My grip replacement..

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Race Dog
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Ok so the other day I decided my grips are looking rather tatty and wanted to neaten them up. I read somewhere here about the cricket bat cover and was promptly off to Makro and 20 bucks later I had my new grips..

But although they looked better, I was not happy as I felt the grips were now too thick for my liking. So more searching I found the thread about these grips..

So I copy the pics onto my phone and head off to Continental Bmw.
The parts guy searches but he finds nothing. I notice in the one pic K1 after the part number and ask him to look under the K series bikes.
Bingo we hit jackpot..
I tell him I want 2 right hand grips and place the order..
This morning he calls to say the parts are here so I jump on the bike to go collect them..

I'm stoked.. and start stripping off the old grips carefully with a very sharp hobby knife..

I read about getting the new grips on using hair spray but since I have no women living with me that was out..
I used compressed air blown under the grips to ease them on and was done in 10 minutes tops..

Hand guards back on and all buttoned up

And the best thing was the price... ;D
