Night ride meets SAND MONSTER

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Andy 950

Race Dog
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
OK let me start by saying I have no pics to add to this ride report appart from a bike visiting my garage and the only reason I'm starting it is because no one else is and I'd like to see some of the photo's taken.

Let me also say that unless you have read , then don't waste your time, cause I have just read the most epic ride report ever!!!

This report starts with a very unlikely "planning a ride"

So here we are at 07h00 Sunday morning at the Westcoast village, LITO, Sack, Go Girl, N[]va, Topbox, Jacko and yours truly. As planned we will go on to the sand through the barriers at Builders Warehouse. (I think theyre trying to keep quads out, bikes go through freely).

That area is being developed so there's some daunting thick sand to get through in order to get to the "wilderness" that takes you to the Franklin dumpsite, where we would take the tar to Atlantis. This stretch is thick soft sand which looks suspicously like Phillipi building sand to me. At the detour point, we learnt that Go Girl was stuck in a hole and N[]va was told to go via an easier route with her as he was new to sand and the going was going to get tougher.
So I found out, on the way to the next turn, me being sweeper (slowest) got stuck twice and proved the target fixation theory (with a Port Jackson bush) to be true.
The friendly dogs waited for me to catch my smokers breath and re adjust my gear before we pushed off. SANDY WHOOPS AMONG THE PORT JACKSONS and other invaders. LITO, Jacko and then Topbox pull off, intent on sweeping, I wait for Sack to go and..... WHAM, Topbox hits the deck. He stays down for a while and gets up, but doesn't get going. We wait, still no intent, we go to see what's up, and Topbox is loosing colour. Oh sh!t, he recons he dislocated his sholder. What??????????? OK lets see, take of your jacket, no I can't so with a little help we take it off. Hmmmm not looking good. What now???
Sack takes off to let the rest know, I stay behind for support. LITO comes back and gives TB a ride out, I volunteer to fetch the 650R Whooo haaa (did anyone see that in my eyes I wonder)

We go to Z7 and TB is seriously worried about what SWMBO is going to say. Sack and I go back to salvage the XR, 2 UP ON A GS1200!!!!! going for sandy whoops, we must be NUTS. anyway, we made it and then what I've been waiting for nyam nyam. 4 kicks later and I can hear the Akrapovic agreeing with my methodology here we go. All I can say is its like playing snooker on a full size table (albeit badly) to playing a game of pool. Thanks TB, the ride was a jol!!!!!!!

Since we had a lunch arangement, we tolde LITO and Jacko to continue, now lats see those pics!!!!!!!!

And then this.....



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This is why I'm not working in IT, FFS!!! Thanks for pointing it out!!! BMWPE

1st link =

2nd link =
Well from my side, it starts with Go Girl.

First to arrive on the scene - and on time. Thanks GG! And of course, once again, she was the only woman to pitch up on a bike. Tell you what - she must be an inspiration for others - both men and woman alike!

Next Topbox pitches up and promptly starts to bitch at me for not being at Builders Warehouse. The dom ding doesnt look but 3feet to my right where I am standing where  theres this huge WEST COAST VILLAGE sign, as well as 8feet further along, wheres this 2.5 story high windmill. Clearly he cant read either - as the invite said: WEST COAST VILLAGE, I will be standing next to the windmill.  ::) :p

Andy and Sack pitch up, loud as hell, Jaco is looking uber cool on the 690 (amazing what a bike can do for your image  :D), and then Novia pitches up. Thanks guys for being on time.

I look at Sacks tyres, and hes got smoothies on, but remember his cool avatar of him jumping his bike and I reckon he'll be alright. I was to proven correct on that score.

Tyre pressures are altered, Jacko gives us the results of Topbikes pressure testers (a R20 plastic job was 2nd most accurate), and we gooi through the barriers.

I take the lead, and revel in opening up 3rd gear near WOT. Theres quite a bit of building going on and theres thick ruts and tracks, but speed (and closed eyes) allows one to go through any sand  ;D  I wait for the group to pass to make sure theyre all ok, and I notice GG and Nvia struggling a bit. I backtrack, and theyre on the roll. Awesome! A quick instruction is shouted out about 2nd gear, and there goes him - newbie to sand - doing AOk.

I catch the others doing what? Digging bikes out of sand. Its going to be a long day think I  :D I promptly get stuck myself (man, slow speeds suck in sand), and I double back for GG who is stuck in a hole. I help her right and onto the tar - where she waits for NVIA to join her. Going back... I find myself seeing bikers ready to roll, and NVIA ready to go back and find the way to the railway line and onto Atlantis.

