tent and almost touching it.

I had a shower and my neighbour with the overseas guest invited me for a coffee. After that it was packing up and saying goodbye to the other family as well and then it was tackling the two spoor sand road again. At one spot I stopped as I had to slip the clutch all the way and by now it has wear down a bit. While sitting on the bike I took my Leatherman out and adjusted the clutch at the clutch lever. I was just going again with a bit of momentum when a tour bus that left early on came back from the opposite side. He did not want to stop and I did not want to stop as we both had momentum and it was impossible for me to get out of the deep sand rut. The driver of the bus slammed on his brakes at the last moment and then he was stuck. He came back because the bus broke its radiator as it exited the deep sand close to the tar road and now on top of it he was stuck in the sand with double wheels and all. The driver not happy now got out to go and get help at the camp. I in turn was still doing the wheel spinning thing with a nice roost behind me and made it to the tar road eventually.

Travelling to Nata on a nice tar road with bush on the side I eventually stopped to have a leak. A 4x4 also stopped with the same idea and as the passenger saw all my stickers he got out and walked towards me. He said to me are you not Schalk vd Merwe? I was flabbergasted and it just shows you the power of the social media these days. We had a nice chat and then I was on my way again.

In Nata I bought a cold drink and by co incidence met up with my do gooders of the previous night again. Then it was on the road again as I wanted to sleep in my own country that night. My thoughts were completely in South Africa and I almost did not notice the couple of shacks next to the road when I hit the speed trap at about 120kmh. It was a 60kmh speed limit and the fine was 1200 Pula about R1400. I told the guy I don’t have so much money on me and eventually I managed to get the spot fine down to 200 Pula. Just as I was leaving they caught my neighbour at the camp with the two tourists for 800 Pula. I then push on as after the fine I wanted to be back in my own country that night even more. I reached the border at about 4.30pm and was through the Botswana side in no time knowing after months and months just one more night before I will sleep in my own bed again.

On the ferry across the Zambezi River into Botswana


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I hope you guys can give me some ideas on my book maybe somethings I have not thought about. All input will be appreciated.
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Great idea, and as I have met you both, please reserve #0009 for me, with autograph please.

Hi Ian no 0009 is yours will leave it with your dad once printed. Enjoy that far away place.
Awesome Schalk!
Dit moet nogal iets wees on daai olifante so by jou te he! Laat b man seker klein voek

Sent from my SM-J110F using Tapatalk
Wow what a story, started reading it two days ago and have just caught up. You must have a very understanding wife to let you go off on an adventure like that alone. I know my wife would want to be with me.  A few more years to retirement for me and then we will see where the road takes us.
Tom van Brits said:
Awesome Schalk!
Dit moet nogal iets wees on daai olifante so by jou te he! Laat b man seker klein voek

Sent from my SM-J110F using Tapatalk
Hi Tom ja ek ken Olifante en as jy kyk op die een foto kyk het die oorsee se toeriste net gesit reg by die water gat terwyl een Olifant in musk was {vloeistof wat langs hulle kop af hardloop. In daai tyd is hulle baie agresief} Dit is hoekom ek verder terug gestaan het om die foto te neem. Ek het twee jaar lank 'n kontrak in Botswana se Mashatu Game reserve gedoen en baie van Olifante geleer. Groete
daveh said:
Wow what a story, started reading it two days ago and have just caught up. You must have a very understanding wife to let you go off on an adventure like that alone. I know my wife would want to be with me.  A few more years to retirement for me and then we will see where the road takes us.
Hi daveh Yes I do have a very understanding wife. Unfortunately the last time she was on a bike with me was when I had a Kawasaki Z 1000 in 1977 and then again when I rented a 125 cc in Nice in the South of France in in 1987. I would love to have my wife on the back of my bike or even better on her own bike like a lot of couples that frequent Africa. So after 37 years of  a happily marriage life and my wife not a bikers chick any more I settled for 2nd best, solo around the world with my wife being back up at home. After that we will do a 4x4 trip to some special places in Africa. Enjoy.
schalk vd merwe said:
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Great idea, and as I have met you both, please reserve #0009 for me, with autograph please.

