My little solo trip

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Cave Girl

Race Dog
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Croydon - Kempton Park
Kawasaki KLR 650
Okay so I got into trouble for not posting a ride report …. So don’t blame me if you get bored especially as out or the 800 odd km’s only 100 odd were on dirt.

Having had a big debate recently about girls doing solo rides and believe me even if I have 100 000kms under the belt I am still a kak newbie rider and probably will never be anything else – but what the hell there are probably few people that LOVE riding as much as I do 

So lesson learnt: Trust LeonDude  ……  …
Sorry not many photo’s – took them on my phone and uploaded to face book and then deleted them so DON’T ask for photo’s – SORRY!!! Perhaps LD can post the ones I sent to him 

So went on a bat outing – had to get to a place called  Thiane – a private game lodge about 6km from Mokolo dam –  68km from Vaalwater. LD had worked out a route for me on tar as I could only leave work at 12 … didn’t get to leave before 1 … why is it that even on tar 350km’s still takes 5 hours ….. I know since the accident I am a sissy! When it comes to speed especially on my own …

So got to Vaalwater in time to stop for supplies at the bottle store  then had a bit of a conflict between the printed directions and the GPS – followed the printed directions in the wrong direction for 20kms and eventually turned around and listened to the GPS – now the printed directions said about 50km from Valwater you will find a PURPLE shop on the right ….– the post office was Brown and the shop Maroon very far from purple … anyway the GPS told me to go passed which I did – eventually turned onto a road to Mokolo dam – GPS said 6.75km to Sable echo lodge …. The road was sandy – I was on the DR – me and the DR have a problem with sand …. So I ended up taking it very slow and paddling through most (read as all) the sandy patches. Ended up outside Sable Echo gate at about 6.30 and could not find a sign that said Thiane … so phoned Julio our fearless coordinator for the weekend – told him where I was – his reply nope didn’t see that (Sable echo) so I figured had come in from a different angle and was probably lost – phoned home  with “I’m lost” … BUT never fear Julio had given me GPS co-ords for the camp which was 19kms away on a patchy sandy road – me with a loaded bike and not much confidence in sand – and it was now getting dark …. But what the hell I was nearly there so lets not take LD’s  advice and stay over at Sable echo …… 6km’s later I reached the dam – now I have to say I had a vague feeling that I was probably headed in the wrong direction but having asked if Thiane was on the Mololo dam road and got a vague answer of “I don’t remember seeing the dam” – I figured the road must split ahead – about 7km passed the dam the road became a great gravel road with very little sand – it was now about 8pm – yes it took me that long to paddle 13km’s remember in my defense I was alone and not keen to fall with a loaded bike with no cell phone reception and having not seen a car for the last 3 hrs …… Okay so ended up back at the Purple – very brown shop at 20.48 with cell phone reception – another long  call to Julio reveled  that Sable Echo was exactly opposite Thiane – I had just done a full circle – oh well nothing but to start all over again……. Opted for the 23odd km of tar and 6.75km of dirt … 4ks onto the dirt or should I say sand I managed to fall over and could not pick up the bike – now I know I can pick up the DR on my own and just my luck no cell phone reception –fortunately I had picked up a six pack so … unpacked the bike, sat down in the middle of the road next to the bike and had a beer, dug around in my luggage and found my light to discover I was surrounded by red roams, there is nothing I hate more than spiders or spider looking things …. You have no idea how easy it is to pick up a bike when your worst fear is running round your feet …. The fact that I was in a game reserve where a leopard had been spotted the week before was not the driving force – I mean I had made myself comfortable for the night had managed to drag the bike out the centre of the road, and was about to start on the second beer … anyway amazing what a spider can do for one – Ok ok I  know a red roman is not technically a spider but hell it looks like one 
Anyway finally got to the camp side around 11pm to be met at the gate with a beer – mmmmm chairman is well trained 

For the record we had a great bat evening having caught 12 bats – 4 species, what more could you ask for … got to bed at 5am – defiantly a great evening!

Saturday I decided to go take on that sand monster without a load on the bike – managed to get 2km down the road before my first fall – and yes I was doing the stand up. Look up. Speed up thing which is why I am now nursing a bruised rib …..

Sunday’s 19km dirt ride was un-eventful with me only having to paddle once – yes I did the stand up look up thing at 20km an hour – okay it worked for me 

Got to see some awesome wild life on the way back to Bela Bela (on tar) – decided to stick to tar but off the freeway – I hate riding through long sections of  township ….. so turned off the R101 a few kms from the casino sorry didn’t take note of the road but had been in the area a few weeks before so knew the road … amazing how different the ride is on a different bike the 250 vs the DR 650 …. Much easier on the 250.
If I can get this rite some photos to follow …………..
Ok I know, probably wasn’t funny at the time, but I can’t help smiling at your RR CG!  :D
Firstly cause a girl who has pet snakes, loves bats and all other crawly insects is afraid of spiders?!
Secondly cause I thought only the Zumo gets one that lost ;)
Thirdly cause at least you had beer!!  :thumleft:

Sorry about the ribs though – take it easy for a while and rest up now ok  :3some:
CG, nice RR remember what you experienced as hardship, you will later look back at and see it as character building.

Love  the beer thou.
Nemodakar no hardship was having way to much fun! :eek: actually I am getting good at getting lost - I mean riding dirt at night  ;D and hey life is an adventure - I plan on making the most of it 100% of the time  :biggrin:

I never felt like I was in danger so not at all stressed  :D

Misty - Julio had Trevor with him and Trevor is a Zimbo ..... close enough to a Zumo - No wonder they didn't see the dam or Sable Eco lodge and caused me to get lost  :D - okay I didn't look properly but easier to blame them.  :imaposer: :imaposer:
And yip only reason I was not stressed was cause I had beer so could have happily stayed with the bike all night or until help arrived - actually I was only 3km from the lodge so could have walked if needed  ;D
It seems things that start with a Z should never be connected to directions!! ;)
LOL - so lesson learnt: next time you should leave the bike there rather and hiked to the lodge with your six pack :biggrin:
Ah, found something on facebroek.


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