My Kove 450 Rally February 2024

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DRIE bikes op daai Double Cab

Met ordentlike tiedowns kan jy maar, ek hiet nie nodig gehad om die goed erens halfpad te re-tighten nie!
Daar was wel n 210cm plank inni midde om die 3e fiets op te sit, sy agterband steek net effens iets uit.

Nice, die nuwe 500 se sidestand
I think KTM's side stands on all their smaller bikes a moerse inside joke that they've laughed about for years.

We all know that if you try mount your bike like a horse or those adventure bike okes do with only the side stand holding it up, it WILL break.

I think the Austrians think it's funny if "Ready to Race" also means "why the fuck would you need a side stand if you want to win!"

They consider side stands superfluous to winning.