For those who know the area, just before the final "Private Property" sign, theres an escape into the bushes (port jackson overgrown into a canopy). Of course, they are replete with constant differently spaced whoops for a bit of fun  ;D.  It was a bit hot going even though the air was chilly - and soon started to see smoke coming off the riders bodies. Some more than others!  ;) I take off, and wait ahead on a nice flat section in the trees. I hear nothing, so I take helmet off, get camera out, and wait. Taking pics sucks. Jaco comes in a bit:



We shoot the breeze, and wait for an eternity. I knew the guys were having a bit of a tough time, but bliksem. Eventually, Sack arrives, and nearly rides into us!.


He grabs our attention with this move, and tells me that Trevor has hurt himself. F3837! I am not happy. We have just begun our ride, theres a whole lot to do and one man is down. I go back to see the situation while Jacko and Sack remain in front.

I immediately try and crack a joke with Topbox about hurting the Port Jacksons, but I see that hes rather offcolour and unresponsive to my humour  :p This concerns me now - and I see Andy walking around quickly with that look on his face. I know that look - I had just finished two weekends of good accidents (dislocated pelvis on the one, and a concussion and bruising on the other). This flipping makes it a hat trick.  ::)

Turn the bike around, Topbox wants to walk out. I insist he must come on the back of the bike with me. Whats to be scared of  >:D?

Andy takes his tshirt, cuts holes into it with his teeth (Thanks Andy!!!), and magafters a sling for young Trev with cableties. TBox doesnt want the sling of course, it hurts less. But I remind him that when they pop it back in, its going to have to go up anyway!!! Ouch...

He climbs on the back of my SE very reticently - and I look ahead. Soft sand coupled with whoops, for the next two kays. Just perfect for a one armed pillion, and us travelling slow  :p :p Got to keep it perfect and not let the front be tracked into the trees. I manage that somehow, and we dont fall off. After just 3-4 kays of this, my hand starts to cramp and I am trying to keep the bike perfectly smooth with no jerkiness from that 100HP engine, in first gear.

Trev and I are getting on famously now, and hes much happier. He confesses that he was scared of falling off the bike with me, but we do ok. We chat about things, and then Andy and Sack go onto the Zone 7 to leave his bike there, return as pillion with Sack as pilot, and then ride out on the XR650  >:D. Well done guys on making it and for going the extra mile...

Heres a few pics of young Trev and the rest of us before we split ways.



You can see TBox is pulled to the dark side....  >:D


Myself and Jacko take off to meet with GoGirl and NVia at the entrance to Atlantis. They manage to jook their way in with a bribe, and Jacko and I take off for the back door route (that doesnt sound so good does it). We go in there, and suddenly Jacko is having fun. We manage to scout our way (not before my inability has me stuck 2x) and we make it to the entrance point where we meet up with Nvia and GG again. They are on their way out and home!  :eek: Man, suddenly all riding has dissappeared and beers are in full view. Doodles it is, and I felt eina pein'd that we didnt ride more. Oh well next time.

I lead them down to Small Bay for a pic where all I get is chirping from Jacko  ::) but heres at least a momento from the occasion:


We had a super time at Doodles, quaffed a few drinks and sideorders, and went our merry ways. Thanks guys for a good ride nonetheless, it was super seeing Jacko on a bike that suits his size  ;D, and seeing GG/ NVIA battle it out in the sand was great too. Andy and Sack - thanks lads for the help in the caservac, it was a pleasure to ride with yall. Topbox.... now its your turn. It was a silly fall in my opinion and just a bit unlucky. Youre a much better rider than that, and it just goes to show that even a slow speed fall can result in some pain (as KTM Bigger would say). Now for some real attgatt ouboet, and next time we ride further and quicker. Heal up soon!
Trevor, my mate, WTF?

Carefull out there, heal soon, we have the Canola run soon!
Uiltjie said:
Trevor, my mate, WTF?

Carefull out there, heal soon, we have the Canola run soon!

Is die canola al in die grond?  >:D

Looks like all had fun, light(er) bikes does the trick.
Lucky i saw GG on the way to the meeting point as i would not have found it at all. More to do with my not knowing the West coast that well. While Lito and GG yadayaded i went 100m further to top up. There was Andy950, N[]va and Sack also filling up.

Going past Builders Warehouse, we would normally shoot straight across the sand to the train tracks. The train tracks that lead either to the quarry or Atlantis.
We instead cut left, soft and rutted with whoops , exhausting but fun.
no pics  :mad:
After agreeing to meet GG and N[]va later we continued.
Sorry Debs, i encouraged you on Saturday at Yamaha to join in. I assumed we were going straight across the sand to the train tracks.

No probs in the sand. :thumleft: Stefan also handling his 1200 like an absolute ace. At the end of the sand we regrouped. After a short break we turned into the bushes. Within 20m boom, i believe i clipped a tree which threw me forward and sideways. I took it all square on the shoulder and not on the whole side. If you see the trees pics above it was a totally unnecesary no concentration accident, if i went down it should have been in the soft sand earlier.

