NAMIBIA uber alles - by POPFUNPLOT

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Wow! I am speechless, what a trip!  :hello2:

Absolutely awesome!  :hello2:
Thanks for taking the time to prepare the ride report - inspiring for others - and makes us f#%king jealous ;D
Fantastic report about an AWESOME trip.  :hello2:

Also makes me wanna pack up and go.
I agree with Poppi that Plottie has the ability to write reports that are just mindblowing - Plotties Travels should sell well.

Tnx for a Gr8 ride report
I just have to say....WELL DONE KTM.
The service that Plotty got was absolutly awesome!!
They dropped everything to help him!

If the KTM SA guys gave such service I might consider buying a KTM.......well maybe not....but nicely done anyway.

popipants said:
I just have to say....WELL DONE KTM.
The service that Plotty got was absolutly awesome!!
They dropped everything to help him!

If the KTM SA guys gave such service I might consider buying a KTM.......well maybe not....but nicely done anyway.

They do these days......what colour would you like? Grey, orange or blue/orange? ;D ;D
Adventurer said:
popipants said:
I just have to say....WELL DONE KTM.
The service that Plotty got was absolutly awesome!!
They dropped everything to help him!

If the KTM SA guys gave such service I might consider buying a KTM.......well maybe not....but nicely done anyway.

They do these days......what colour would you like? Grey, orange or blue/orange? ;D ;D

The service wasn't that good!
;D ;D ;D ;D
Moer het ek nou lus vir ry!!  :drif:

The feeling of really being alive when doing such a trip stays with you for the rest of your life.

Really a kick-ass report, thanks  :thumleft: :headbang:
What an adventure - long road travelled and some tales to tell - really enjoyed your report.
Just reading the report that i was involved in brings back the feeling of freedom but DAMN it makes me want to go back....
I bow before you three.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

What a trip and well written, Plottie.  :cool:

Having had the pleasure to ride with you okes before, I can just imagine the cameradrie that was shared.
Thanks for sharing the adventure guys. I can't add much more, but Plottie you got the picture sizes spot on, my dial - up handled them well and photobucket is very fast - a great report.

Nam looks like an absolute blast - but definitely not for the faint hearted! I can only add my voice to the chorus saying "One day - One day!"
great report dié!
  :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

It's reports like these that keeps the hope alive. One day.

Some more random pics would be great
Welldone,nice report.Going to do more or less the same trip later this year.
To Plottie, Fun and Poppi â?? I say a beeg thanks for your ride and report. It refreshes my memories of our ride. We did not do the north, but Sesriem, Ai Ais, Swakop, Solitaireâ?¦.

Helmeringshausen â?? same Table!!

Aaaii!  Thank you, and well done on getting out with dead bike. I needed to read about that â??depthâ? of character and inner reserves, to cope with some of the turdiness of the factory-life, where madness is the norm and people are disposableâ?¦

That was a lovely trip and a very good read.

OK, so you really were in Nam!!!  ;D

(ps... my avatar is of me on the road south from Canon Roadhouse...!)
Carnivore said:
... I needed to read about that “depth” of character and inner reserves, to cope with some of the turdiness of the factory-life, where madness is the norm and people are disposable…

Thankyou all for your comments, and to you Carnivore, I could not agree more

Although we do not need trials and tribulations in the walk of life, it builds strength and character and, hopefully we emerge better and stronger - ready for greater things

I could not agree with MJ more. We need to look back on our life and agree that it was, indeed good
I really appreciate the effort to post the report and here is the best line from it ... (for me ;) )

....the dawn of a day and the sunset of a journey......

Well done and thanks again.
Super report , we try and do Nam every two years but in the 4x4 will have to do it on the TA still.Have stayed in all the camps you did sad to hear that Sesriem has become so expensive takes the fun out of the adventure. Need to go again now  :)
Excellent report plot. It is a beautiful country !!
Exactly the same thing happened to me, i pinched the rear lamda sensor wire with the crash bar bracket, but my FI light flashed to warn me, so managed to catch it before engine cut.
Great trip and photos  :) :)