Magaliesberg/burg 24th Feb 2008 - Report

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Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kymco (all models)
Splash had a long day so happy to help kick off a report

Some days are relaxing, some days are fun, some days are hard work, and some days exist just to test your strength of character.

This was a day with all of the above, and I can tell you that Lisa (or Li on the forum) showed us plenty of the strength part, but we'll get to that later

A great route. Six bikes started off at Muldersdrift, on tar to Maropeng, bit of nice gravel to Magaliesburg, bit of tar, back on gravel to the mountains, round the back of Olifantsnek dam, over Breedtâ??s nek, wiggle waggle along the Hex river (Gauteng version) and then down to Boons.

The gravel road leading south of Boons was  amazing from two points of view. The first bit was unbelievably nice to ride on â?? smooth with plenty of grip, and at times I found myself touching 100KPH, which is about as fast as I have ever been off-tar.

But then this beautiful piece of road turned into one of the most horrible bits of wet, muddy and slippery bits of clay I have ever ridden.. I couldn't work out how it happened, as there was no sign of rain, and I can only assume that one of those lonely Highveld thunderstorms must have done some load-shedding when it saw us coming and then moved on.

I was in my normal position at the back, HastaLaVista in front of me, Li in front of that with the others twinkle-toeing through the mud up ahead. Next thing I hear a â??clunkâ? and see Lisa and KLR emerge, horizontal, from the grass verge and spin into the middle of the road. By the time I get there she is up and surveying the damage and assures me, much to my relief, that she is â??just a bit windedâ? â?? whew! Seems she got a bit sideways in the mud, tried to find some grip in the grass verge, but smacked a large rock lurking in the grass.

But the KLR was going nowhere. The plastics looked like North Beach with a stiff Easterly  blowing, and the sump plug had hit the rock and is probably still out there somewhere.

That rock can be grateful that none of us had a sledge hammer otherwise I am sure that Lisa would have flattened it into beach sand.

What to do? Plan A was that I get back to Centurion, swap bike for car and trailer, and go back to recover the bike.  Problem with plan A was that it was quite possible that we could have had a broken KLR, a VW Polo and a trailer all stuck in the mud, but It was the best we could think of.

As I hit the tar my cell rings and tell me that they have plan B. They managed to get a friend with a trailer and a 4x4 to come and recover the bike.

I am relieved to get a call later to say they all made it back safely.

With these troubles would I rather have stayed at home? No way ! I donâ??t know Lisa well but I know that is one tough lady, and I fully expect to see her and bike back out there on the road soon.

Thanks for the ride all.



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Damn, hope Li's bike is ok, but at least she seems to be fine. That's some bad little mud monster right there! Sorry I couldn't make this one, but other things were calling, so maybe next time.

You guys must remember to ride with MrBigs emergency assist list with you, that way you can contact us if needs be.

Hope there's going to be more photies!
Uncle said:
Damn, hope Li's bike is ok, but at least she seems to be fine. That's some bad little mud monster right there! Sorry I couldn't make this one, but other things were calling, so maybe next time.

You guys must remember to ride with MrBigs emergency assist list with you, that way you can contact us if needs be.

Hope there's going to be more photies!

That is seriously good advice, and will be taken - thanks.  Where will I find the "list" ?
GundaGunda said:
Uncle said:
Damn, hope Li's bike is ok, but at least she seems to be fine. That's some bad little mud monster right there! Sorry I couldn't make this one, but other things were calling, so maybe next time.

You guys must remember to ride with MrBigs emergency assist list with you, that way you can contact us if needs be.

Hope there's going to be more photies!

That is seriously good advice, and will be taken - thanks.  Where will I find the "list" ?


Seems these hidden rocks are taking their toll?
Forgot this one !
Lisa showing the rock who's the boss!!
(Note sump-plug indentation)


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Good Morning GG

Glad to see that Li is ok !!

We actually passed you guys on the Maropeng road, I think Splash was riding in front on his Katoom - looked awsome when all you guys passed. 

It was my brother in law on his KLE in front and myself and Mrs H on my Dak behind.

I was out and about on the GSV, but there were so many bikes about on Sunday morning, I did not recognise one group from another.

Sorry to say so, but if the sump plug has been ripped out this could be a MAJOR!!!

