National Bash 2013

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Orangeswifty said:
Komin said:
Orangeswifty said:
Komin said:
Ek weet ek was nogal redelik dronk die naweek maar ek verbeel my ek het een ou gesien wat 'n ander ou se bier uit sy hand uit gery het.  :peepwall: :pot:

Ek kan ook verkeerd wees.  ;)
Ek reken jy kan oor baie dinge dalk verkeerd wees
Jy was redelik ontoerekeningsvatbaar die naweek.
Jy kan bly wees jy het nie 'n vrou wat foto's gekyk het sou jou dalk die trekpas gegee het :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Spesiaal net vir jou OS  ;D
Gaan haal jou gay kak op iemand anders uit :mad:
dis duidelik jou kop was nog nooit in jou eie gat gedruk nie

Ai Ai  :ricky:


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Looks like a lekker weekend was had. Swifty: - that was a kickass route you had there. Damn sorry I missed it.
Orangeswifty said:
BiG DoM said:
Orangeswifty said:
Just for interest sake we climbed more than 1600 meters from around 700 to 2200 in 2 hours and did the Bastervoet in exactly 60 minutes from bottom to top - felt like 3 hours :BangHead:

Did you take a wrong turn?  ;D
No - do you know where a G spot is? :biggrin:

Ja in my garage  :ricky:
Only arrived home from the bash now
So it started with an early morning wake up on Thursday and a ride to the meeting point at Shell Ultra City Samrand.

Waiting for Firesquirrel (Douw), Phula (Johan) and Myshond (Jan).

Tackle the Freestate and battle the wind. The wind even broke off my license holder.

We hit a fire just after Rouxville and the police had closed down the road. Douw however convinced them to let us trough. This was by far the scariest part of the trip, at times I was sure my tent and sleeping bag would melt. You could see almost nothing in the smoke and there could easily be an obstruction on the road. Meanwhile the fire is jumping the road while we are riding trough as the wind is still pumping. Obviously you are reading this so we clearly survived but next time I won't take the chance.

We made it to Mountain Shadows Hotel where we would meet up with Orange Swifty, Hondsekierrie and Raka. We arrived at 16:00 and the rest at 16:30. Soon after the power went off and was still off when we left the next morning. They do have some great views though and they managed to give us dinner and breakfast without power.

Friday was going to be an easy ride to the bash but we had to search for the correct route and eventually needed to meet up with Jules who explained that we needed to cross the river by ferry before being able to reach the bash site. Some of the scenery on the way was awesome.

At one of our stops a silly tip over ended in a painful injury to Myshond as the footpeg trapped his foot and his footwear was not strong enough to prevent serious injury to his foot. He however gamely caried on and rode his bike down the steep rocky section to the bash site (I just helped on the worst bit). By the next day however it was clear that he was not going to do any more riding, and the rest of us did not much feel like riding anyway as we had all gone fairly large the previous night. The less said about the amount of Captain Morgan consumed on Friday and Saturday the better.

We did not manage an early start on Sunday (and had yet another adventure not to be discussed here), and in the end decided that if we made it to Hole in the Wall and Coffee Bay we would be happy. We stayed at Jah Drums in Coffee Bay in tents, which was great. They made us awsome toasted sandwiches with homemade bread, played good music and provided coke for our rum. We also went across the road to Bomvu where they had a nice bar lady, rum and coke and great bar snacks. Initially I thought Coffee Bay was a dump but it soon won me over with its mellow atmosphere.

Monday and Tuesday was spent on the road and the only real standout was the great accommodation we found just outside Harrismith. After what we had experienced it was great to have a proper hot shower, electricity to charge stuff and really comfortable bed. As a bonus their food was nice and they even had underfloor heating.

All four of us arrived home safely, although Myshond finished the trip in a bakkie (thanks again  Kierrie and Komin for helping out)
Gryshond said:
So it started with an early morning wake up on Thursday and a ride to the meeting point at Shell Ultra City Samrand.

Waiting for Firesquirrel (Douw), Phula (Johan) and Myshond (Jan).

Tackle the Freestate and battle the wind. The wind even broke off my license holder.

We hit a fire just after Rouxville and the police had closed down the road. Douw however convinced them to let us trough. This was by far the scariest part of the trip, at times I was sure my tent and sleeping bag would melt. You could see almost nothing in the smoke and there could easily be an obstruction on the road. Meanwhile the fire is jumping the road while we are riding trough as the wind is still pumping. Obviously you are reading this so we clearly survived but next time I won't take the chance.

We made it to Mountain Shadows Hotel where we would meet up with Orange Swifty, Hondsekierrie and Raka. We arrived at 16:00 and the rest at 16:30. Soon after the power went off and was still off when we left the next morning. They do have some great views though and they managed to give us dinner and breakfast without power.

Friday was going to be an easy ride to the bash but we had to search for the correct route and eventually needed to meet up with Jules who explained that we needed to cross the river by ferry before being able to reach the bash site. Some of the scenery on the way was awesome.

