NAMIBIA uber alles - by POPFUNPLOT

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Uncle said:
I'm glad you could make it back to the other two Plottie, and as you know we were having a lot of chuckles at your cost! But the important part is you continued with the adventure.

Now the rest!

Although glad we could sort the problem, I was rather angry with myself as it could have been avoided.
..... But so you live and learn ........
There seems to be some DNS issues with photobucket tonight, I had the problem of not being able to see the pics, just reset the connection and then had to restart the machine and I can now see them
Day 9 â?? 7th June 2008 : Naute Campsite to Eiland resort (Upington)
Route: Naute Campsite, C12/ (S27 03 15.0 E17 51 54.3), C12, C37, Canyon Roadhouse, Hobas (fish river viewsite), C37, C10, B1, C10, Karasburg, B3, Ariamsvlei, N10, Upington
Distance: 570km
Accomodation cost: R 404.00 for 5 bed unit with faulty shower and very little hot water


The feline that slept in my mouth, pawed and scratched at my brain, sending shockwaves of light behind the ocular nerve, forcing my eyes to open in an involuntary spasm. I would have spent the rest of the day there in the confined warmth of my sleeping bag if the choice lay within my brain, but the nerve that was controlled by my bladder had the upper hand. I needed to raise the level of the dam and I needed to do it NOW. I half crawled half stumbled out of my tent and reached the point of no return, just in time, otherwise clean undies day would have taken on an entirely new perspective. Poppi and Funacide stirred. This was a first â?? I was up before them. May those that distilled the contents of that green bottle and empty â??gif kannetjieâ?, which stood a silent but very empty sentry the whole night on the table in front of me, burn in a very hot place forever.


Funacide decided that our favourite brew would solve things but while filter coffee may just contribute to world peace the loose ballbearing in my brain was having none of it. Stronger measures were called for and I popped a few Panadoâ??s


The blind leading the blind.  ;D  >:D ;D


Naute campsite can be recommended to any traveler in this region. Itâ??s not listed in the directories or on the Garmin maps. We picked it up from Tracks 4 Africa. Itâ??s run by a senior lady and her husband, on lease from Nam Water. Although they are still in the process of building showers, their rates are super cheap, a little kiosk sells the essentials including firewood and ICE â?? another evil contibutor to my woeâ??s that morning


We took so many pictures of the dam



Our first watercrossing of the trip â?? we had to have a picture of this event


A grave in the middle of no-where left more questions than it gave answers. The baby was only 6 months old in 1933 when itâ??s short life ended. It appeared to have been tended recently


Quoted from a poster on the wall: â?¦we suddenly come across a sign-board with a sad smiley asking: thirsty? It has us wondering. What is it there for? No idea. Then, another Smiley: hungry? Now we are getting interested. Soon there is sign number 3 with a twinkling Smiley: feeling sleepy? Expectations, Excitement. And joy: Smiley number 4 is grinning happily and announces a roadhouse





We had reached Canyon Roadhouse


The restaurant offers home baked meals and the toasted chicken mayo we all ordered was top class. We the events of the previous evening still fresh in our memories and the added discomfort of the cold weather we wisely forestalled the idea of our morning frosty and ordered successive cups of filter instead


There are a few rooms available and a campsite with two ablution blocks caters for travelers like ourselves

The viewpoint to the Fish River Canyon was at Hobas and although our cash was running out we decided to fork out the R 60.00 entrance fee each. The viewsite was 10km away and ignoring the 60km/h speed limit â?? WTF ?? â?? the road was well over 10m wide, we reached it in no time

This is a Namibian gem and pictures just cannot do this place justice. We tried to capture the majestic nature and failed dismally. Bragging with our bikes was the next best thing and soon like directors of a photoshoot company vie-ing for the 1st prize we all lined up our boneyâ??s hoping for that award winning million dollar (Not Namibian) Pulitzer prize photo.





The road from Hobas to Ai Ais, although unsettling due to the unpredictable gusting wind was just another treat added to growing collection of memories on this trip.



Namibia produces opportunity upon opportunity for the most fantastic sights. Aaaah.. the wonders of mass storage��



A sea of Orange approached, some mates on a 2 week journey from Cape Town to the Northern reaches of Namibia, one of them â?? Bandito, a forum member. Being selfless travelers like ourselves, they were only too eager to share the contents of their â??gif kannetjieâ? and had both our groups not had some distance to cover that day (they hoped to reach Bettaâ??s) a right royal party may have ensued.


One thing which is most critical to take note of is the distances on the Namibian maps we used. They are NOT accurate, so do not plan your petrol against them â?? always leave a 50km odd buffer.  The last dirt section to Karasburg was about 20km longer than the map indicated. Although this was the worst error, we found quite a few discrepancies on the route ito distance and deviationsâ?¦â?¦

Leaving the Namibia soil at Ariamsvlei was a non-event and even the SA Police on the RSA side just waved us through. Funacide was concerned that his missing number plate would cause problems, but I doubt if they even noticed.

With the sun setting on the horizon, Fun and Poppi consulted their GPSâ??s looking for lodgings for the night in Upington. They had heard about the â??Eilandâ? resort and were looking for info. I phoned Mrs Plothond and she found us a unit.

