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Pack Dog
Apr 12, 2022
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Honda XR125L
I just re-registered with WD today (after forgetting my log-in details from a few years ago) One of our local (PE) "Dirt Road Junkies" members mentioned the EC Baviaans Bash and I was all ears as I've been through the Baviaans on several bikes over the last 20 years (some of which can be viewed on my super amateurish YouTube channel) Fortunately, I'm retired and my main occupation besides never-ending home maintenance, is motorcycle learner training - to bridge the gap between - from never having ridden a motorcycle, to actually riding one in busy traffic.
My low budget "fleet" consists of a 2013 Puzey Jet 125 scooter, a 2005 Yamaha XTZ125, 2015 Honda XR150, 2010 Zongshen ZSM200, while my (grey import) '97 Honda XL400V TransAlp is used for "mini adventure rides" for new learners needing some experience on a mid-sized bike, before buying their own bigger adventure bikes. I recently bought a 2010 BMW F 800GS from a friend (who has joined me in the Baviaanskloof on more than one ride) in JHB, who was going to "give it away" to a well known car wholesaler.
Not going into any detail re the original condition of the above bikes, some of which are not even registered for road use, as I enjoy refurbishing bikes - I can honestly say that I spent less on buying all the above, including a '81 Suzuki GSX250 Cafe Racer cum Scrambler (that I recently sold) - than the price of a NEW Honda Monkey 125!
I at first never knew which bike to mention for WD registration purposes but went with my super-economical XR150 that I plan to use for the upcoming EC Baviaans Bash.