At one of our stops a silly tip over ended in a painful injury to Myshond as the footpeg trapped his foot and his footwear was not strong enough to prevent serious injury to his foot. He however gamely caried on and rode his bike down the steep rocky section to the bash site (I just helped on the worst bit). By the next day however it was clear that he was not going to do any more riding, and the rest of us did not much feel like riding anyway as we had all gone fairly large the previous night. The less said about the amount of Captain Morgan consumed on Friday and Saturday the better.

We did not manage an early start on Sunday (and had yet another adventure not to be discussed here), and in the end decided that if we made it to Hole in the Wall and Coffee Bay we would be happy. We stayed at Jah Drums in Coffee Bay in tents, which was great. They made us awsome toasted sandwiches with homemade bread, played good music and provided coke for our rum. We also went across the road to Bomvu where they had a nice bar lady, rum and coke and great bar snacks. Initially I thought Coffee Bay was a dump but it soon won me over with its mellow atmosphere.

Monday and Tuesday was spent on the road and the only real standout was the great accommodation we found just outside Harrismith. After what we had experienced it was great to have a proper hot shower, electricity to charge stuff and really comfortable bed. As a bonus their food was nice and they even had underfloor heating.

All four of us arrived home safely, although Myshond finished the trip in a bakkie (thanks again  Kierrie and Komin for helping out)
You left out certain details about a roadblock :pot:
Manic said:
Andre E said:
Manic said:
Wie is die ouens wat so wou baklei het?

Ek HOOR maar by ouens wat daar was, manne wou kort kort mekaar net donner?

Ouens wat daar was het gese NOOIT weer nie.

Ek vra maar, ek HOOR so, verder weet ek niks.

Nee fok, ek het seker te veel gesuip want ek het niks van daai episode gesien nie..... ::)

Ek hoor ook een ou het sy 990 02h00 in die oggend opgestart en try stukkend rev BikeSA rally style  :pot:

Nee hel manne, lyk my julle het net naam weggegooi  :peepwall:

Daai KTM was 5m van my tent af.........en dit het elke aand gebeur, meer soos in 03:00  :dousing: Dan le die bogger sy gat en uitslaap tot brunch. Moet se, hy het elke oggend erger as ek gelyk as hy uit daai tent strompel  :deal:
Now I must say I am surprised a PK was not issued. This happened once before at a Bash and there was a lynch mob up in seconds ... only happened one night! Thankfully I was sleeping some distance away at the Fisherman's hut specifically to avoid such potential conflict. It is a pity as the WD bashes while wild in their own way generally avoid this rally mentality d**s eish behaviour.  :3some: 
But then am I just a ballie now?  ::)
While revving the KTM he also tried to blow up an air mattress for his then upset lady friend/wife.......but it was all hot air in the end  :ricky:
Lyk my bashes word nou kinderkransdansies :binkybaby:
:crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2:
Orangeswifty said:
Lyk my bashes word nou kinderkransdansies :binkybaby:
:crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2:

Ek hoop regtig die ouens wat die pype het gaan bietjie rev op die Makekeng bash. Kan maar dwarsdeur die nag ook wees dat dit darem voel mens is by n bike party.  :thumleft:

Orangeswifty said:
Lyk my bashes word nou kinderkransdansies :binkybaby:
:crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2:

Ek is nie my ma se mooiste seun nie en het al die beauty slaap nodig wat ek kan kry :deal:
My RR contribution..

Woke up at 04h00
Met Phula about 1km from my place
Went to Ultra City to meet JC - Gryshond and Jan - Muishond
Had a coffee and hit the tar to Bloem
After Bloem we stopped at what used to be my Gran's Shell Garage ... now sadly a Bottle Store
We hit winds and a fire...


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After the fire we stopped in Aliwal Noord for Capt Morgan
Rode to Mountain Shadows and had a lovely dinner and a few cold ones
Raka helped fix Swifty's GPS
We laughed a lot...


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After a good sleep and breakfast we packed up
We hit Elliot and filled up
I stopped at the spot where we lost the "Arrow from Elliot"
Phula left his cell and had to fetch it wile we partied on down the road
We all met up again later and gave some local kids time to sit on our bikes and just have fun


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We now hit some dirt and followed the GPS that put us 100% accross the river from the bash spot.... WRONG SIDE !!
Here Jan had a kak one when his bike fell over and he hurt hs foot badly
We met up with Jules who told us the route and after some aimless riding we found the pont
We also bumped into Hannes ( donno forum name ) and we crossed the river


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As Jan was having a kak one... JC went back to get him and his sore foot and soon we were sorted again..


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We got to the site and went to pitch tents....

The rest was all just greetings.. seeing old mates and making a few new ones.. a lekker jol !!!

The moon came up and along with the fire made for some nice scenery...


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The party raged and here are few pics from inside the bar...


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