Lowvelders to the Richtersveld

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Baie mooi Fodies. Die Rally met die Rimtape, brand sy Gezorst nie daai Kit wat so teen hom hang nie?
It was a rough day in the mountains….
We arrive at the Growcery and start our maintenance ritual. Johan has do some repairs on the 990 after picking up some damage in the rocks along the pipeline road.

Next morning we “wake” from what was by far the worst night of sleep on the trip. Mozzies chowed us alive and the “beds” might’ve worked for a 5 year old, not really for grown men 😈

I remember Jaco not beeing very impressed with the Chick Shacks at the WARR bash last year. Great ride report Canzius!
I remember Jaco not beeing very impressed with the Chick Shacks at the WARR bash last year. Great ride report Canzius!
We are clearly very alike…. They are horrible! Lekker spot with great food and service though
Gustav Snr and Janus are carrying injuries and decide to take a more manageable route to our next destination - Klein Pella

The rest of us head for a beautiful route towards Steinkopf

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