On Any Sunday

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Race Dog
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure S
Due to my, shall we say, geographical mobility, I found myself in position to see the new OAS film last week.

If you don't know what On Any Sunday is - well, what are you doing riding bikes? They're looking for you at embroidery class, you poser!!

OK....now we're on the same page.....I saw the original when it first came to SA, in early 1972. I was a snothead st.2 lightie that year, and the film was the big buzz at school among the boys.....it first showed in America around September 1971, and the excitement precededit to SA. My parents were pretty strongly anti-motorcycle, and tried to deflate my enthusiasm by first ignoring demands to take us to see it, then
offering me what
they thought would be an irresistible bribe - I could either have a birthday party (my 10th) or go see the movie...not both.

HA. They clearly had lost control of their sprog....instant decision, so us four kids, me being the oldest and biggest (lengthwise, back then you seldom saw fatty boom-ba kids) were bundled into mum's newly acquired VW beetle and off we went to Baragwanath drive-in. My 2nd brother and I battled over who got to sit in the dickey seat in the back, of course I won, but I seem to remember we both rode back there  :biggrin:

Needless to say, as with so many of my generation, that film made an enormous impression on me. I still watch it from time to time, and sill get that same feeling. It's THE iconic motorcycle film even though it's 43 years old.

Back in the late 70's, I think it was, OAS 2 was made. It wasn't the same, still good to watch, but for some reason just not as impressive.

Roll forward to early November 2014. The new one was released on the 7th November, and I was reminded of it a few days later, so dashed off to the nearest theatre to see it. It's a limited release, so only select placeswill show it.

As it turned out, it was a private screening...FOR ME. Not another soul in the house. As it should be, dammit :lol8:

Before my exclusive review....I was dreading a repeat of "From Dust to Glory" which, apart from the racing footage, was basically a kakpraat and cock-measuring contest between various racers and hangers-on. Yanks LOVE to talk SHITE....and that film was just that, too much head-and-shoulders interviews and not enough racing. So I was hoping this would NOT be like that....Dana Brown, the son of Bruce,who made the original OAS (and the two brilliant surfer movies, Endless summer 1 and 2) also made this one, so I was a bit ambivalent.

Well.....I really liked it. There is a big SA connection in it, never heard the oke's name but quite the man -not in MX or offroad though. There's a little bit of Hollywood BS, much less than Steve McQueen's part in the original....and THANKFULLY, not nearly as much splabbing as in FDTG.....just like the original OAS, the film cannot, and doesn't cover every aspect of motorcycling, understandably. For instance, this one has no hillclimb in it.

The cinematography is stunning, as can be expected withtoday's technology. The opening scene is hilarious....you have to watch closely from the first scene, cause it happens quickly. 'Nuff said  :imaposer:

I'm not a very contemplative type, but spent some time thinking about this film after I watched it.....while I was smiling when I walked out, it just wasn't as hugely thrilling as the original was. But then, with today's thrill-seeking society happening LIVE on the interwebs, f**kbook, twatter and all the other instant-gratification portals, it's understandable. Back in 1971, backflip on a  dirtbike was as fantastical as a metre-square spaceship landing on a meteorite.....

When I controlled for factors such as the above, I realized that the new OAS is a very good film, probably as good as the original. I tried to think about it as a wide-eyed ten-year old, not a jaded, experienced rider and raconteur who has seen too much and heard too much kakpraat  :eek7:......and it worked!

Good film....go see it at first opportunity  :headbang:

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