Nam, The two dinosaurs and the Twins (The Ride Begins)

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ALLEN I said:
Wie se Twin was daardie swarte voor jy hom gekoop het/ lyk amper soos Deon sn van Bethlehem wat hy ingeruil het vir sy 800Gs daardie jare? 8)

No have it for 6 Years, bought it from a guy in four-ways, so im the second owner.

Cool, still the best looking color for that year Twins. Deons was just as beautiful and nice condition.

Yip she takes a punch, but i do look after her. Except for the clutch which was normal wear and tear, the rest was human error.  Thees things happen.  :biggrin: :ricky: Its a good bike, :biggrin:
Day14: Betta campsite to Betta campsite for me. (The Decision)
Day 14: Betta campsite to Aus Vista for Ian.

"The start of the recovery"
We are up early.

We’re hoping the battery took a charge.
Battery connected, let’s hope for the best.
Dash lights are burning bright which is a good sign; I hit the start button and nothing. The battery is dead.

Now I always carry a spare charging regulator with me as the old AT’s are known to have regulators pack up on them but for some bloody reason it was left behind in Klerksdorp by Tappets house and without it we are not sure if we can get home, as we suspect it was this that over cooked the batteries water out. We also can’t get the right size battery, Duneworx at Swakopmund  have a 9 n, the AT takes a 11 n, it’s a smaller battery and the polls are on the wrong side. I make the decision that I have (fetch me insurance) on the bike so Ian must carry on with the trip.
I had forgotten about it, but my clever daughter and son had already phoned them and had gotten the ball rolling the previous day already.

After a bit of arguing about it as it is senseless that we both sit here and wait for help to come. It’s decided . Ian will continue on, do the D707 and go to Klein Aus Vista and end of the trip by his self.

08h00 and I let the kids no to get hold of Peer my insurance broker ( Alegro on the WD site and let him make further arrangements to get someone to fetch me) A while later he phones me and says “Buit vas” I will phone you back in a few.

Ian is packed and we say our goodbyes and he is off.
Alegro phones back, I’m only covered for R10 000 00 and the recovery is gonna cost R30 000 00, I almost flip, these guys are charging R10.00 a kilo as I’m 1500km from home, hence the 30k.
I tune him to get hold of them and let them pay me the R10 000 00 and that I will get the kids to fetch me. He phones back, they have agreed so now I have to get the kids to come and fetch me.
They make arrangements and my son Albert and daughter Rozanne leave Pretoria that arvies at 15h00, they get 150km from home and the bloody “Bakkies” water pump packs up, Albert manages to get the “Bakkie” back home.( They is now out of action on this recovery)

Now it’s up too Tappet and my other Daughter Rolene and my grandson Peanut to get to me home. Tappet makes arrangements to get of work whilst Rolene gets a new wind screen fitted on the Isuzu and new Tyres and gets it through the test and all the other small “Gooites” that was wrong with it all in 1day. They have put another engine in it and it has to be red dotted to get the paper work up to date for the Border crossing. She manages to do the impossible and gets it all done, they will leave at 00h00.

Meanwhile I laze around and eventually start to get on my own tits from boredom as there is nothing here to do but suffer from the heat. Inside the room its 46 degrees Celsius, outside its 49 degrees Celsius, a cold shower now and again helps but only for a short while.

It’s still a beautiful world out here as the photos show.
A bit of a dust storm hits me.

Now for you “Ous” that haven’t been to Betta Campsite. It has a small shop where you can buy some food and cold ones and other “Gooites” a petrol station consisting of 3 Pumps and a few rooms and camping ground and a abolition block, that’s it.
I get me some “Wilds pastei”, a few cold ones some water and settle down for the night as the sun sets.

I call it a night.
Meanwhile Ian has gone on and done the D707 and has phoned me at 10h30to tell me what a “Lekke” ride he had and that he is “Veilig” there and so on and that he took some “Mooi” photos.
His photos.

His enjoying the roads leading up to the D707.

And then it’s the D707 for him. This is his most favourite “Stukkie Pad” in the whole of Namibia, hang on I thinks in the whole world as he just can’t get enough of it.

Well it’s as they say all good “Gooites” must come to end.
Now he must “Gooi” a right to Aus on the C 14 which just aint the same after the D707

He “Goois” me a call from here bragging how “Lekker” the D707 was whilst he waits for a toasted sarmie. I “Goois” him back a few words #@$$&^%%^#$%@#$

His room and a “Lekker” view of his Twin

Night time comes for him.]

And then I suppose it was a “Lekker” graze and an early night for him.
Day 15” Betta Campsite to Betta Campsite for me.
Day 15: Aus to South Africa for Ian
Ian in Great Brak River said:
That D707 was great but had a serious stretch of super soft sand for about 1500m. I will post a video of it soon.

... and the black AT was towed for 82km exactly.


82km "Daar kry julle dit" He he I dont no about Ian, but i thinks my blood was pure adrenaline by the end of that tow.He he  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :  :ricky:
Day 15” Betta Campsite to Betta Campsite for me.  (Relaxing Day)
Day 15: Aus to South Africa for Ian

(The decision one makes)
Now here comes a lot of reading for you “Ous” Naaaf or not. He he
I had a short long day.

Wake up after a shitty night, had numerous showers through the night to keep cool. Have some left over pie for breakfast, speak to some couple and have a coffee with them. They have a few books, not really my taste of reading material, but I nab one and spend the day “Leeeesing a book and drinking cold ones and showering in coldish water.

Tappet was supposed to get here today, they over slept and only left at 04H30, so no rescue awaiting for me today. $#%@$$%$%^$%

Night time comes around and another couple have taken a room behind mine. Im busy buying “Sosaties” (For you Engelsmanne “Meat on a stick” and they tune me to join them for a Braai.
Now a bit of company and I don’t even has to braai my (meat on a stick “Sosatie” thingies alone), and they seems to be nice “Ous”.

Huh!!  Well just goes to show, I was “Moerse” wrong, they was a nice couple, but I was wrong in my judgement as to a “Rustige” night with good company, as they never stopped chatting and within the next few Hours my world turned into a nightmare as I now know their whole family and work and smallest detail about their bloody lives and lots more.

I was major trying not to be rude, but hey man after I had finished grazing I made a beeline outa there, silence just “lekker” peaceful silence, what a blessing to just have silence.

Had a cold one just listening to the peacefulness and night life sounds and called it a day.
Ian’s ride for the day:

Ian leaves Aus and pushed on through to S/A .
I will let some of his photos tell his story.

And that was the last photos of his in Nam and the end of our ride on his side.
Day 16: Betta Camsite to Upington
1587km Whole day plus some.

(The Rescue)

Tappet on a mission.
Up early as it’s already too hot to lie around. Have a cup of coffee greet the neighbours and disappear.

The twin waiting patiently to be rescued.

Phone my daughter, Tappet has left 01h00, but first had to put petrol in, so I calculate he should be here at about 10h00. Now peanut has come up with the kids but aint got a passport so he and Ro’lene stay at Riva Resort in Upington whilst Tappet comes to fetch me.
10h00 comes and goes, no bloody “Skoon Seun” in site. We can’t get hold of him as his phone goes straight to voice mail, 11h00 and now we is getting worried , at 11h30 i am busy making arrangements  to leave my bike and kit there and to go and “Soek” for him.
As I’m busy chatting to Ro’lene, I see the Isuzu coming down the road, I mean a “Ou” can’t miss it as there 4 spot lights on the roll bar and 2 on the grill. I “Sommer Sug van verligting”. I mean man all types of “Gedagtes” was “Gooing” themselves around in my “Kop” as well as my daughters. As he stops there, I don’t know if I want to “Klap” him a shot or greet him, I does “Maar sommer” do both.
Turns out his phone takes a micro “Sim” card and the one he bought is too big. I “Kakked” him out “Sommer” just then and gave him “Sommer nog a klap” against the “Kop” from the Aunties at the shop, he could of stopped somewhere and made a plan to just phone us and tune us what was going on. But then as he said he was cruising slowly as to make sure he got “Veilig” here. (Ok that makes it Ok again I suspose)

We goes to the room and loads up the Honda whist he grins from ear to bloody ear.

He enjoyed this as you “Ous” can see. It’s one of those till today “Gooites” that will never die as he still gets a kick out of having to come to my rescue.

I buy some coke and water for the road and thanks the shop Aunties for everything, settle my bill and we are outa there. Tappet refuses for me to drive as he really wants to rub it  into the wound that he drove 1587km in one day from Upington to Betta and back to Upington to fetch me. Beside the extra kilos from Klerksdorp and back which is an extra 1240km, in all the total kilos of 2943km to fetch me and the Twin.

A few photos of our trip back.

And some more.

The last section to the border.

We cross the Border which goes surprisingly fast and head of for the Riva Resort. We get there about 21h30, “Moeg” but happy to be back.

We sit around and chat a bit, have some food and a cold one or two and call it a night.
Day17: Upington to Klerksdorp.
620km took us 9 hours to get home.

The Twin bums a lift on the back of the Isuzu.

Well that’s I Guys and dolls hope you enjoyed the ride.

Distanced Travelled:  By Bike = 4371km. By Car and Taxi and Bike = 7198km

Petrol usage:                      A “Moerse” lot again.
Food Intake:                        Lotsa “Lekker Kos”
Bevarages:                          Lotsa Cold Ones, Smirnoffs, Hunters gold, Water, Coffee, Milk Shakes etc.
Tyres:                                  Both Bikes the same: E 10 in front: E 07 Rear
Cost:                                  Enough.

Ps:                                        No damage once again to any Fauna and Flora.
Pss:                                      Don’t dehydrate; you tend to see “Snaakse Gooites”
Pss:                                      Damage Report: Old A/T = 3 X Front Tubes, Rear brake pads, Slight damage
                                            to Rear Rim, New Battery , Rear brake pin bolt, Head light protector,                                                                         
                                            A frame of kit bag, replacement of steel plates clutch. Replacement of clutch     
                                            plates, replacement of Pressure Plate, Mine and the twins Pride,
Pss1:                                  Water  pump “Ford Bakkie”
Pss2:                                  Lap top stolen out of “Isuzu” on way back. 
Psss:                                  Was a “Helluva” ride and a great “Adventure”.             
Pssss:                                Except for the clutch problem which was mechanical wear and tear, all
                                            the other problems experienced on this ride were due to human error.

Well we had us a different ride this time, turned out to be a good adventure and it tested our patience and skills, not just in riding, but in having to adjust and to make do without certain things like Bolts, tubes etc and what one can overcome and plans a “Ou” can make out there if you have too. We shared tube repairs and tube changing, minor repairs on the road, Thirst and dehydration, the frustration of losing valuable riding time, but in the end we still had a great ride and a good time.

                                    This is what a friendship is made of and is all about.

                                                              The Two Twins.
                                                                The Honda

                                                              The Honda

                                      The Two “Moerse” Strong Dinosaurs.

                                                      Me  “Allen I”

                                              Ian : Ian in Great Brak River”

For more action related RR’s about the Two Moerse Strong Dinosaurs.
Back page them on previous RRs on a computer near you.

The two Dinosaurs take a trip. HIGHWAY TO HELL. By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs do Namibia.  By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs are at it Again (The Sea). By ALLEN I
Southern Nam Ride. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Klein Karoo Meander. By Ian in Great Brak River
Anti clockwise to St Lucia. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Goat Ride…. Or should that be the Goats Ride. By Ian in Great Brak River
Agga  No, those two Mad Dinosaurs and Junior go to Nam. The ride begins. By ALLEN I
Namibia – Spitzkoppe & Grootberg – 2 videos. By Ian in Great Brak River
Namibia – Kunene River Road,D3700 & D3701 – Video. By Ian in Great Brak River
November 2014 – Video – Southern Compilation. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Dinosaur goes to the Kzn Bash. By ALLEN I
The Two "Moerse" Strong Dinosaurs, the Bikes and Nam are at it again. By Allen I
Our 2015 Nam Ride. By Ian in Great Brak River
Kzn Bash. The Dinosaur Way. By Allen I
The Dinosaur goes to a Ghost Town. By Allen I

Short RR stories
A Dinosaur a plaas pat and a Bokkie with a kort rokkie  By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur and a what “Road Block” By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur a cruise and a small mistake. By ALLEN I
A dinosaur takes a Sunday Cruise. By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur has some fun with lane splitting. By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs loose there cold ones. By ALLEN I
The Dinosaur, The time Machine and the Missing long Weekend. By ALLEN I
The Dinosaur. The Cous. The “lekker” Surprise. By ALLEN I
The Dinosaur and the not so “Lekke Ekke” “Spiet Kop” By ALLEN I