I felt the knock, but within 5min i was pale and wanted to puke.
Still not sure about the damage i was considering riding on, till i tested my shoulder. i could feel something give and it didnt fell good.

I just wanted to start walking. But then the Dogs kicked in and everything happened around me. Stefan (Sack) notified the others ahead. Andy was sorting my gear out. Lito soon arrived.
Andy tore a new Nike shirt, to make a sling and learnt the rain dance to come collect the bike.
Lito lifted me out on the 950SE :eek: to Zone 7. Halfway through after the whoop section with slim chance of going down again i started feeling better.
Thanks George, 2up seated soft sand whoops, as smooth as. 8)
Then Sack and Andy went back to retrieve my bike. Andy later returned to Zone 7 with a trailer to collect my bike. In the meantime Janine picked me up and took me to hospital.
My sincerest gratitude to Andy950, Stefan(Sack), Lito(George) and Jacko.
you guys were fantastic ! Sorry for stuffing up the ride.

Shoulder separation or AC joint. Acromio-clavicular joint
Treatment: a sling and lots of rest.

below is the left-good and right -not so good

This pic shows the problem clearly, then its easy to spot in the other pics




man... you double suck. Only because you went to the cheese festival without telling us about it beforehand. Did you know those hot numbers were going to be there? va va voom!  :eek:

Really glad youre good mate. Your colour was the colour of beige when I arrived. Not a good colour to be.  :-\

Didya get the spanking you were afraid of? I wanna see pictures of that!  >:D

ps: what is a shoulder seperation really? I aint too medical, but I can see theres something very wrong with that XRay....

So heal up - I wanna see that XR fly under your hands through the whoops - sommer on the back wheel only  ;D

was great fun :D

can honestly say I learned a great deal about digging bikes out of sand, and have decided a 950 is just to heavy  :-\

If I were you I'd get well soon Topbox. Who knows what Andy950 is getting up to with your bike >:D. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that cheese is very good for the acromioclavicular joint. ;D Looking forward to riding with you all again soon.
SACK said:
acromioclavicular joint.

That sounds far too much like an,, akra.........  Damn, its on the tip of my tongue! ;D
Andy 950 said:
I volunteer to fetch the 650R Whooo haaa (did anyone see that in my eyes I wonder)

Thanks TB, the ride was a jol!!!!!!!

Andy, glad you enjoyed it. On Saturday i fitted a new X-Ring and super lo ratio sprockets just for you.  ;)
topbox said:
Andy 950 said:
I volunteer to fetch the 650R Whooo haaa (did anyone see that in my eyes I wonder)

Thanks TB, the ride was a jol!!!!!!!

Andy, glad you enjoyed it. On Saturday i fitted a new X-Ring and super lo ratio sprockets just for you.  ;)

Hmmmm I felt it........ I wants one yessss I do....

Looked at the medical site, and compared with the X-rays, it looks like that tendon is torn right off :eek: :eek: :eek: Thank God I didn't try to get your sholder back into joint!!!!

12 weeks healing time :eek:, I can think of some very fun things to do on a 650 R for the next 12 weeks he he he >:D >:D.

Anyway speedy recovery man!!!


Let me know when you guys are going to Atlantis via tar again, the 950 (unlike the 650 :eek:) is not built for sandy whoops. Just ask GoGirl ;D

Andy 950 said:

Let me know when you guys are going to Atlantis via tar again, the 950 (unlike the 650 :eek:) is not built for fat boops. Just ask me. ;D

fikshed  ;D
Guys, thanks for a kief ride. The KTM690 really made the sand piss-easy. I kind of feel like a cheater.  :p

Andy, Sack and Lito, you guys are good okes to have around. Everyone did their bit (although I probably did the least... what happens on the ride, mos stays on the ride  ;D)

Andy, now I realise why you wanted to go and get Topbox's bike... you evil nutsack.  >:D

Col. GoGirl, you really deserve our respect. Maximum. Aiiiii.

A few sessions like this and we're gonna do the Dakar, no problems.

The next challenge will be doing Atlantis on the HP2. Yum-yum.

Topbox, judging by your excellent perv pics of the cheese fest, I guess you're well on your way to recovery. Evil, ja!
Heck guys WTF? Every weekend someone seems to fall, and get hurt.  Trevor hope you get well soon. Now someone needs to plan a run for all the fallen WD. If I count correct in C.T. we have XT660 (Andy) 2 falls = broken foot and brused body. Tock-tokie = 1 fall broken coller bone, 2 broken ribs. Topboox (Trevor) dislocated sholder. And I know you all ride well. Guys please take it easy out there.


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