Mud monster in the Karoo?

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Thanxs people!  It really cheers up my Monday knowing you guys enjoyed the RR!  :thumleft:

Beserker said:
There should be a law against new RR's on a Monday morning...I can see the economy being impacted by this one   :deal:

...that is not a bad idea!  I've spend so much time reading other people's RR's...wonder
what that would cost if you convert it too Moola?!?!  ???

Beserker said:
Way to go  :thumleft:

Karoo is groot as jy solo heh heh !

...moerse groot...dis wat dit so lekker maak!  Feit dat ek nooit regtig verdwaal het sonder
'n GPS gaan my verstand te bowe...  ::)
Scheme jy moet jou naam verander - daai was nie Super nie...more like befok! Wel gedaan ou maat!  :thumleft:
Klomper said:
Scheme jy moet jou naam verander - daai was nie Super nie...more like befok! Wel gedaan ou maat!  :thumleft:

...jy moes my sien vlieg na my eerste val...dit was meer Super...!  :ricky:.... :eek:....  :angel8:.... :BangHead:

Thanxs Klomper!  :thumleft:
ai dawid...what fun you had...and lovely pics you will never forget this! very inspiring! :thumleft:
What a trip. Well done and thanks for sharing.

That miniature baobab is a 'spekboom'
Those very busy ants are called 'balbyters'.

Other ants might be called that name, but these are the orginal real deal Namakwaland balbyters!.
full marks Dave ... such beautiness  :thumleft: :thumleft:
Hey Dave, now that is a magic report. There is just something very special about doing a solo trip, yes it does take a different mind set but that is moving out of the box. Your photographs composition is brilliant, to the layman. Tx. for sharing.
You don't think the falling off had anything to do with the beer stops ???
Very nice read and pics, it could only have been nice falls and all.
:thumleft: Awesome trip en ondervinding, dis mos nou eintlik waaroor Adventure Riding gaan :thumleft:
Hey Dave

Liewer laat as nooit! Blerrie nice foto's en great report. Nou kan ek sien hoe lyk die uitsig van Oubergpas. Toe ons daar oor is so 3 ure na jou was alles onder 'n stofstorm. Jammer ons kon nie langer ge-chat het nie, miskien sien ons weer, dalk in die Karoo, dis 'n belewenis en 'n half.


Jacoboos die pirouette
Jis raak ek nou sommer so groen van Jaloesie!!!!!
Dit lyk na 'n awesome ride wat jy gehad het!
Wonder wat die score in totaal was tussen Superdave en Mud hahaha

Die mooi kerk in Calvinia, reg oorkant die pad is die Slaghuis  :pot: wat my oom besit en reg agter die Slaghuis is my Ouma en Oupa se huis  :ricky:, gaan vogende maand weer bietjie soontoe om te vertrek na Augrabies en Kakamas vir 'n familie reunie.  :bueller:

Die Myl 250 neem ak aan was die bar/restaurant daar waar jy was. :hello2:
Hulle is moerse nice en biker friendly.  :3some:

Ek het jou storie verskriklik baie geniet.  :thumleft:
Keep it up :deal:
Het dit baie geniet.  Nice RR en jou kiekies is ook smart.

A job well done  :thumleft:
That was really enjoyable reading... :biggrin:

R300 a day on adventure in sunny SA with unpredictable weather conditions.... mmm....that's cutting it
really fine.... :D

Falling in the mud whew not laughing at you but feeling with you ... you must have had some funny moments
picking up your steed in some of that slippery stuff.... :mwink: can imagine you had your own beauty mudpack...? ;D

Meeting up with the WDs its amazing how far this WD pack mark their territory ....they're certainly not 'endangered' or scarce for that matter!!! :thumleft:

You will definitely have to come back for the West Coast that is an entirely another adventure... :ricky:

What a lekker RR.... :biggrin:

Jacoboos said:
Hey Dave

Liewer laat as nooit! Blerrie nice foto's en great report. Nou kan ek sien hoe lyk die uitsig van Oubergpas. Toe ons daar oor is so 3 ure na jou was alles onder 'n stofstorm. Jammer ons kon nie langer ge-chat het nie, miskien sien ons weer, dalk in die Karoo, dis 'n belewenis en 'n half.


Jacoboos die pirouette

Dis nou jammer oor die time!! 
Die Karoo is so mooi mens gee nie om om weer te gaan nie...baie wat ek nog wil sien ook...!  :thumleft:
GO GIRL said:
That was really enjoyable reading... :biggrin:

R300 a day on adventure in sunny SA with unpredictable weather conditions.... mmm....that's cutting it
really fine.... :D

Falling in the mud whew not laughing at you but feeling with you ... you must have had some funny moments
picking up your steed in some of that slippery stuff.... :mwink: can imagine you had your own beauty mudpack...? ;D

Meeting up with the WDs its amazing how far this WD pack mark their territory ....they're certainly not 'endangered' or scarce for that matter!!! :thumleft:

You will definitely have to come back for the West Coast that is an entirely another adventure... :ricky:

What a lekker RR.... :biggrin:

Thanxs Go Girl!  :thumleft:

It was quite tricky getting the bike upright again...!  If there was someone spying on me
they would have had a lekker laugh! 

In the end not too bad...worst of the mud part was not being able to light a siggie afterward's...! 
Everything was so muddy and wet...I did however light one after the second time...! 
Got out of muddy gloves and lit one in the rain...smoked like a professional in a rain storm...!  ;D

Had my rain jacket on over my riding jacket so luckily most of the mud was on that...

I stopped a girl in a bakkie at the t-junction, she was coming from Carnarvon and going in the direction
of the Meerkat project(where I was suppose to go)...

Judging by her reaction it was like she was looking at a wet cat after it had a mud bath...stranded in
the middle of the ocean...  :eek:

For a moment she probably thought I was going to ask her for a lift but the relieve soon showed
after I asked her how far still till Carnarvon...!  :imaposer: