Nam, The two dinosaurs and the Twins (The Ride Begins)

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Now this road is a bit boring so we does decide to take the D808 and go and “Verken” it.

Now some times these decisions just turn out the best, this was one of them.
Check out the road surfaces as we went deeper in. Just amazing how it can differ in 30km

Eventually I get to this T-junction where I find Ian doing this; I’m not sure what this is so I just looks at him, then I waves at him and shows him the thumbs up. He he.

I leaves him to do what he was doing cause he seems happy to be doing whatever he is doing and I “Goois” a left turn and I finds some more “Lekker” roads and scenery.

Some Horsies come to greet me

But eventually the road runs to this.

The “Boneys” are running a bit low on fuel so we “Goois” a left and we goes to fill them up, but on our way we find some strange “gooites”.
A sign of a different kind

This “Ou” and his wife and “laaitie” just sitting in this old pick up.
Now I don’t think these “Ous” have thought this problem out as I check out that they have stolen the wheels off olve this “Bakkie” Now I’m contemplating to myself if I should go and speak to this “Ou’ and tune him about this problem, but “Nooit” man I only have one cold one left and as you “Ous” no a “Ou” always has to contemplate over these “Gooite” problems with a cold one or two, so I “Sommer” decide right then and there to leave this “Ou” alone and go look for more cold ones and also “Sommer” to get something inside of my “Maag” as I’m getting “Stukkened” hungry again.

The gods are smiling at me as I, “Sommer” find both places, a “Kafee” and a garage “Sommer Tjop Tjop” he he

Tummies are all full, “Boneys” tummies are all full, spare cold ones for the road are harvested, cool we can now proceed along our merry way, which of course we do.

Just a little reminder that a” Ou” is not always alone out here.

The road ahead.

And some more.

I finds another “Brug”

This river has actually got water in it, so I’m so shocked that I “Sommer” took pictures of it. Ok Ok!! I normally take pics Ok.

I hears a” Boney” coming and checks in my mirror and sees Ian coming up with a “Moerse spoed” he he.

So it’s that time again and “Yes” we fill up our “Boneys” tanks again as we have ridden so “Lekker” between the daisies that, Ag shit man that was another ride (Dam cold ones affecting the brain here) I mean we was riding on those “Lekker” roads to get here and to go where we is going again. He he

Oh!!! Here we is at.

But we is on our way to.

No “Kiekies” in-between as we was riding on tar and there was not “Lekker” “Gooite” to take “Kiekies” of. Ok
Here is a “Kiekie” now and some more.

We has arrived at our possie for the night, but first we did stop in the town and by some “Lekker Skaap tjops” and other “Gooites” to braai tonight.

The possi for our “Boneys” for the night.

Our possie for the night.

The Dam is a lot more “Leeg” than when we was here 5 years ago.

I takes some “Lekker” pics of us two “Moers” nice “Ous”.

This one is even better. Aha Aha Aha.

Ian admiring the “Moerse Mooi” view.

I am “Stukkened” glad to see that the duck family is still here as they come to greet us.

Time to relax a “Bietjie” as a “Ou” is a “Biekkie Moeg”.

The sun does once again decide it’s had enough of us “Ous” and decides to leave us, but not before it once again pours out a brilliant sun set for us “Ous” to see.

It’s time to get the fire a going and then it’s?? Wait for it wait for it
Its Braai time, I mean a “ou” has to “Gooi” in some “Kos” into a “Ous Maag” so a “Ou” can feel all “Lekker” again. He he (Dam we eats a lot on these trips)

Wood “Gooites” all burnt down, so now we “Gooi” on the meats.

But of course when a “Ou” Braais the “Vleis” one has to have a cold one.

Man that was great a “Moerse lekker” braai with a cold one or two and “Lekker geselskap”, but “JA” a “Ou” also has to catch up on charging a “Ou”s batteries also, so its Zzzzz time again.
Day 7: Aonab Dam to Karibib (Not a planned stop) (This is where the trip starts to take a turn in the wrong direction)
482 km took us 11 hours to get there and another 3 hours to get a place to sleep at for the night) Our Route D1237-  C26 –  D1412 –  C28 -  D1953 -  B2 (Ian’s planning took us on some really shitty roads and through a private Game reserve, but dam man the scenery and ride was worth it, although the bikes took a lot of punishment.)

Nice and early, we have a quick graze whilst watching the sunrise.

This” Ou” kept a watch on us as we packed the kit on the bikes..

We go and take some photos of the possie.

A playground for the kids

A playground for the big Kids. He he

Swimming whilst “Dopping” now that sounds pretty cool to me.

A possie to “Gooi” up your tent or caravan, but it’s not for us “Tuff Adventure Riders”. He he

We have far to go so we fill up our “Boneys” and take some spare petrol along as the kilos are too far out for my bike to make it to the next stop.

We take on the D 1237

These “Ous” are the clever “Ous” and hide away in the “Koolte” not like some of us.

And still the road continues.

We get to the T-junction we turn onto the C26

We have been cruising for quite a while now and the turn off is alluding us “Ous”, so we is getting a bit worried.
Ian studies the map as we can’t find our turn of.

The C26 was the shittiest road so far, with loos stones and such, can’t ride slow as the bikes slips on them and to top it all we hit major corrugation.

Nothing for it, we push on and then there she is the D1412
So we “Goois” a right turn into the unknown, we does go where this road goes. He he

We go through a private game reserve with a few gates to open and close.
The view and road is amazing. (After the shitty road we just did this was relaxing), Well almost. He he Remember I’m still riding mostly on the front breaks due to the half brake pad on the rear. (Had a few heart stopping moments along route.) But was still fun.

We did find a few gates that we had to open and close along the way.

This was one of those heart stopping moments, I was checking a “Bokkie” out, no no not that type of “Bokkie with a Rokkie”, the other kind with a “Horing”, no no not that type either, dam it  was a “Fok man, n donnerse wilde bokkie” of some type. Ok  when i all of a sudden was on the top of the  lip of the road and i had to “Gooi” a right as well or els I was not gonna make it so a “Ou” has to “Gooi”  on some “heavy” back brakes to make it.

The Bokkie had “Sommer” disappeared although I did look and look and look for her, she was gone.

A "Maar Gat" rock

Some more road and “Lekker” scenery.

Oh!! Which way Oh!! Which way?? He he

Ok ok I did go that way, or was it this way, bloody confusing this possie is.
Ian Sais I cannot get a “Voortrekker” badge. He he.

Ian takes a “Trap” and goes up high to get some more “Lekker” photos

Me I just take them from my “Boneys” seat.

“Die plek is Fo…n still en donnerse mooi”

Coming down the mountain disaster decides to draw its ugly teeth.

Our first flat for the day,I think I caught a “Klip”  I is not too much worried as we have flat tyre “Gooites” and a spare tube.

We “Goois” in the flat tyre “Gooites” and I takes off.
Huh I is stuck again as the tyre is once again flat. I “Rustegly” await for Ian to catch up whilst I take some more “Mooi” photos

See I knew he would catch up.

We fill up the tyre with the flat tyre stuff again and once more I’m outa there with a “Stink Spoed”.

Well 50km down the road and it’s still a holding, but now I’m starting to run out of petrol and we are not sure how far we still have to go.
We turn of the C28 and lucky for us we come across a small town in the middle of nowhere. We buys ourselves a coke and ask if they have some petrol. They explain how to get to the pink house, as they should have some petrol for us.

The pink house, The gods are once again smiling at me as yes she can help us with 5 lt at R100.00dollars, well beggars can’t be choosers so we fork over the “moola” and we gets some liquid gold.

We head back to the D1953
“Gooi” a right and we head of. The locals have told us we still have 70kms to go

We push on, the road is a pleasure.

Just as we get comfy, hah there it is again the wobble on the handle bars.

Bloody puncture is back, we haven’t got enough flat tyre left so we gonna have to replace the tube.

As Ian stops he catches some loos sand and “Donners” over.
Sorry no pic as we hastily pick up the bike. She is still a new one and doesent like to lie on her side. He he

Of comes the wheel and surgery begins.

Wheel back on and I’m packing up kit, Ian tunes me the bloody wheel has just gone flat again.
F… man we must of “Knuiped” the bloody tube. We still have a little Flat tyre “Gooites” left, Ian sprays it in whilst I “Gooi” the kit back on the bike.

I hops on the “Boney” and take off like a bat outa hell.
We still have 50km to go. 20 km down the road I feel the unmistakable handle bar shaking coming, so I gear down and just open up to 110 +km’s and air born the tyre as much as possible (Not recommended for the faint hearted)(Remember I still haven’t got decent back brakes aswell.)

I can see Karibib, but to get to it I have  7km of tar to do, well so be it, there aint much els for it but to push on.
Finally a garage where we can make a plan to repair the tubes.
Dam they don’t keep no Bike tubes, I phone Duneworks in Swakopmund, they have my size, Dam no not my size, I mean the front tyres size. Man you “Ous” don’t think like “Lekker gooites” again. I tunes them to “sommer” keep 3 of them one side for me.

Hah. The last tube is shredded, there aint nothing left but pieces of it.
Now the other tube has two holes in it. One is the size of R5.00 coin, the other just a small hole, we are amazed that the flat tyre “Gooites” held. So the strenuous job does start in “Alle Erns” to fix dis tube.

We try and patch the tube, after 2 hours we have patch pieces on patch pieces but they are holding at least. Its 19h00 and the chap who own the place is “Moeg” and he manages to catch the tube as we put it in. Of comes the tyre we repair the two holes he made and I refit the tyre. No probs it’s holding although the beading hasn’t popped out yet so as I turn and give Ian the thumbs up, he decides to push the pressure up to 4 Bars. Its 20h30. You “Ous” can guess what happened, well I tune Ian stuff it this is now tomorrows problem as the tube slowly deflates.
We manage to find a place at some country lodge whereby we put up the bikes and go and have a late meal.

I opt for some cold ones

Ian has some water

I had some great ribs, cant remember what Ian had.

It was a “Moerse” day we just hit those beds and it was lights out
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Kom Kom Oupa, gooi nog so I can post Mirabib video ...

Hey man i was Kuiering by a "Lekker" goose and drinking cold ones. Here is "Nog" a "Stukkie"  :biggrin: :ricky:
Day 8: karibib to Swakopmund (Not the planned stop over)
209km Took us 4 and a half hours to get there. (All Tar)
Up early once again

Go and check out the wheel, Yip she is still “Pap”.

“Gooi” on the pump and pump it to 2.4 bar. Time it how long it takes to go flat.
20minutes. Mmmm if we stop every 20km and pump it, we can reach Swakopmund where we can get help.

Pump up the tyre, “Gooi” petrol in and I’m off down the road.
20km out I pull of and connect the pump. “Fokkel”, she want pump. So with a flat front tyre we are once again back on our way to Karibib to see if we can make a plan.

We can’t get the Tube patched, but just then a taxi pulls up with a “Waintjie” so I convince this “Ou” for 400.00 dollars to load me and the bike up and to drop us of at Duneworks Yamaha in Swakop, seen that he is going that way, it’s a bit of a bonus for him. He agrees and we loads the Twin on the trailer.

On Route to Swakopmund

The most famous Boney taking a rest.

My personal driver. He he The “Ous” at Duneworks Yamaha in Swakop taking the bike off of the trailer.

I tune the “Ous” what’s wrong with my poor “Boney” whilst Ian goes and finds us a possie for the night as we have made no arrangements as this was not where we was supposed to have been. We was supposed to have gone to White lady lodge (Brand berg) area.

Dam I’m “Sommer” impressed, not only do they sort the front wheel out, they have a second hand brake pin bolt lying around as well  and also “Sommer” new “Brick skoene” and “Sommer nog” spare tubes for our “Boneys” as well as the flat tyre “Gooites gooit”

Ian manages to find us a possie for the night.

We go back to the Bike shop and,” Walla” my “Boney” is all ok again. I’m “Sommer” feeling much better.
We decided to go and “Verken” Swakop and see if anything has changed since we was here last.

Nope the see still looks the same.

Wait here is something new, this boat wasent here last time. He he

Now we is “sommer” like hungry “Ous”, so we goes and looks for a joint to get something to eat, as I tuned you ous we is “Honger”
Mmmm a “Lekker” hamburger and chips for only $120.00 dollars and we wash it down with a cold one or two.

See Ian is enjoying his hamburger.

Well we “Goois” a “Draai” in the town of Swakopmund a bit more and checks out other posies, then we heads off to our possie for the night.
Our two Twins enjoying some peace. ”Bet you “Ous” they was “Sommer skinering” about us two “Ous”

As per usual the night time thing creeps up on us again.

We decide to have some “Hoener” and coke for supper.

So after an eventful and a bloody stressful day it’s off to our rooms to watch some Tellie, drink a cold one or two and catch some kip so that our batteries can recharge.
Day 9:  Swakopmund to Swakopmund.
30km Took us the whole day to do it.

So we is up and we go and looks for the place to eat some breakfast.
The gods are once again smiling at me as I does find the possie.

So after “Gooing” all of that “Lekker” “Kos” down my throat I is “Lus” to go explore again.

The Twins are still enjoying the “Rus” they having.

But as we check them out they looks a bit “Veil” so we takes them for a bit of pampering.

A nice shower.

Followed by a bubble bath.

And then I rinse her off.

Too look all pretty again.
Dam I is “sommer” the nicest “Ou” i no. He he

Ian’s baby waits in anticipation for her turn.

Which Ian gladly gives to her.

Hmmm don’t we look all pretty now??

We collect our gear and “Gooi n Draai” to Namib Guest house to book in, our possie for the night.

A bit of cruising around and we finds a coffee shop so we has a coffee.

Mean whilst we and other “Ous” is checked out by a watch doggie doggie.

We stop here.

Its lunch time again and we is looking for a possie to have a cold one or two with something to fill us up.

We walks on this “Moerse” long jettie thing to gets to where we going.

I see this see duck in the water so I takes a photo of him, at least I scheme it’s a him.

Another “Brug” to cross on our journey of wisdom. Huh!! Don’t worry we just crossed a bridge, we is already full of wisdom and we is on our way to get more. He he

A photo.

And another one.

We reach where we is going.

I “Gooied” on the brakes as I entered. Thought the bloody floor had disappeared on a “Ou” “Dum ass”
But it does look quite cool in the least.

The food possie, this is where  a “Ou” eats food. He he

Aaaah!!! The cold ones. “A bit of wisdom coming up”

Followed by some good Oysters for me which i "Sommer" gets stuck into before i takes a photo, because im "Moerse Lis" for them.

And then some “Lekker”

Meanwhile Uncle Ian had some.

Followed down with this.
Wait for it wait for it.
Ha!! Bet you “Ous” never saw this coming. He he

Then it was the long “Trek” back to our “Boneys”.

We go to check out some “Slange”
Spot the two “Boom Slange”

And a sand snake.

And a few other “Slange”

And even these two charming Ous.

Some useful “Gooites” for you “Ous” to read
Don’t “Sommer” kill spiders.

We cruise around some more then head of to our rooms to freshen up.
See Ian’s room is No 5, my room is No 4, now you “Ous” is “Sommer” much cleverer than what you was. He he

A cool looking plant.

We goes to the BrauHouse restaurant to Have a cold one or two and too eat some “Lekker kos” that they make there.

See Ian is having a cold one.

I’m having a cold one or two. Which one first? Dam decisions decisions decisions, and I haven’t even managed to drink a cold one at the “Tafel” yet.  He he

What’s left of a 1.2 kg Eisbeein after I’ve been at it.

Dam that was good. Well after such a “Lekker” graze, there was only one thing two do. Have another cold one of course and then we found our way back to our rooms and catch up on our sleep with “Lekker vol pense”.
Day 10: Swakopmund to swakopmund.
140 km Whole day to do it..

Up not so early and talk some “Kak” and we does decide to go and ride around and to suzz out the area Walvis Bay and such “Gooites”

We check out all of these “Skippe” on the sea as we cruise “Moerse” fast on our “Boneys”

We even check out this “Moerse Groet” possie, but “Nooit” they was still closed so we could not contribute to their establishment by having a cold one or two by them.

But we did manage to see some Dolphins “Goofing” in the sea and some birds flying in the sky “sommer” from the road.

I even took a photo of this “Mooi” thingy just lying there

And then I checked out the big boats again.

On our way back to Swakopmund we stops and checks out some “Gooites”

And then I check out these “Ous Sommer” having some fun and I gets to think what a “Lekker” time the Rug rats will have on those “Gooites” even if its “Moerse Koud” over here by the sea.

I takes this photo so you “Ous” that haven’t been here can check out how close the “Pad” and the sea is.

They even have “Ous” that catch fish over here by the sea, but I didn’t take photies of them.
But I did take a photo of this possie.

And they sell lotsa “Goed” for a “Honger” “Ou” to eat.. Here is there “Pryse” in case you “Ous” want to make a quick “Draai” and go eat there.

One of Uncle Ian’s favourite dishes for his sweet tooth.

They even have this big this big thing over our “Koppe” it’s there to keep the rain out, or too stop the birds from “Kaaking” on a “Ous Kop” or both I scheme. he he

I goes and “Verkens” the sea whilst they get my “Kos” ready.

My “Kos” what more can a “Ou” ask for except cold ones, especially if a “Ou” has them together.

Dam its “Moerse””Lekker””Goed” this.

Ian ops to indulge the “Tooth Ferry” and has this.

Dam those Oysters was so “Lekker” I had to have just another one, so I did. He he

Now im scheming to myself that I “Sommer” no what will be “Lekker” after those Oysters.
And that is a

With some cheese cake.

Now for some stupid reason there was a lot of Tourists staring at me whilst I enjoyed my cheese cake and cold one. Huh!! A “Ou” would think they aint used to people eating cheese cake or something.

But alas as much fun as we was having the day made a move and tuned the sun to go away.
See the sun is going away. But before it could, I quickly took out my camera and took some more photies as it disappeared on us.

I goes and meets a lady friend at this possie and we catch up on some good memories and such as we have a cold one or two, Ok she had a white wine or two.

Later I meets up with Ian and we have some pizza for supper.

We chat a bit and then call it a night.

Day 11: Swakopmund to Maribib Camp Site
190 km. Took us 5 hours to get there.

"Seeing "Snaakse Gooites"

Now when we was in Swakopmund we did try to get a permit to go to this possie Maribib, but because we does ride bikes, we was tuned by the official “Ous” that we could not get permits. I even tried to bribe these “Ous” and offered them one of my beloved cold ones, there was no way I was gonna other them two cold ones, even thou there was two of them “Ous” there, but still the answer was “Nee”.  We decided to “Maar” take the chance and go anyway.

Now somewhere along here our most intelligent “Braincels” left us as we took spare petrol with, but no extra water. Huh!! We is going to a possie where there is no water or shade to get there and it’s above 40 degrees Celsius all of the time. (We was not thinking to brightly I thinks)

The road in the beginning of our epic ride to get to Maribib Camp Site did not leave much to the imagination.

But we did eventually come across this possie in the middle of bloody nowhere.

And to top it all a couple of kilos away from this possie is

I scheme this “Kerk” is so far out for a reason. The “Ous” that were “kuiring” the night before will “Sommer” sober up “Nogal” fast by the time they get to it as its “Nogal” far to walk and its  “Moerse” hot here as well. He he.

Now we is not those “Ous” and we is a lot cleverer, so Ian just rides up to the “Kerk.

And then he rides back. He he.
See I told you “Ous” we is a lot cleverer than those “Ous”

We gets to this sign and still there is no sign tuning us that we need a permit thingy.

Not even this sign is not tuning us ……

So we heads further out into the unknown

We do see this.

And we also see some

But we still adventure on into the unknown as we is WD, we is The Two “Moerse” Strong Dinosaurs, We is Bikers

“Mooi Ne”

I comes along once again with a “Moerse spoed” Ian is now “Slim” so he takes a photo of me before I gets passed him.

And then he takes a photo of his “Boney” as well.
Why you “Ous” ask me?? Shit I don’t know. Maybe he just wanted to. He he

I is “Sommer” far down this strange road I is riding on, but I takes a picture to show you

Whilst I is taking this “Mooi” picture of this strange road, Ian Zooms passed me. He he

Then this road turns even stranger.

And stranger.

I takes this “Mooi” photo.

Huh somehow I has over taken Ian, but I does not remember doing it. See I told you this road is strange.

We go onwards, there is nothing out there.

We is now getting “Skrikerag” as we don’t see any form of life and the more cold ones I  is drinking the stranger this road is getting. I decide we must take pictures of us as if we get “Abducted” by “Aliens” or some other “Gooit” happens to us then you “Ous” can identify us two “Ous” from the photies we took.

We have no choice but to continue on and Ian heads of.

Just then I see this tree, now im wondering to myself if it is a tree and not something disguised as a tree.

See I told you “Ous” that not everything is “Lekker” out here.

We wants to go and “Verken” the possie but then we checks out
this. Now we all no what this is “Right

What a “Ou” sees here we all no is a cover up “Ne”
Yip I bet deep down “Onner Grond” they have those laboratories where they do those weird experiment “Gooites” and such on a “Ou” ( I have seen “Sulke Goed “ on DSTV.)

Ian quickly checks out which road we have to take to get us outa here.

And we “Goois” a “Stof wolk” as we head outa there down this deserted road.

I checks some “Alien Gooites” checking me out.

But I is not “Bang” because my “Boney” is “Moerse” fast, so I does continue on.

As I round that corner and get over the hill, I checks this.

See I told you “Ous”.
Now I is “sommer” like certain there is something “Moerse” wrong out here, even these strange animals are checking us out I mean they didnent even disguise them properly, but left them “sommer Twee  Kleure”, I mean really what animal out there is like two colours?

So I “Goois” the “Boney” in gear and all you see once again is a “Stof Wolk” as I “F…off” Outa there.

And then we see this.

Against all ods, we have made it.
