OK, so now I need a Helmet I guess.......Advise please

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petri oosthuizen

Grumpy Mutt
WD Vendor
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 600 Z
I need a helmet.

That open face scooter helmet is nice and all that, but I just dont think I'd be enjoying a 100km/h fall with it.

I've looked at a couple, but ja. Fitted an XL size, daai ding druk my wange bo-oor my ooglede.

I'd also like a flip up helmet, I smoke, and would like to flip up and such a Camel now and then.

1) Which helmets are nice for my use.......flip up, comfy fit, for gravel riding with a Tenere/1150?

2) I dont like a road only helmet.

3) What size,,,,,,,,,?? Like I said, that XL size druk my wange by die helmet uit. Or do I measure my head??

4) Can one order online, or buy one here, or is it just too "risky" iro size and fit??

5) A tight fitting helmet - how much will that "wear in" over time??
