Newcastle Weekend 1-3 May - Route Planning <<Updated>>

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
Okay – time for me to get off my butt and start plotting and mapping for the Saturday ride for the Newcastle weekend.

I have decided to start a new Fred about route planning, as I have a feeling that the other logistics Fred will start to get full of “who’s going when?” and “What should I take?” banter.

Had a chat to Staalburger, and he is going to try to consolidate the two threads he started into one fred, or just let the one die, but he will keep the first post up to date with attendance, contact, logistics and summary info.

Also, I want this thread in my name as I want to keep the “header post” up to date with the current route info so you don’t have to look far for the newest routes and maps. 

I also hope that that the route info on this thread may be useful for other dogs not going on the weekend.

In putting together some routes I have a few challenges :-

- Where do we ride ?
- How far do we ride?

With regard to the where, I think the major attraction of the Newcastle area is the mountain passes, and the battlefields. Unfortunately we only really have one full riding day, so we have to be a bit selective.

As far as how far, this is tricky as we will have quite a variation in riding speed and butt-hardness in the group.

So my thinking is that I will plan a “out route” of about 280km – mostly gravel – with a planned brunch/fuel stop, and a tar-only trip home. Also, I have planned into the routes a few short cuts that I suggest the slower folk consider, otherwise it will be a long day for them.

I am trying to avoid the situation where the slower riders never get a breather, as every time they catch up, the leaders are rearing to go – not lekka for them. 

On the accompanying map, the yellow route is the “long” option for the speedies, while the red/brown routes are the short-cuts. I have also included the railway road in case someone who has not ridden it may like to take it as an alternative way there or back.

Rough Planning for the “full ride” pack:-

Early up – coffee and rusks – hit the road by 07:30 
170Km to Swinburne (Montrose City) 12ish for brunch for an hour.
Down Middledale -> Up Spionkop to battlefield site and “Kyk Daar!”
Get to Ladysmith mid afternoon, grub, refreshment and cruise home on tar (102Km)

About 375Km for the day – About 210Km gravel

A new GPS route is attached - Tracks have been joined and filtered a bit 




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