Sodra ek genoeg boeke verkoop het. Groete1ougat said:So wanneer begin jy weer ry ?
Dankie was ook lekker om jou te ontmoet. Groete en lekker lees.OomD said:Been following this thread, and today finally managed to meet Schalk at the Motorcycle Museum in Deneysville. Great surprise to see you there, Schalk, we just planned a breakfast ride but what a surprise to walk in and see you sitting there. Had a lekker chat, and got my own signed copy of the book off course. Schalk, ek hoop jy kry gou genoeg verkope om jou volgende trip te sponsor, ek hou dop hier en sien uit na jou RR vir jou RTWT.
Sterkte, ek gaan nou eers lekker sit en lees. :thumleft: :thumleft:
Hi Gbags let me know if you and your wife are coming to Johannesburg, I always have a spare room for a fellow travellerGbags said:Hi Schalk,
I'm a Brit riding around the bottom six countries in Southern Africa with my wife.
Your RR is wonderful and inspiring. Positive, engaging, loads of photos. I'm only up to Sudan but I love it.
Hi Hamilton thanks for having me on the KZN bash and thanks for the support. Every book sold is one closer to the rest of the around the world tripHamilton said:I got my signed copy from Schalk at the KZN Bash. That following Monday I started reading it. Did not put the book down until I had finished it. Man, that last page sure had tears in my eyes. I loved the book and it motivated me again to get out there and ride. Well done and well written. Hope the balance of your trip comes of shortly and we can get to read about it. Thanks Schalk. :thumleft:
Het my ma ook geseSee Duiwel said:befok!!!
Have to sell all the books first plus someGanjora said:When are you off again?
schalk vd merwe said:Have to sell all the books first plus someGanjora said:When are you off again?
No I must sell more of the same book. To print new books cost money. Might take a bond on my house in order to continue1ougat said:schalk vd merwe said:Have to sell all the books first plus someGanjora said:When are you off again?
Then you have to write more books ... :thumleft:
Get riding I would suggest ... :lol8:
schalk vd merwe said:No I must sell more of the same book. To print new books cost money. Might take a bond on my house in order to continue
Hi Xpat thanks for the advise but SA people take exception very quickly when it comes to money. I thought selling the book was a good and honest way to earn money to finance the next leg of the trip. I must say the wilddogs were fantastic so far and all of you supported me out of this world. The only problem is that a ATW trip cost big money as you will know after traveling from northern Europe. So the plan is to keep selling the book plus a plan B. Will let you guys know once plan B is successful. I would like to finish the trip well before I turn 70. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the WD's who have followed my story and bought my books, you are all stars and thanks to you Xpat for following my story. It is a real compliment too that a guy with your riding capabilities and experience through Africa have followed my story. Next part of the trip is coming, no matter what, watch this space.Xpat said:I bought the book, and I can definitely recommend it as a great read!
Schalk, maybe consider crowdfunding. People can contribute money directly and you can give them in return 'presents'. For example if somebody gives you 500 Rand he/she gets book, if 100, you will send them personnal postcard from Santiago (wherever). Look into that - may be faster than book sale.