Imagine our disgust when the bloody place had no shower. The industrious Funacide was having none of this nonsense and soon, together with the â??solver of all bikers problemsâ? â?? DUCTAPE, he had a shower setup. Our joy was shortlived thoughâ?¦â?¦, there was no water pressure, the water was lukewarm and the friggen pipe leaked like a sieve. Damn this place, all we were looking forward to was a hot shower and now this. We resorted to boiling numerous kettles and ended up rolling around in a few cmâ??s of tepid water in order to get the last few days encrusted dirt off our bodies.


We watched a movie and surprisingly only 1 wizzo each before the sheets started calling

Day 10 â?? 8th June 2008 : Eiland resort to Pretoria
Route: N14 Upington, Kuruman, Vryburg, Ventersdorp, Muldersdrif, Pretoria/JHB
Distance: 843km


Our final day arrived. It would have been great to say it dawned but that would have been a gross misrepresentation of the facts as it was pitch dark and bloody cold.
Just a pity we are good people as the #%&*@*ing neighbours made a noise the previous night and it would have been just great to warm up the twin Air Age pipes at their bedroom window, but silently we pushed the bikes onto the road, started up, and off we were â?? the dawn of a day and the sunset of a journey.


Funacideâ??s rear wheel was rather flat and we slowly made out way to the first filling station about 2km up the road. The wheel was pumped, tanks filled and soon thereafter the glow of Upingtonâ??s streetlights in our mirrors followed our exit of the town

The PAIN started about 15km out of town. It announced itself in the extremities first â?? fingers and toes, then it worked itâ??s way into the hands, up the arms and soon our bodies were contracting in spasm, tears streaming down my face.  We had done 20km. I watched the odometer, at least a 100km had to be done before we were due to stop for a break. With 840km to go for the day, we hoped to be home by 15:00
The odo crept to 30km, damn��. We were freezing, death was close�� At 60km we landed up behind a truck, man that diesel exhaust smoke was warm�� aaaah� relief

By the time we reached 95km, with my left hand tucked into my groin, my general sense of life and the universe around me had ceased to exist. I stuck up a gloved hand with 5 outstretched fingers, the intent quite clear in my mind â?? 5km to go. The others either did not see or could not care, their bodies too, were in an advanced stage of shutdown
â?¦. 100km, I pulled over and just sat there, unable to undo the helmet strap.



Funacide decended on Poppiâ??s bike with religious fervour, stripped off his gloves and placed them on the pods. You could almost see the leather burning but he was not deterred.


The water in the bladder pipes had frozen

At last, at 07:19 the sun peaked over the horizon.


Sishen - iron ore mine (Something for Beemerman  ;D)



It took almost another 90 minutes and two cups of coffee at the Wimpy in Kuruman before life returned as we know it today.

At about 15:00 we pulled into the Sasol at Pineavon in Muldersdrift to say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.
Immediately it became evident that we had entered another world. We had come from a world of calm, peace and no-worries. Here we were, almost shocked by the mayhem, a car shot the intersection in front of us followed by shouts of anger, taxiâ??s were hooting, a truck was belching smoke â?? we were home.

We could not wait to get back to our wives and families, but somehow we all secretly wished we were back in the land of the dusty highways and shifting sands â?? NAMIBIA.



postscript: Thankyou for sharing this with us. We trust you enjoying reading it hopefully as much as we enjoyed the adventure

;D ;D ;D Till we ride again  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Man... re-reading the report with a Jameson in hand makes me want to pack and leave right now to go back again and see the 5000 places we did not get to see...

I think most importantly, I was a bit disappointed with the south of Nam, I could spend 2 weeks in the north and not be tired of it...

Thanks for posting Plottie...

And to both Plottie and Poppi, you guys are awesome and I would ride with you any-day.... Thanks guys the adventure would not have been the same without you...

funacide said:
And to both Plottie and Poppi, you guys are awesome and I would ride with you any-day.... Thanks guys the adventure would not have been the same without you...

The feeling is mutual - an experience of a lifetime
Thanks chaps
Plothond said:
funacide said:
And to both Plottie and Poppi, you guys are awesome and I would ride with you any-day.... Thanks guys the adventure would not have been the same without you...

The feeling is mutual - an experience of a lifetime
Thanks chaps


Awesome guys - thanks a lot.
Now I'm happy and sad at the same time.
O when oh when will that next trip be?
Well done boys  ;D ;D

Nam is definitely an awesome place full of good memories.
You guys had a truly good adventure with plenty of happenings.

Thanks for sharing!  ;D
I am not big on ride reports as some of you know, but this is just flippen awesome, well done guys I had no idea Nam was so beautiful, and is something I have to do, thank-you for bringing it alive for me!!
bmad said:
Well done boys  ;D ;D

Nam is definitely an awesome place full of good memories.
You guys had a truly good adventure with plenty of happenings.

Thanks for sharing!  ;D

You were right about Sesriem. I think due to our split-up that day it was the easiest meeting point. If we had had decent cell contact or were together, I doubt if we would have stayed there. Apparently Fun & Poppi also had to deal with a rude and unfriendly receptionist
OK, having read the whole report I am now even more the MOER IN that I didn't go with, maybe next time... ;D ;D ;D
Great report guys, Nam is REALLY calling now.
PS, you KTM guys, I can help you out with some heated grips...... ;D ;D ;DThat last section out of Upington must have been absolute murder....
yeah it was cold, but even Poppi with heated grips on max kakked bricks... :ricky: :ricky:

Great report, thanks for sharing your trip with us.

Its trip reports like this one that make you want to pack your bike and go ride  :drif:

Plotty well done. If the building thing does not work out, you can always write a book.
Plotties Travels!
I would buy it.