My 2013 bash - PTown/Notties/Coffee Bay/Bash/Himeville/Clarens/PTown

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Race Dog
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
Hi all

It's probably way too late to post my ride report and everyone is probably sick by now of reading about the bash (especially those that weren't there).

But, here goes.

Day 1
Her Stigness and I left Pretoria early on the Wednesday morning. We would meet up with IDR at Nottingham Road Hotel. When we got there we met BrianW who organised that morning to join us on our trip.

Instead of waiting for IDR at the hotel we decided to rather go have some beers at Rawdons. Her Stigness on the far side, IDR left and BrianW right.

It was uneventful riding, especially through the States! However, the turnoff onto Nottingham Road was fantastic. Lekker twists and turns with beautiful country side for entertainment.

I should also add that I hooked up Her Stigness with a Sena so that we could chat, and what a great buy! Gone were hand signals and gestures.
Day 2

We had to leave early to get to Coffee Bay by nightfall. Our first plan was to head to Port St Johns and then take gravel to Coffee Bay.

We hit some early gravel (parking our bikes next to the tar).

At Kokstad we decided that the wind was tiring us out big time! Man, we battled on the meander.

Anyways, we decided to skip Port St Johns and head straight for Coffee Bay. The call of the ocean (read: beer) convinced us that an early arrival would be better.

We had accommodation at Coffee Shack, one of the little rondawels on the hill across the river.
Here's our view.

When we got there they told us to hurry unpacking, seeing as it's free vodka and oysters day! Every full moon the vodka and sprite is for mahala as well as oysters they might have!
IDR chatting to Her Stigness and me photobombing my own photo. Vodka in hand!

Later that night it was time to challenge for the pool table. It was on like Donkey Kong!
IDR being told what ball to go to.

I had no doubt that we would win the table!

However, it only lasted one game  :(

We managed to cross the river in our drunken state, mainly because at low tide there is no water running :)
Nice one. Nooit te laat vir 'n RR nie  :thumleft:
Day 3

Today was the last stretch to the bash. We headed out early for a quick stop at Hole In The Wall. Man, what a sight! I really don't think any photo can make it look good. You have to go there.
Heading down to the village at the foot of the hole.

The sight is something to behold!

I tried to take a panoramic with my S1. It came out OK.

A quick stop in Transkei

What a lie! We stopped for some quarts and tire pressure checks! Her Stigness had to do with a 1L coke, seeing as they don't sell anything less. She ended up giving this little kid the 800ml that was left. He honestly thought it was XMas!

This time a ligit stop for some leg stretching.

To be quite honest I didn't enjoy the Transkei as much as Lesotho last year. Maybe it is because of the promise of the ocean, but you end up riding in the midlands because there are no coastal roads.

Apon arrival at the bash we were met by the tricky decent. Each time I thought that we just went through the worst part. Then a worse part comes! Fortunately Her Stigness and I didn't test out our knee guards!

First things first, see if the bar works!

We stayed in one of the rondawels. Man, what a good move. We had hot water, a comfortable bed and quite a view!

Our view

This makes the view look even better!

That night we feasted on a hind quarter each (man those braai packs were big), and lots of golden liquid. I remember waking up at about 3/4am and hearing people kuiering around the fire still! Strangely there weren't that many faces around the breakfast table  ???
Day 4

The morning was quiet. We finally decided to put some bikes together, however once I added the Tenere everyone left. They said singles don't belong with the big boys  :(

Jules put on quite a track for the skills challenge. Her Stigness volunteered to keep score. I still have to have a chat with her about my lowly position on the log...

Metaljockey ramping on a slow race, go figure!

The Saturday evening was a lot more subdued. The fire chit chat stopped at about 3am.

However it as to be said that it was one of my best afternoons! Jules and Hein entertained our table with all kinds of shinanigens. Hein did flip flops, there was some cricket, and most importantly the beers never stopped coming.

Lekker man...gooi nog!!

Ek dink jy kan bly wees jy het nie daai Sena gehad laas jaar toe ons deur daai water crossing is net na Lake Letsie in Lesotho nie...... :peepwall: :pot:
O ja is jy seker daai is vir my meer soos MetalJockey?  ::)
Day 5

We headed north again, trying to get to Himeville.

