Old men starting trial riding ? ? ?

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Grey Hound
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
In a Straightjacket.
About ten days ago I posted a thread on UKGSER and Advrider asking the question below.
The threads have run a while with loads of input and info.

Please do add your own views and experiences.

This is what I posted originally:

Thinking is never a good thing when it comes to bikes.

But I have been thinking more than I maybe should.

I was 48 in January, been riding since age 14 (which is not a redeeming feature at all)
Always wanted to just play "foot ups" but never had a dedicated bike, closest I came was an IT250 with a YZ racing kit fitted, and playing in a forest and on the farm.

How costly is it to "play" in this part of motorcycling.

I mean, average price, so average bike (advice on what to avoid will help)
How many meetings cater for this sort of riding, I am in Kent.

Any other advice , piss taking etc gratefully received.

Video of the sort of stuff that set my mind thinking.



Had a great day today......

Left home to go to Bromley and Beckenham to meet a mate for lunch and to buy some South African style Beef sausage "Boerwors",went to Morrissons about 7 miles away to fill the 1200GS only to find my wallet was at home once at the till (don't ask) they let me go off to fetch the wallet and go pay :D

While at Morrissons Lebowski called to say he was going to his lockup to polish his bike :bow they really are clean.
Would I be interested in popping down there ?
With my lunch date etc kinda messed up it took about 3 seconds to change plans and to run the 40 miles down to Whitstable to meet up with him and then pop to his secret lair.

Once there he pulled the Scorpa 250 out the garage, looking very clean and tidy, did I mention all his toys are spotless?

He started it up and did a couple of very tight figure 8's and some good stop and pauses.

Next up he offered me the bike, just to feel what a trials bike feels like under you (thats 6' and 18.5 stone or 1.83m and about 114kg) As I have never touched one let alone ride it, I allowed him to force me onto it :D:D:D

I have to say, it is a very different bike to a 1200GS with panniers and extra tat attached.

I must have spent 15-20 minutes on it and LOVED IT !!!

Took a pic to text to Nicola to see if her tune has changed from LA LA LA LA LA ! !  which is her way of saying not now dear. (well, she did not even reply) Though when I got home tonight I showed her the pics Jon had taken on my mobile, and she did ask whether a trials bike would be financed from the sale of some of the tut parked up in the garage.

Of course I agreed that she was absolutely on track there.

Freezing cold, a t-shirt and half a twat suit and me does make the bike look very small.

Am I hooked ?

In a word : YES.