Welsh  8)
First of thanks to Splash for a fantastic ride. At the end of the day its all about being out with like minded people and creating new friendships and experiences regardless if you spend 3 hours in a muddy ditch miles from nowhere ;D

We got home at around 5 and got the bike off the trailer and took a much needed shower.
The bike is very sick at this point it might be a scrapper but the insurance will need to decide. Thanks goodness for insurance huh!

Li is feeling like she went a few rounds with a kick boxer yesterday, and to make matters worse she has a cold so sneezing presents a whole lot of problems when your ribs are sore. BUT she is up and about and still has her upbeat happy disposition. Her only concern is getting the bike fixed so that she doesn't miss out on too many rides.  :D

Some Pictures.

Arrival on BreedtsNek

Li on a working KLR


Li getting a tissue and Gunda getting our Cappuccino's  ;D

My trusty Steed

GundaGunda doing a bit of rock worship, Didn't help much as the rock demon was not appeased one bit.
(he is actually setting up his camera, only took about an hour! ;D)

The Rose amongst the Thorns

One KLR inking itself!

Wilddog to the end

A little bit of mud

The Rock Demon!

The Rock Demon has a thing for wilddog stickers it seems.

For sale 1x Low millage KLR 650 under 3000km's Onle Lady rider, only rides on sundays, Any offers?

Thanks so much to Splash for arranging a fantastic ride!  It was absolutely fab until the dreaded rock incident.  Thank you to everyone on the ride for your fantastic support and assistence.  It really makes me proud to be a Wild Dog to see the fantastic commaraderie that occurs in the time of need.
I am feeling a bit bruised this morning, but it is to be expected when you try to take on the "mud monster" and the "rock demon" all at once! :'(
As you can see my bike came off second, I am waiting for insurance to advise the way forward.  Hopefully I can be back riding soon, but I will be tackling the mud monster the same way Gunda Gunda does it and not the way I have been, as it is quite clear it does not work.
Nice report, sorry about the mud monster and his make "The Rock"...... ;)
Almost forgot to thank WildThing (Francois) for braving the mud both ways to go and get us some food and water, 100km round trip to the closest shop!

Thanks buddy!

In previous threads I expressed my concern that the new KLR is a bit soft and will probably experience quite a bit of damage if it were to fall. :(

Still, never nice to see such damage and I hope you guys will be able to sort it out quickly. Li is a good rider and I am glad to see that she remains unfazed by the incident.

Let me guess as to Gandagunda's approach - "when you see an obstacle go around it"? The wisdom of old age.
Gunda does the (in his own words) The Viloceraptor walk through the mud. Li tends to use the throttle to get out of the mud which has worked in the past but when the unforeseen (rock) happens things go south quickly. Better to take your time Vilocering the mud than falling at speed.

Glad to hear all are well. Not a nice thing to mhappen on any ride. But bikes are replaceable and people are not ;D  Glad all is good with you WD's. See you all soon on a ride.
Eish, at least she walked away from it.

I wonder if the crash bars and metal bash plate would have helped or at least minimised the damage?

Kykdaar said:
...Let me guess as to Gandagunda's approach - "when you see an obstacle go around it"? The wisdom of old age.

:toothy9: May I request GG a change in avatar? That would be the photo below. :D

And as already mentioned to Splash in a PM "I've bee  :sleepy2: again. Sorry to have missed as it seems like fun was had. Well not to much for someoneâ??s insurance company but still glad to see al bones intact. (Some egos take longer to mend than bone but the evidence in the form of the photos shows a great character in Li and therefore no problem)



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I think one's Avatar and Nick on Wild Dogs should encapsulate:-
- The flashiness of one's equipment.
- The age of the person.
- One's riding style.
My 1952 Vaaljapie GundaGunda does the above just fine thank you very much !! 
dammm,gg... i missed your cuppaciono???

looks like lekker wet roads,,,we had a huge downpour on friday nite (something to do with the bulls, maybe???) and all our roads were washed over the with rocks en debris,,,,dont know where that big one came from but like i said it was a huge  down pour,,

sorrie about the mishap and maybe next time i can roll a klip out of your way, li

get well soon

thanx for report and pics

Sorry to see the aftermath Li. Glad your not seriously injured.

Jules, get that back break lever  ;D
Hey Guys.

Thanks for a great day's riding yesterday, had lots of fun!!!

Li... Hope you doing better, and hope to see you out on a bike again really soon!  :)