Hi Ian no 0009 is yours will leave it with your dad once printed. Enjoy that far away place.

Ok kan ek ook n nommer ky asb....10 Al gevat?
Tom van Brits said:
schalk vd merwe said:
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Great idea, and as I have met you both, please reserve #0009 for me, with autograph please.

Hi Ian no 0009 is yours will leave it with your dad once printed. Enjoy that far away place.

Ok kan ek ook n nommer ky asb....10 Al gevat?
0010 is joune my maat. Groete
Schalk as a thought for your book often books are written and compiled where the pics are grouped together in section making it difficult to refer back to the script. I would like to suggest that although it will cost a bit more, that the pics are inserted along with the text as it develops.

I would also suggest a cd/dvd of your pics with the book all referenced to the relative section of the book.

I would also suggest you could write the book as an adventure rather than an account of events. Bit like a novel, maybe.  Oh and don't forget the "foreword" that will place the whole experience in perspective.

But most of all keep the story to your style, that's the style the so many of us have come to enjoy and appreciate in this thread.
hedleyj said:
Schalk as a thought for your book often books are written and compiled where the pics are grouped together in section making it difficult to refer back to the script. I would like to suggest that although it will cost a bit more, that the pics are inserted along with the text as it develops.

I would also suggest a cd/dvd of your pics with the book all referenced to the relative section of the book.

I would also suggest you could write the book as an adventure rather than an account of events. Bit like a novel, maybe.  Oh and don't forget the "foreword" that will place the whole experience in perspective.

But most of all keep the story to your style, that's the style the so many of us have come to enjoy and appreciate in this thread.
hi hedleyj I was thinking along the same lines as far as the photos are concerned where you have pages of photos in between the story to make it more relevant although they told me it would be more expensive as it is gloss paper. As far as putting it on cd/DVD it is then digital and can be copy to any where. People has already suggested to do e books but it is the same story, once it is digital it can be copied and paste and send anywhere. So I think as many a photo as the budget allow inside the book is the way to go. Thanks for the input and the foreword of my biking career which span over some 50 years is a good idea. Thanks mate.
schalk vd merwe said:
hedleyj said:
Schalk as a thought for your book often books are written and compiled where the pics are grouped together in section making it difficult to refer back to the script. I would like to suggest that although it will cost a bit more, that the pics are inserted along with the text as it develops.

I would also suggest a cd/dvd of your pics with the book all referenced to the relative section of the book.

I would also suggest you could write the book as an adventure rather than an account of events. Bit like a novel, maybe.  Oh and don't forget the "foreword" that will place the whole experience in perspective.

But most of all keep the story to your style, that's the style the so many of us have come to enjoy and appreciate in this thread.
hi hedleyj I was thinking along the same lines as far as the photos are concerned where you have pages of photos in between the story to make it more relevant although they told me it would be more expensive as it is gloss paper. As far as putting it on cd/DVD it is then digital and can be copy to any where. People has already suggested to do e books but it is the same story, once it is digital it can be copied and paste and send anywhere. So I think as many a photo as the budget allow inside the book is the way to go. Thanks for the input and the foreword of my biking career which span over some 50 years is a good idea. Thanks mate.

Sadly you are correct on the "e" side of things and I suppose it has to be so unfortunately. I must say I am a bit old school with books and prefer the paper versions.

I would not be cautious around cost.

This is going to be a unique story of a mans trip through not just AFRICA but through a living personal goal reaching adventure. An account of an achievement, overcoming fears and concerns by facing them head on.

This has to be a must read, left on the coffee table, of not only bikers but adventurists of all disciplines.

Even think far enough out the box to make it a large format layout so the pics get justice served.

Looking forward to 0001  :peepwall:

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