Initially I waited at the top of the ascent out of the camping place, because IDR "is nounou daar". Well, it took quite some time and we decided to head on without him!
But, every bike that came up had some spare parts that were picked up, or had some missing parts.
My tire lever came in handy to bend some break/gear levers back into place!

Unfortunately we has so long day in the saddle I didn't take any photos.

However, I must say that the piece of road from Kokstad to Himeville in the late afternoon is probably the most scenic stretch of road I ever took the bike on. Man, it was stunning!

Too stunning it seems, because just outside Kokstad I was pulled over for speeding. I did 122 in a 100 zone. The ladies showed me in their file it's a R750 fine! Beer money gone!
As the one lady was writing out the fine the other one was packing up the kit. I asked where they were going now, thinking that IDR and Raka still had to come past here, but the lady said they had done enough for one day and it's time to go home! If I was 5 minutes later I would have escaped!

Anyways, as I walked away with the ticket in hand I noticed they only fined me R250 and wrote that I did 114km/h. The friendliness saved me R500!

We got to the Himeville arms hotel just before sunset and quickly head to the bar for some stouts and grub. IDR and Raka wasn't far behind us and made the first round of drinks!

It was a long day in the saddle, but as I said, those last 50kms were absolutely beautiful. Not even the fine could wipe the smirk off my face!
Carrots said:
Lekker man...gooi nog!!

Ek dink jy kan bly wees jy het nie daai Sena gehad laas jaar toe ons deur daai water crossing is net na Lake Letsie in Lesotho nie...... :peepwall: :pot:

Ja kyk, daai sena sou my ore laat bloei het deur daar rivier! Ek weet eintlik nogsteeds nie hoe ons nie in die rivier in gedonner het nie!
Day 6

We always knew this part of the trip would be quite scenic. And it really was. The first stretch of dirt from Himeville towards Bergville is stunning. I was telling Her Stigness around every corner that I should buy a piece of land there and we can move there and live in peace and beauty. But then the next turn comes along and I would rather live there!

We found some waterfall

Raka, Michele (sorry, don't know your forum name), IDR and Her Stigness. Just before Bergville.

Raka sponsored lunch at Bergville, and what a treat. The beers were cold and the food fantastic!

I managed to chat to some farmers there and they were moaning about the lack of rain. Apparently the one farmer had 1 weeks of grazing left and would then have to buy feed, delving into his profits. It's tough going living in paradise!

After Bergville we went past Sterkfonteindam. Man, it's one of the biggest SA dams I've EVER seen. It actually had a surf! I'm taking the kids there for XMas. Going to tell them it's the ocean and daddy is splashing out on a sea holiday!

It is however a pity about the road past the dam. It was worked on 3 years ago and then the project just died. Now there are cones and signs everywhere as well as dug up tar! You get the feeling the workers are just on lunch, but in actual fact they haven't been there for years!

We drove through the Golden Gate reserve which was scenic at 4pm! It gets a golden glow.
IDR almost ran out of fuel, but we managed to make the fuel station in the reserve. I think he was enjoying the day so much that he was a bit heavy on the throttle!

What welcomed us in Clarens where we stayed!
Day 7

The final day was spending going through the States. CMon freestate guys, share some nice routes between Clarens and PTown.

I would like to thank everyone at the bash. The dogs are always friendly!

Then, to the people I spent my trip with:
Her Stigness - Dankie, dit is altyd lekker om met mamma te toer
IDR - Dude, dis altyd 'n plesier. Ek sal seker ook 'n groter bike moet kry om in te pas met die cool groep :)
BrianW - It was great having you with us on the trip. I'm glad you left your planning to the last minute and joined us.
Raka and Michele - You guys were a blast.

I will definitely tour with with all of you again and cannot wait to see the other dogs next year (hopefully not having to drive through the States  :peepwall: )

Thanks for reading my ride report!
Thanks dude - altyd 'n plesier om saam julle te ry - en moenie 'n fout maak nie, die groter bikes is juis NIE die cool groep nie ;D

Thanks for sharing! Rode with BrianW in a group on the Saturday to Seagulls and back! Lekker pics!