Overberg Saterdag

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Dankie Dual, mooi foudies van 'n mooi wêreld.  En ek stem, dit is lekker om te lewe!!
Ons het Vrydag daai paaie in die reen gery. Heeltyd speeltyd!  >:D Modder en nog mals modder... TKC80’s het n paar keer soos slicks gevoel heel verspot man!
Mooi Dual! Lyk my daai swart KLR raak ook nooit vuil nie.  ;D
As usual Dual....nice RR with really GR8 photos :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: Thanks a lot for sharing your ride & day out, with us all.
As always Dual, great pictures.  :thumleft:
die Overberg bly een van my favourite dagtrip bestemmings, en lyk my mens leer elke keer iets nuuts vanuit jou ride reports  :thumleft:
It is a real shame that they are tarring that Hemel  and Aarde road. Have not been to Moggs for a while, lekker spot for lunch.
Dual, great photos as always, thanks for taking the time to post and share.

Also that klr looks so nice and clean always...  :thumleft:

Inspiration for riding this is