Memel 7 passes weekend. 1-3 June...Every dog has it's day...

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I'll second everyones comments so far. A really great weekend.
Thanks to Adventurer for all the organizing.
I will definitely go back to the area SUMMER :lol:
a few pics to add to the already stunning collection:
Outjie & Stefan on the tricky stuff before the tunnel
I'll second everyones comments so far. A really great weekend.
Thanks to Adventurer for all the organizing.
I will definitely go back to the area SUMMER :lol:
A few pics to add to the already stunning collection:
Outjie & Stefan on the tricky stuff before the tunnel

No comment necessary !
Peaches leaving the mist on top of Normandien pass

Regrouping under Majuba of a huge British defeat during the Boer War.
Great trip Adv, really sorry we had to miss it but suppose you can't have three great trips in a row. :wink:
Hey Adventurer, have you checked out Vonkprop's signature line? :lol: :lol:
dieterj said:
Hey Adventurer, have you checked out Vonkprop's signature line? :lol: :lol:

Yeah, even though I ran out of gas we were still not lost. :D :D
Adv riders NEVER get lost anyway, we just find alternative routes. :D
thanks, everyone that went, for a brilliant weekend.

i've no pics, only commentary:

friday - on the way down, the "boerie conversion" (radiator screen) chaffed a little leak into the radiator. it had blown a fair bit of green gunk all over the engine without me noticing, when, as luck would have it, it was pretty cold. I stopped to ask a stationary trucker (having injector troubles) if I was on the right road (I had 'memorised' the map the night before), he pointed out the radiator leak. I pushed the bike to the other side of the truck (ie. away from the road), and took the opportunity to put on my thermals. The trucker said to put curry powder into the radiator??? ... I opted to pass tools to him, thinking: once his injector hassle was resolved he could offer the proverbial hand. Anywayz, once his injectors were injecting, he poured about 3 table spoons of extra hot curry powder into my radiator(me thinking: nothing ventured - nothing gained), and after watching the temp guage carefully i was in memel.

saturday was brilliant. after some initial wavering of the temp guage, things settled down. had nice ride through some un-nice weather, culminating in a ride through my nemesis: thick loose sand. t'was just long enough to nearly take me down, and just long enough for me to remember my roomie's (vonkprop) words: look up, lean back, give throttle. got a max of 130kph (klr speedo) on dirt - after opting to miss
adventurer's "run out of juice" missadventure,and choosing the rugger game. missed my bed time by about 2 beers, an hour and a fair bit of
"crazy talk"..... the good humour and patience of all present appreciated....

sunday was another day spent wringing the KLR's neck... i even got a compliment from plothond(ktm 950), who says the KLR is actually not as
bad as he thought!!! on the open road 6.5rpm=+- 150kpm real speed. anyway, after an hour (felt like it) we stopped for a wimpy lunch in the town of standerton, where every single retsident also takes their lunch. some that don't drove their lound golfs and equally loud bakkies (destroyed diff's, gearboxes, etc) up and down the main drag for our benefit.

all in all a brilliant weekend, with special thanks going to 'Robertson's' Spices. forever more i will take curry powder on every (mis)adventure.

as of yet, no pratley steel has been used to consolidate the radiator repairs.

as for klr's, the green ones are often touted as the fastest, however, mine is the hottest!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
looks like you all had a blast! what an area to spend a weekend in! 8) soon...
Check out some pics that 2 of mates and I did in December 2006 (with 2 pillions. My fiance, and Albert's wife) The pics are here:

It took us 3 weeks and 5500km to do this trip on 3 identical GS's from JHB to Bloem, Aliwal, PE, Garden Route including Knysna, George, Die Hel, Cape Town, West Coast, Calvinia, Carnarvon, Douglas, Kimberley, Vrystaat and back!

Welman said:
Check out some pics that 2 of mates and I did in December 2006 (with 2 pillions. My fiance, and Albert's wife) The pics are here:

It took us 3 weeks and 5500km to do this trip on 3 identical GS's from JHB to Bloem, Aliwal, PE, Garden Route including Knysna, George, Die Hel, Cape Town, West Coast, Calvinia, Carnarvon, Douglas, Kimberley, Vrystaat and back!


So, where's the ride report? Must we go hunting for it? :D Post it on the forum please. 8) 8)