                                                            Till Next Time
Hell Al thats one of the most interesting and informative rr's you've written. Still think you ou's was fooken mal and lucky in the towing debacle but glad you got back safe and sound. You can cut down to 5 meals a day now. :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:
Enjoyed the reading and photos thanks Allen... ;)

Strange that one guy have all the luck like Ian and no punctures on the way and another all the punctures in the world... :biggrin:
Bill p said:
Hell Al thats one of the most interesting and informative rr's you've written. Still think you ou's was fooken mal and lucky in the towing debacle but glad you got back safe and sound. You can cut down to 5 meals a day now. :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:

Who us "Mal" "Nooit" couse we just too "Lekker" up there. But glad you enjoyed the ride with us.  :biggrin: :ricky: Ps: On a strict bloody diet to loos all weight gained from trip.  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Ok ok. i suppose you "Ous" want to no what the problem was and the cause of all of the problems, well as i stated1 mechanical 2 human error we will start with no 1

1: Tubes/ punctures: Inner Rim tape (rubber) was taken out and replaced with bloody duct tape. The heat of the road and the environments heat all build up together loosening the glue on the duct tape causing it to shift. 
2: Spoke wheels: the spokes are basically moving due to vibrations, road surfaces etc thereby pushing though the tape into the tube causing the punctures.
3: Shredded tubes: Riding for a far distance at hi speed with a flat tyre, but mainly poor quality of tube.
4: Stretched tube:  This is caused by heat, Riding once again with a flat tube, heats up the tube and it starts to stretch via rotation.
5: Loosing Bolts: Well thats easy, Not tightening them properly. @#!@#@$#@$#$
6: The clutch and steel plates. The clutch (Friction plates) were not too bad. Wear and Tear, The steel plates, now this is caused by using once clutch a lot and also overheating it. (Playing in the sand) over using the clutch and also wear and tear.

Now the main culprit: The battery: Maintenance free "Gooites""Se Moer" Thees batteries need to be checked regularly as they loos electrolyte (Battery Acid) as per normal lead battery.  The jerking  and misfiring was caused by the battery shorting out (Bent plates inside) It was running between 3 volts to 10 volts and so forth, hence the jerking and loss of power. It eventually died due to no voltage coming through to supply power.  The first tell tale sign was the dip i had in power at Solitair. I checked the battery terminal but never thought to check the acid level of the battery. Remember thees bikes take a lot of hammering and the shaking and "Rukking" around and heat and all of thees stuff cause drainage on the battery acids. If ther is a over flow pipe or even if there isent one but a sticker on the top, it will be wise to check the battery levels before a trip. Ask me. we found out the hard way (Triple maintenance free) "Se "Moer"

Lekker Allen!
....So all in all it wasn't the Honda.... it was the moegoe who serviced (or not) it!  :laughing4: :ricky: :3some:

The clutch is one of daai dinge wat gebeur..... mine is starting to rattle a bit as well now... maybe time to get a new one?

Real adventure you ou's had!!  :thumleft:
:thumleft: :thumleft:
Great RR and even greater adventure ....
Well done you old f*cks !
Another RR well worthy for nomination in the 'Roll of honour - best ride reports' section methinks.  :thumleft:

Ps - had a few cold ones with Allen on saturday. Confirm he easily added 20kg's around the waist.
hah hah......that area seems to be an XRV AT "Doodsakker"......

This is my one in 2014 - battery vrekked between Kuiseb Canyon and Solitaire. Dead short - also no warning. I think it was caused on the road between Uis and Cape Cross - have never come across such bad corrugations before.

Fortunately the bike shop in Walvis (forget the name) had a battery that fitted. Between that chap and a friend of Sakkie (the mecchie at Solitaire) they managed to get it out into the desert in one day! Fantastic help - felt quite humbled by the amount of effort that they went to.

We didn't have the option of towing - my mate was on a F650GS - he's a big oke, and there's no way that that bike could have managed the two of us and the vark AT - it would have overheated.

It must have been hectic spending that time at Betta.......not a heck of a lot going on there....!



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    Namibia 2014 100.jpg
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That trip also had quite a bit of this


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    Namibia 2014 066.jpg
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