Sooo, Ruta 40. Argentina's iconic road runs down the eastern side of the Andes for 5000 km from La Quiaca to Patagonia. Unfortunately much of it is paved today, but there are still some tasty bits that aren't, and today we were going to have a 300 km full day on probably the best bit, from La Quiaca to a roadhouse called Pastos Chicos near Susques. It is one of the very best days I have had riding my GS. Fast in places, tricky and slow in others, the scenery was never less than epic. No traffic other than the odd mining vehicle, it felt truly remote, and it was here we expected our altitude to top out - quite something as we'd been riding at 12000+ feet since Ollague.
La Q to PC
No, me neither.
Stop after about 100km to empty the fuel bags. Those things are so useful.
You just know you're in for a good day when it looks like this...
What is this dwelling made of - looks like an upside down 'coil pot' like we made at school in art class.
There is some water, even out here. There were a few streams to cross and cool off the boots.
Church was in decent shape, rest of the village a ruin. Looked like something out of a spaghetti western.
This little fella was the only living thing we saw in the village.
Apples, nuts, slurp of water and good to carry on.
Just great riding. Less traffic than Namibia - just the odd vehicle from the mines.
The highest point I saw on my GPS. 14662 feet is 4408 meters. I think we'd been higher, but the electrical connection was failing, so I was turning it off to save the batteries for the end of the day when they might be needed to find our accommodation.
This is Rob's GPS which shows that we were descending at the time..
Getting towards beer o'clock now. Sensibly the beer comes in litre bottles, saves a rapid reordering.
It took as seven hours or so (whatever Google maps said) to reach Pastos Chicos and I was done in. The altitude was partly to blame, your energy just gets sapped so easily, especially off tarmac.
Plenty of evidence of previous visitors stuck to the windows.
When we arrived at Pastos Chicos I threw my gear into the room and headed straight to the bar for an ice-cold Salta beer. Pastos Chicos was a bit of a dump, although the staff were cheery, but they had cold beer and gasoline, so the two main requirements for motorcycle touring were covered. Stand around too long and someone will probably slap a sticker on you...
Our next stop was the town of Salta, presumably the home of the beer I was supping at Pastos Chicos. Unfortunately this meant rejoining the tarmac. We were photographing some more salt flats when a German (or maybe Swiss judging by the 'CH' on his pannier) dude rocked up on a Triumph Tiger looking for fuel. Judging by his waistcoat he'd been on the road a while.
Still, being on blacktop wasn't all bad - this road descended about 10000 feet in no time.
We had a couple of days in Salta. It's a charming place with many colonial buildings and a busy square lined with restaurants. All very civilised.
Interesting Buick - right hand drive - maybe an import from Australia?
Salta was a great place to take a break from the bikes, but after two nights we were ready to continue our journey south towards the Chilean lakes and Patagonia.

No, me neither.

Stop after about 100km to empty the fuel bags. Those things are so useful.

You just know you're in for a good day when it looks like this...

What is this dwelling made of - looks like an upside down 'coil pot' like we made at school in art class.

There is some water, even out here. There were a few streams to cross and cool off the boots.

Church was in decent shape, rest of the village a ruin. Looked like something out of a spaghetti western.

This little fella was the only living thing we saw in the village.

Apples, nuts, slurp of water and good to carry on.

Just great riding. Less traffic than Namibia - just the odd vehicle from the mines.

The highest point I saw on my GPS. 14662 feet is 4408 meters. I think we'd been higher, but the electrical connection was failing, so I was turning it off to save the batteries for the end of the day when they might be needed to find our accommodation.

This is Rob's GPS which shows that we were descending at the time..

Getting towards beer o'clock now. Sensibly the beer comes in litre bottles, saves a rapid reordering.

It took as seven hours or so (whatever Google maps said) to reach Pastos Chicos and I was done in. The altitude was partly to blame, your energy just gets sapped so easily, especially off tarmac.

Plenty of evidence of previous visitors stuck to the windows.

When we arrived at Pastos Chicos I threw my gear into the room and headed straight to the bar for an ice-cold Salta beer. Pastos Chicos was a bit of a dump, although the staff were cheery, but they had cold beer and gasoline, so the two main requirements for motorcycle touring were covered. Stand around too long and someone will probably slap a sticker on you...

Our next stop was the town of Salta, presumably the home of the beer I was supping at Pastos Chicos. Unfortunately this meant rejoining the tarmac. We were photographing some more salt flats when a German (or maybe Swiss judging by the 'CH' on his pannier) dude rocked up on a Triumph Tiger looking for fuel. Judging by his waistcoat he'd been on the road a while.

Still, being on blacktop wasn't all bad - this road descended about 10000 feet in no time.

We had a couple of days in Salta. It's a charming place with many colonial buildings and a busy square lined with restaurants. All very civilised.

Interesting Buick - right hand drive - maybe an import from Australia?

Salta was a great place to take a break from the bikes, but after two nights we were ready to continue our journey south towards the Chilean lakes and Patagonia.