My dag staan stil in Epupa

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Race Dog
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
BMW F650GS / Dakar
  Op my onlangse trip deur Namibie het ek hierdie ondervinding op Epupa gehad.
  Op n Vrydagmiddag word ek hartlik ontvang deur n paar mededogs(Skywalker&kie) wat amper hul moer af gesukkel het die vorige 2 dae tussen Swartbooisdrif en Epupa.Ek moet self n reparasies doen,maar kort voor lank knak ons n kouetjie en word groot vrinne.Vroeg Saterdagmore vertek hulle en ek pak ook op.Gaan groet net eers vir Sarel en Nettie wat langs ons kamp.En toe verander my dag,en waarskynlik my lewe,en ek bly nog n dag.
    Koos ,an old recce ,and owner of Camp Epupa, invited me,Sarel and Nettie to accumpany him to a Himba kraal on the Okangwati road to witness something special.
      There was this Himba woman, Ndjina,which was tied to a tree for 20 years because she was possessed with a demon, according to her tribe.She is the sister of the chief Kapika.Kapika belief that if he let her kill,the evil spirit will be bestowed on him.So they concidered throwing her into a snakepit ,that the evel spirit can go into the snakes.Fortunately, at this point, Koos and his friend Berrie,diagnosed her as an Altzheimers patient and the tried to rescue her.They had her cleaned,dressed her and appointed two permanent carers for her.She receives no medidication and calmed down to a point that they can handle her.Previously she was so aggressive that she strangled animals.During our visit,she was sitting in the corner of her tent talking non stop of things way back.
      Koos told us that she is only one of simelar cases in Kaokoland that suffers the same feat.They are now trying to build a centre in that area to care for these cases.If anybody want more information,contact Koos at:[email protected]
      Hierdie was maar n deel van my solo ride deur Namibie.As ek eers alles verteer het,sit ek dit op n RR.


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  • Ndjina se tent.jpg
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  • Venoo en Taurisa (carers).jpg
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Wag inspaning vir die res, klink amazing sover
Veldbrand said:
Gewonder wanneer ons van jou gaan hoor.
Kom kom, verteer, kry klaar en vertel nog.
Veldtie,die trip was vir my te groot om sommer net so op n RR te sit,maar ek gaan my bes probeer.Bly om van Skywalker te hoor jy was lewend gesien op Middelpos.
Nou hoe verdwyn jy sommer net so die verte in sonder dat ons van jou gehoor het in planning a ride. :ricky:
Sien uit na die res. :thumleft:
Oom Bokkie jy sal maar jou trip moet deel hoor  :thumleft: :thumleft:
Oom Pad said:
Oom Bokkie jy sal maar jou trip moet deel hoor  :thumleft: :thumleft:
Gee kans.Ek sal my bes doen,maar ek moes net eers die deel van my trip met julle deel.Altzheimers bly vir my een van die mees tragiese en degrading toestande waarin enigeen van ons kan beland,maar erger nog,as jou lewensmaat dit kry.
Bokveld! Bokveld! Kom in!

Dit lyk asof hierdie n merkwaardige RR gaan wees.

Sodra jy alles verteer het sien ek uit daarna om alles wat jy met ons gaan deel te verslind.
